If you live near a forest, you have probably heard a high-pitched scream during the night.These sounds can disturb your sleep and even scare you when you live in an urban area. Such sounds are often made by none other than a fox, typically a red fox.Foxes are known to make various kinds of noises. It is simply in their nature. However, the infamous screams are often made around breeding season. Although both male and female foxes make the screams, female foxes are more likely to make them, specifically the vixen fox. These screams are made between rival foxes in search of territory and as a warning to competitors. Another reason someone may hear screaming is because female foxes are often known to make these noises at a time of mating. This noisy screaming can last up to 20 minutes when foxes are locked together at a mating site. To some people, this sound can be painful, while others may consider this noise a ‘fox’s love song.’ Apart from this, there are various reasons why foxes scream, such as feeling threatened, as a sign of warning, or because they are being aggressive. Read on to see what these nocturnal wild animals are like!If you enjoy this article, then why not read why do dogs cough and why do dogs drag their butts next.Why do foxes scream at each other?Foxes are well-known for their similar appearance to dogs. Some people say they look like one another. Their ears and faces are sharp and pointed, and they have lightly-built bodies. Female foxes are often slightly smaller than male foxes. They are around 48-57 in (121-144 cm) long and weigh 8-12 lbs (3.4-5.4 kg). While there are many common color variations, a young fox tends to be red. Foxes of this species are generally spotted at night but may still be seen during the day. They are omnivorous creatures and don’t let any food-specific habits bother them. These animals are usually seen on their own and rarely share food with other animals.Members of this species generally scream at each other because they like the sound of their voices. Screaming is a fox’s way of communicating with other foxes close to them. You can usually hear these sounds at night, as they are more active and hunt at that time. However, it is normal to hear a fox’s screams during the day as well. The screeching sound of a fox screaming may seem terrifying, but it’s usually nothing to worry about. It is their way of calling other foxes or claiming territory as their own so other foxes will back off. These noisy animals also commonly scream when they are trying to mate. Male foxes are more likely to scream or bark to claim territory, while females scream when they are trying to lure a male fox to mate or when mating. Male and female foxes scream repeatedly during mating and may sometimes do so for more than 20 minutes.Why do red foxes scream at night?Red foxes and gray foxes are often confused with each other. They can be differentiated by their size and the structure of their faces. A gray fox’s face is slightly rounder and is a little smaller in size than a red fox. One distinguishing feature of a red fox is its fluffy, white-tipped tail, which is two ft (70 cm) tall and three ft (91 cm) long. These animals can be found in areas with lots of nature as well as urban regions of the world.Red foxes scream at night for many reasons. They scream at intervals of 3-10 seconds. The sound of their scream is very similar to a woman wailing. A red fox screaming could be a sign of fear. They are either shocked or frightened if something or someone, likely a predator, is lurking around. Coyotes or wolves are common predators of the fox. Some people hunt red foxes because they consider them to be troublesome. Members of this species are also hunted around the world for their coats. Apart from screaming, red foxes are also known for barking. It is done in a truly canine fashion. Barking is a huge part of red foxes’ reproduction. When females scream, implying that they are available for mating, male foxes reciprocate by barking. This can lead to a fight between male red foxes when it comes to getting access to mates.Why do foxes scream when they find a mate?Foxes are well known for screaming when they are trying to find a mate or mating. While both genders scream, a female fox, also called a vixen, is bound to scream more during mating. January is said to be mating season for foxes. So, they are generally noisy at that time, and you can often hear their screams in the wild. However, after January is over, they are mostly silent for the rest of the year.A scream usually comes from a female fox, which lets male foxes in the area know that she is ready to mate. A male fox responds by barking. Once they have found a suitable mate, both foxes make screaming sounds while mating. The scream of a fox sounds very similar to a human scream, so, when someone hears it, they may assume that a human is in trouble. Since foxes are more active at night, these screams can be heard later in the day, which might cause disturbances. Two foxes screaming while mating is their way of showing love for one another. Their screams are usually nothing to be worried about though and are harmless, because it is how foxes normally converse with one another.Why do foxes touch each other and scream?Like we discussed above, foxes usually touch each other when they are mating. During this process, they are known to scream. This is typically done by a female fox, also known as a vixen. They scream to let others know they are ready to mate or even during the process of mating.Screaming is also a way that foxes communicate with each other. Along with this, foxes scream to secure their territory from other foxes. This is mostly done by male foxes. Female foxes are more bound to scream during mating. Although this is done by both male and female foxes, a female fox has higher-pitched screams. After January, the mating season has passed, so foxes are more silent. Apart from screaming, foxes also bark to communicate or to signal that they are ready to mate. Foxes have strong scent glands that can help them to know another fox by smell. Foxes can easily communicate with each other and choose if they would want to mate or not. So, when foxes touch each other and proceed with the process of mating, they tend to both scream simultaneously.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for why do foxes scream then why not take a look at why do dogs dig, or hoary fox facts.

If you live near a forest, you have probably heard a high-pitched scream during the night.