A nutrient-rich diet does not always end up being low in calories, but this is where our friendly tub of yogurt comes in!Low in calories and high in protein, both plain and Greek yogurt are everyone’s favorite. Although, this calcium-rich food can often be made in such a way that the health benefits are lost.There are many companies that produce and sell yogurt, but the best option to help you not burn a hole in your pocket while getting more nutrition in each serving would be to make some at home. Often sweet, yogurt contains a lot of carbohydrates. Even though people are often wary of this nutrient, low-glycemic carbohydrate is actually great for your body, since it helps in weight management.While we are definitely fond of yogurt and definitely want you to try some of this magical food, make sure that you are not lactose-intolerant and don’t have a whey or casein allergy before trying yogurt out. Keep reading for more facts.If you enjoyed reading this article, why not also check out split peas nutritional facts and squid nutritional facts here at Kidadl!Yogurt RevolutionWhile you may have heard of yogurt and even indulged in it, did you know that an actual revolutionary war is named after it? The Serbian anti-bureaucratic revolution is often referred to as the Yogurt Revolution since there was a part of the protests when the protestors threw yogurt at the parliament!Regular and Greek yogurt has been a constant in many households for several years. This is because this milk-based food is great for your body and internal organs. One of the fun facts about yogurt is that it contains nearly all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that a human being needs on a daily basis. However, as is the case with all things good, the consumption of yogurt must be kept in control. While consuming yogurt within the daily values can be great for your health, overeating can cause many adverse effects. Hence, make sure that you pay special attention to the serving size that you are choosing before deciding to indulge in some nice yogurts. The yogurt that you choose for yourself should also be chosen on the basis of the number of calories and nutrients that you want to consume. In the present day, yogurt has gained such popularity that there are several companies that mass-produce yogurt. However, studies have shown that in order to make their product tastier, they add some additives which can do you more harm than good. It is therefore always best to make sure that you read the nutrition labels before investing in a tub of yogurt.Digestive BenefitsYogurt is basically a milk product. It is formed when bacteria react with the lactose in the milk and form lactic acid. The lactic acid makes the milk curdle and form the texture that we know yogurt by. Its byproduct is liquid whey.The bacteria present in yogurt are gut-friendly and help in the digestive processes. There are several studies that show that the dietary fiber and bacteria in yogurt can help in relieving inflammation. The consumption of yogurt is also recommended to people who suffer from Irregular Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Studies show that consumption of this high-protein food can help in reducing bloating and discomfort within weeks!Foods that contain dietary fiber are excellent for your body since they keep your gut happy. Yogurt might look like it does not contain any fiber but it sure does!Immunity BoostPlain yogurt has many nutrients such as vitamin B12, folic acid, riboflavin, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, saturated fat, monounsaturated fatty acid, calcium, and sodium, although it is very low in sodium. The traces of magnesium, selenium, and zinc found in yogurt can be linked with a higher capacity to ward off illnesses such as the common cold.There are many nutrients in yogurt which make it an excellent source of health and wellbeing. If you choose low-fat, unsweetened yogurt, one cup can give you around 0.35 oz (10 g) of protein. Proteins are great for maintaining muscle mass and strength. While unchecked eating can cause weight gain due to the saturated fat, having yogurt in regulated amounts has actually shown signs of weight loss. This is because a person who has a protein-rich diet is likely to stop overeating. A protein-rich diet will make you feel fuller and hence, make you skip a few calories at dinner. Hence, many dieticians recommend yogurt as a snack.If you are worried about your calcium intake, having some whole milk yogurt may help. Whole milk yogurt has more fat (between 4-5%) and calories than fat-free yogurt, but there are some nutritional benefits that can be gained. Furthermore, yogurt is known to be linked with the production of good cholesterol or HDL. If you want to maintain good heart health, the production of HDL cholesterol may prove to be key.Even though some people are of the opinion that saturated fats are bad for us, consuming a low-calorie diet or a meal that is properly balanced with yogurt and nuts would hardly cause any trouble. In fact, feel free to use a recipe including honey, yogurt, strawberries, or any other fruits as a dessert or mid-day snack!The total fat content varies according to the type of yogurt that you choose and also its calorie index. Whole milk yogurt has more total fat than skimmed milk yogurt. Low-fat alternatives are often loaded with sugar and hence, make sure to read the label so that you can get more nutrients for fewer calories.Good BacteriaIn addition to carbohydrates, protein, potassium, and fat, yogurt also contains ‘good bacteria’.Although it may sound a little weird, there is such a thing as good bacteria. Yogurt is basically made when skimmed or whole milk is curdled through a reaction by such bacteria. Home-made yogurt is such a food item that has the bacteria in abundance and helps in maintaining gut health. This probiotic milk product is not only low in calories and high in protein, but also aids in the proper functioning of the digestive system, and thereby can provide relief in cases such as Irregular Bowel Syndrome.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for yogurt nutrition facts then why not take a look at star fruit nutritional facts, or sugarcane nutrition facts.

A nutrient-rich diet does not always end up being low in calories, but this is where our friendly tub of yogurt comes in!