Our teeth are the most precious ornament our mouth has and we should always maintain their health.It is better to see a dentist if you face any oral health issues like cavities. However the falling out of milk teeth is not an oral health issue to begin with.Ever thought about this question that why do we lose our baby teeth? Is it because we have cavities in those teeth or is there a different reason behind it. As humans, we grow two sets of teeth. The first set is the milk teeth and the second set is the permanent set or adult teeth. Typically, there are no big differences in them as both sets have the same role and help in forming speech and help in crushing food. Then why do we grow two sets of them and why do we lose the first set? In this very article, we shall be discussing this question. So keep reading!If you like reading such interesting facts then why not read our facts on why do we stretch and why do we see different phases of the moon.Why do we have baby teeth and permanent teeth?Baby teeth or primary teeth are small in size when compared to the set of permanent teeth. The development of baby teeth in children has various reasons. They are not there just to make the baby look cute. One of the biggest duties of baby teeth or milk teeth is to help children chew their food.We, humans, grow two sets of teeth in our lifetime. The first set is baby teeth, also known as primary teeth, and the second set is adult teeth, also known as permanent teeth. Teething in babies typically happens six months after being born. A human skull grows gradually and children’s skulls are smaller than that of adults. Adult teeth which are bigger in size won’t fit into the jaw of a baby, so smaller baby teeth grow. According to dentistry, these baby teeth help kids to speak in a proper way. They also help when eating.Why do we have baby teeth as child?What is the reason behind the growth of baby teeth when we know they will eventually fall out? Baby teeth or milk teeth have various duties and the most important duty is to help the child in eating their food. Research also says that the deciduous teeth set grows in order to keep space for permanent teeth.Ever thought about why small teeth grow inside the mouth of babies? Human anatomy is full of surprises and this is one of those. Mammals like humans are diphyodonts in nature. This means we grow two sets of teeth in our whole lifetime. The actual function of baby teeth is no different than the function of permanent or adult teeth. A healthy milk teeth set provides babies with a dazzling smile. These teeth also help kids when they learn to speak. Milk teeth also play the role of a demo teeth set and hold the place for adult teeth that are yet to be formed For those who don’t know, teeth form in the jaw and are placed in the gums. If their baby teeth don’t grow, then it will take a lot of time for the adult teeth to come to the surface. Baby teeth in the gums don’t allow for any bony formation in our jaw which helps the adult teeth to grow quickly.Why do we have less baby teeth?Baby teeth are the first teeth set that grows in a child’s mouth. According to dentists and specialists, each baby tooth is the smaller version of the later growing permanent tooth. They grow on our jaws to book space for the permanent version which will grow later on.Baby teeth are small in size and sometimes less in number. They eventually fall out with time. Humans are mammals that are diphyodonts, meaning we grow two sets of teeth in our lifetime depending on the requirement. Our skull development is gradual and so is our teeth development. As a child, our skull stays small in size and cannot accommodate enough space in our jaws for all adult teeth. This means the teeth that form are fewer in number and smaller in size to adjust in the space. Inside an adult’s mouth, it is crowded with 32 teeth. Clearly, the mouth of a child can never accommodate that many teeth. What if these milk teeth never fell out? As we have said, milk teeth are smaller in size. If they stayed intact, there would be big gaps found between every second tooth. These gaps would destroy our pretty smile.Why do we have to pull out baby teeth?Baby teeth play a lead role in a child’s oral activities. Baby teeth in a child’s mouth help them to chew their food. A child’s development of speech happens under the guidance of baby teeth. There are so many duties assigned to each baby tooth.To begin with, you have to pull out your baby teeth if your dentist says that you have an oral infection like cavities or some other kind of tooth decay. If your teeth are properly looked after, there is no need to forcefully pull them out. If they are forcefully pulled out by a dentist, it will only decrease your oral health. With time, milk teeth automatically fall out. First, we have to understand this teething change. Milk teeth start growing when we are very young and start shredding around the age of eight. The child loses its teeth during this age and this mainly starts from the incisors, followed by the canines, and then premolars and molars. They don’t permanently fall out but get replaced with their bigger and stronger counterparts. The third molars, are also known as wisdom teeth, only grow and erupt once, typically after puberty. The eruption of wisdom teeth is known to hurt and cause pain.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for why do we have baby teeth? 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Our teeth are the most precious ornament our mouth has and we should always maintain their health.