Turtles are animals who live a long life getting wiser.Why do these shelled animals walk so slow? Why do they put their head inside their shell whenever they encounter any dangerous situation?These wonderful slow-moving animals have made scientists wonder about their lifespan and longevity, surviving many decades. These magnificent creatures belong to the reptile species called Testudines, which includes the family of turtles, tortoises, and terrapins. Research has shown that the lifespan of turtles and tortoises are very long, dating back their life to millions of years behind.Like every animal has their special identification element, turtles and tortoises are identified by their unique shell bodies. Even though they are popular for having the ability to get themself safe inside their shells, most sea turtles cannot retract into their shells like any other normal turtle. But research has shown that sea turtles can hold on to their breath for five hours underwater. Another cool fact about sea turtles is they can detect the Earth’s magnetic field, making them have excellent direction senses.To know more fun facts, you can read related articles on why do sloths move so slow and how often do snakes eat.How long do wild turtles normally live?The longevity of wild turtle species is known to be for more than 30 years.Wild turtles who live in harsh conditions are not always conducive to breeding. For them, it is their long life span that provides them the opportunity to procreate. The long-lived one, the Galapagos giant tortoise, follows a strictly vegetarian lifestyle, enabling them to live for centuries.Even if a young turtle or tortoise survives till its adulthood, it would likely live for more than two to three decades. The wild American box turtles are known to survive more than 30 years. And the wild sea turtles, which normally take 40-50 years to mature, surely live at least 60-70 years.Can turtles live a long time, like for 300 years? Well, not every turtle species can survive that long, like 300 years. But certain ones have shaken the science world, proving to live more than their capacity. The giant turtle known for being the longest-lived reptile proves that turtles can live up to 300 years. The giant shelled buddies of the Galapagos Islands and Seychelles show classic examples to the science world proving their 300-year long life which perfectly goes with their 500-1000 lb (2268-4535.9 kg) weight. It has all been connected to their extremely slow metabolisms and slow movements, stretching their life stages, taking more time to grow. The turtles in the wild are likely to live longer due to their extreme survival capabilities. Having a hard shell on their body surely pays off for the wild turtles to protect themselves from predators and other dangers.What is the secret of long life in different kinds of turtles?As the longest surviving creatures of the reptile family, turtles and tortoises are known for their longevity. Even though scientists cannot find very much about their long life span, it is linked to their slow-motion life. Also, their immortal phenomenon of negligible senescence keeps them immune from aging.Even if they are found in wild regions, these negligibly senescent animals have 1-2% death rates once they have passed their 70s. This phenomenon allows them to live a life that easily spans over 150 years. Sea turtles live a long life as there is less danger to their extinctions down underwater. They are safer and more comfortable down there with their slow lifestyles.Giant tortoises have very slow metabolisms, which saves them from burning less energy. Also, the gradual growing process just like birds and mammals is another secret of their long life. Evolutionary advantages aiding them for effective reproduction can also be seen as a reason for turtles’ long life. Healthy lifestyles and protective shells are surely some of the reasons for their long life.Do turtles die of old age?All animals eventually grow old and die. Death is inevitable. The same is true with turtles and tortoises too. For living species, the main three reasons for death are injury, disease, and old age, also called senescence. But select animals like tortoises and turtles show a phenomenon called negligible senescence. It means it can immune itself from aging.With this ability, turtles could hold the secret to immortality. But still, as the rule of the world, what is born has to die at a time. So turtles do die of old age, which in their case, is an age past 100 years at the minimum. Sometimes pet or captive turtles die due to improper and unattended care. Not being fed properly can starve them to death. Also, certain diseases can cause death too. However, old age is the most common and natural reason for turtles’ and tortoises’ death.Why do turtles and tortoises live so long?For the question as to why tortoises live such a long life as compared to humans, there are no hard facts that explain why turtles and tortoises have survived this long. However, a few theories explaining their slow metabolisms and natural healthy lifestyles make them the longest-lived animals on this planet. In the case of domestic turtles and their life spans, it is all about how much care these animals have been given by humans. Even if their slowness prevents them from being runners, it sure is a boon to them which makes them stay healthy and alive in the long run. These slow metabolisms are the reason why they have a chance to survive in harsh conditions. The long lives of these tortoises can also be connected to their evolutionary advantages by staying alive all these decades, aiding in effective reproduction. Following a strict vegetarian diet, tortoises and turtles live stress-free lives. This calm and healthy way of living makes them age very slowly and thus they are known as long-lived. Moreover, they have very few predators allowing them to slowly move around without any worries and lead extremely long lifespans.How long do turtles in captivity live?One of the examples of long lifespans of turtles and tortoises in captivity is the Galapagos tortoises. A captive Galapagos tortoise named Harriet lived for at least 175 years. The giant tortoises from Galapagos Islands and Aldabra have had more than 60 years in zoos.A few reports by scientists about the longevity of tortoises in captivity have shown that some individual tortoises tend to live for 100-250 years. But to live such a long life, an extremely protective nurturing environment is important and must be provided to these tortoises and turtles. An example of a long-living, 189-year-old giant tortoise in captivity is Jonathan. Residing on St. Helena, Jonathan is famous as the world’s oldest known terrestrial animal. And he has lived this long due to the care humans have been giving him since the 1880s. As per reports, turtles in captivity like Red-eared sliders, map turtles, and painted turtles are the species known to live for 25-35 years. The Greek tortoise and leopard tortoise can live for 100 plus years.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for why do turtles live so long then why not take a look at why do whales breach, or golden coin turtle facts?

Turtles are animals who live a long life getting wiser.