Writing is great art and people write because there is something in writing that takes out the creativity in us.Perhaps the reason why we write is it builds our discipline. Writing makes a person smarter in the real world and writing makes us think.Creative writing makes a person more mature in life. Writing gives us a sense of achievement and helps us in life. It gives a sense of accomplishment and allows us to vent our emotions. The process of writing shows positivity in a person’s life, people write for themselves or they write for someone else as in autobiography, biography. Writing lets the thoughts out of the writer’s mind and creative writing allows us to write in the real world scenario. Many people began to write from high school onwards because it is a God-gifted skill. Some people write stories, some articles, some write for a newspaper, some write novels, some people write the post, some people write the story, and many writers have made a career out of this as well. There are so many categories in writing and for each writing, a target audience is there. The readers of famous writers do not count how many pages there are, else the writer’s audience will not get the required motivation to read. A reader waits for his or her favorite writer’s book to get published and what characters are to be found in the book. A reader develops a kind of connection with every word written on the paper of their favorite writer. And also purchases and waits in the hope of a release of a new book. Writing is also a great time pass for many. You can grow mentally by passing time, what more can we want!You can also read more such articles on why do pipes burst and why do your ears pop.What are the reasons that we write?Writing is something that comes from inside of a person and is a key skill. Creative writing is primarily the basis to judge one’s work, learning, and intellect in the world. There are many reasons why we write.Stories written in a seamless form for students with simple words are more understandable by students than a story written in the form of difficult words. We see different ideas in writing, be it fiction or truth, writers create this work of art by themselves. Writing improves vocabulary, communication skills, thinking skills of the writer with words flowing out of his mind. It also makes a writer think of the ideas. Whether it is fiction or a post or a story, the process is the same and it expresses the thinking skills of a writer. Writing creates our ability to explain a story or a high school textbook and it refines our ideas to others and makes a writer keep going in its craft. Writing is also good as it is a skill to communicate with others. Writing is a key to writers who depend upon writing for livelihood as it is a craft very few people excel in. Writers are human also and some forms of writing may not be suitable for society. Writers also release their stress by writing. One may not have a friend but the diary a person keeps could save every true moment of their lives by the comments written in it forever. Sometimes a pen and a diary are the best friends in one’s life and nobody can discover or understand this because it is a private thing. It is the emotions that are written in one’s diary which can never be released in search of a publisher. Some people even keep notepads with them in the hope that he/she will not forget it because of basic human nature to forget. Writing every day benefits office staff and professionals also and not only just writers. It improves your memory, builds vocabulary, and defines one’s communication skills. We should not forget that writing in itself is a very relaxing exercise in today’s world where lives are busy and stressed. Writing also teaches how to explore new worlds, it is a craft not many people can be adept in as they could not discover the free and forward seamlessness onto which writing is built. Some people like to write posts, some novels, some high school books. What all you need is just a pen and paper to write. Comments made by critics are also very important and they also earn money by reading a book, a novel, a paper, a post, an article. Some writers post their writings for free on the web, thereby making readers realize the importance of writing and it becomes a habit. There can be several reasons to develop writing as a routine. Some common reasons are to entertain, inform, persuade, express feelings, explore any new idea. Getting to know the target audience of your writing is like a big search is over now!What are the benefits of writing?Writing benefits are more than we thought. It clears our minds and decision-making becomes easier. We can express ourselves with a sense of truth and create a process where only truthfulness and motivation play a bigger part.Writing helps to deal with the stress of a writer or person and it also helps a reader who reads every page to be stress-free. It creates an environment that sets in a process for a person who is feeling stress to explore and answer the inner thought process. Writing clarifies our options to take action on what a writer wrote. The stories a writer wrote for students help expand our thoughts and words which helps create ideas and express the truth in the writing. Writing helps us to expand our thoughts and form connections between ideas a student can express. Writing helps to see the relationship between abstract concepts and solve complex problems. When we write it allows us to develop some emotional, intellectual, and physiological benefits which cannot be explained in words, and when students read, any fiction, course material, stories, or high school syllabus, they start to actually communicate with their thoughts. The feelings of joy and happiness can be experienced with writing. Writing, as a habit, if developed, can do wonders with your personality and can improve your relationships with the community you live in, the college, and your workplace. We can foster and even refine our ideas through writing. Sometimes, people don’t pay much attention to what they write or how they write, until they know the value of writing. For some, including writing in daily life, it is a routine just like shopping, making notes, typing messages, cooking, work, cleaning, and many more. There are many professional writers who write their own journals and personal short stories. Many prolific writers practice every day and sometimes also release their works. These writings also help readers of a particular community to develop. The writers who take writing as their career also not only just write about literature, but also they develop a thought process to accurately analyze various world events, government actions, and policies made. There are many benefits that automatically come out of a regularity that a certain writer has in its writing. With regular practice, unprofessional writers also develop monetary benefits.How to write creatively?When creative writers write any form of literature, they can sometimes be identified by their characters. Their way of storytelling can emphasise real-life characters which connect them to the world through the stories they write, e.g J.K. Rowling has developed characters by her own after struggling and then venting out through a very creative way. When beginners start to write they are told to write on a particular topic to make them understand why do we write. Imagination and character build-up are essential in the writings and writers try to give life to their characters through their stories and help us in understanding their creativity, as we, the readers are someone else who needs a proper understanding. Creatively written words always get the reader to hook to the book and allow us to read the book at the earliest. If a writer creates a character and it becomes world famous like Harry Potter, then creativity it becomes iconic. Writing creatively is not a one-day task that you can achieve by practicing for a day. It is a gradual yet beautiful journey through which you need to go to develop and enhance your creative thinking skills. You need to feel what your write rather than just pointing it down on a piece of paper.Why is writing important?Writing is essentially a typical job skill. The moment we start writing and move forward in the hope that there are reasons and opportunities to write as it may become a money earning source in the future. When the idea and word combine, they post a beautiful outcome or story.One’s writing is judged by one’s work, his/her life background, the knowledge he/she poses, and the kind of stories written so that students and a reader who plays an essential part to create the target audience can get hooked to characters, the ideas, and creative sense. Very good skills are required to process the writing else the audience may not like a storybook. Intellect and a sense to explore, are very important and the characters become life-like in the story. Writing can also foster our ability to create, enhance and refine our ideas to others and to ourselves. Writing is like a discipline builder in the life of a person. As we all know that we have two sides of the brain, and to write efficiently, we need both of these sides to work in sync. The right brain side is very creative and the left brain side is quite analytical in nature. For a magnificent work of creative writing, you need to have both minds in alignment. Whatever you want to write on a page, your right brain can help to visualize that. To give your content a logical sense, you use the left side of the brain. Often students have many fears in their minds from childhood, which actually hinders lots of processes and creativity. Writing these fears down gives you an overall view of what actually is the fear and how much exaggerated your mind made them. By writing, things actually come in real life because we can see what we feel, and most of the time, after writing, we think that why we were even afraid of that thing! If that sounded fun to you, you can try that! There is a concept called ‘cement ideas’, which means that thoughts can become more logical and workable if written down at the moment. This practice is among all the big businesses and start-ups.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for why do we write, then why not take a look at why do we fast or why do people dance?

Writing is great art and people write because there is something in writing that takes out the creativity in us.