If you have been on a golf course, you must have heard golfers shouting ‘fore’ after a hit.It is always exciting watching golfers like Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Jon Rahm, and Rory McIlroy play golf. Practice and focus make them some of the best golfers in the world.Golf is a game of concentration, stance, and competitiveness. It is always exciting watching the sport, seeing golfers play on scenic courses, usually having the perfect aim in the direction of the holes. Off go the golf balls, soaring in the sky before touching the ground again. But how many times have you heard golfers yelling ‘fore’ in golf matches? What is the meaning of the word ‘fore’?‘Fore’ is actually a warning call given by a golfer to make other golfers aware that a golf ball may be headed towards them due to an errant shot. This will make bystanders or other golfers move out of the way and prevent them from getting injured. ‘Fore’ is used to ensure the safety of anyone who may be in the way of the ball’s descending trajectory. It is an important etiquette to inform others about missed shots. Keep reading to know more about the reason behind yelling ‘fore’!If you are struck with amazement by reading this article, you may also be interested in reading other fun articles on topics such as why golf balls have dimples and why your ears pop!What does ‘fore’ mean in golf?Golf is often called a ‘gentleman’s game’. There is a lot more to the game than we observe. A lot of etiquette is to be followed to ensure a dignified, competitive game. One such rule being followed is the usage of the term ‘fore’ as a warning call. But what is the meaning of this term?According to the dictionary, the term ‘fore’ translates to ‘situated/placed towards the front (or the front portion) of something’. Thus, this term is a shorter version of warning someone to ‘watch out’ for a missed shot. This etiquette is one of the most important ones to be followed by amateur players. By yelling ‘fore’, you are helping out the others on the course by making them aware of an errant shot. Thus, everyone can focus on the direction in which the ball is hit and can clear out of the way.What is the history of the term ‘fore’ in golf?Next time you go to a golf course, you know what you need to do if you hear someone yelling ‘fore’. But where did this word come from, and how was it put into use? There are three possible theories explaining this. Let us walk through each of them.The first theory goes like this. Golf balls have always been expensive. In the earlier days, a ‘forecaddie’ was employed by a golfer to stand far away and fetch the balls that would land around the course. This would reduce the number of balls being lost. The same practice is followed in professional tournaments even today. Hence, a golfer would yell ‘forecaddie’ to draw the attention of the caddies and inform them about the incoming ball. ‘Forecaddie’ later got shortened to ‘fore’.Another potentially possible theory related to the origin of this word comes from the early 17th or 18th-century, according to the claims of the United States Golf Association. This story states that, during the history of military battles, when artillery batteries were used, they would be required to shoot over the heads of the military officials in front of them. Hence, they would shout ‘fore’ to warn the officials before them to lower their heads.The third possible theory is rarely accepted. It comes from the centuries-old story of John Knox of Leith, who was described as a ‘hell-fire’ protestant reformer. He would tell the tale of a person approaching the east gate of Leith. He would yell to his fellows guarding the Leith Gate, ‘Ware Before!’, to warn them of incoming enemies. Thus, ‘Beware Before’ was shortened to ‘Ware Before’, and hence may have been changed to ‘fore’ over time.What should you do when someone yells ‘fore’?It is always fun to watch a golf game. You may be a forecaddie or a member of the audience, but the fun is felt throughout the crowd. So, what must be done if you hear someone shout the term ‘fore’? Should you wait for further announcements or put your reflexes into action?Well, protect yourself! Whenever most people hear ‘fore’ being yelled, they will immediately take cover or cover their heads to protect themselves from any incoming golf balls. Even though you may feel you are safe, it is always good to take precautions. A golf ball flying at full speed is known to break the windshields of cars and injure the faces of many people who are not careful. Hence, beware of any flying ball and protect your heads or simply duck and cover your face because the golfers have been responsible enough to warn you about their missed shots.What are the other terms used in golf?We now know the origin and the meaning of the term ‘fore’, but have you wondered if this is the only term being used in a fair play? Do golfers shout other words as well when they play? Let us go through a few funny terms related to the game of golf.Par is the most commonly heard term in a game of golf. Par refers to the total number of hits within which a golfer is expected to complete the game on one hole on the golf course.Birdie is used to refer to a score of one less than the total hits, i.e. one under the par value.Eagle and albatross are a follow-up, referring to a score of two and a score of three under par, respectively. Albatross is sometimes also referred to as a ‘double eagle’.Bogey is the opposite of birdie, meaning a score of one over the par value. The double-bogey and triple-bogey correspond to a score of two and a score of three over par, respectively.You have scored an ‘ace’ if you bagged the hole in a single hit.An explosion shot refers to a special technique used by golfers to hit the ball right out of a sand trap.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our article about why golfers yell fore, then why not take a look at our articles on why cells divide or why leaves fall?

If you have been on a golf course, you must have heard golfers shouting ‘fore’ after a hit.