There are a few behaviors in dogs that can drive their owners crazy.Whether it is grabbing food off the dinner table or violently shaking stuffed animals, dogs have strange behaviors. One such behavior is spinning around in circles, which dogs do when they are excited or anxious.You might have noticed that dogs spin in circles when they are excited and before lying down. Some dogs start spinning in circles when their owner enters the room after coming back from vacation or work, and that is the dog’s way of showing how happy it is. They prance up and down, letting out happy yelps and spinning quickly with excitement. This may make you feel special, so enjoy it for as long as it lasts. But is this the only reason why a dog spins in circles?Let’s keep reading the article to learn more! Find out more about dogs with why do dogs cough and why do dogs drag their butts.Is it normal for a dog to spin in circles?The answer to this question is yes. For many dogs, it is a ritual to circle around a place before pooping or lying down. Watching your pet circle around and chase its tail is very cute and may give you a good laugh. Circling around is normal, and dogs usually do it for a reason. Before dogs were domesticated, they lived in nature. They were wild and slept, ate, and hunted in packs. The act of spinning around is their way of securing the area and taking a good look at their surroundings before sleeping. Though most domestic dogs live in a safe and controlled environment, this protective trait remains.Since dogs still have their ancestral traits, they practice the 360-degree movements of circling to leave their scent behind and sniff for predators. They check for safety before sitting down in a secure place. Dogs also engage in circling before their pooping time. Doing this helps kickstart their bowel movements. Apart from this, dogs are also known to spin in circles before nap time. By circling, they are letting out an aromatic scent to other dogs that this particular bed they are lying on belongs to them. This is yet another trait that dogs have acquired from their ancestors. Dogs may circle and paw the bed before taking their long-awaited nap. This behavior comes from when their ancestors would paw and circle leaves and twigs to create the perfect field area for sleeping. They make this area in the shape of a bowl that fits their bodies perfectly, making it hard for any potential predators to spot them.What should you do when your dog spins in circles?Apart from their protective instincts, dogs usually circle when they are excited about something, whether it is their owner arriving home, a favorite meal, or possibly a game of fetch. Though the behavior of spinning around in circles could be a daily occurrence, it doesn’t make it normal. While there are particular reasons why pets do this behavior, an owner should be concerned if this behavior is turning compulsive.Compulsion behavior is said to be an abnormal response to stimulation that is considered normal. The behavior is regarded as consistent, repetitive, and containing no purpose. It occurs many times throughout the day, lasts for a few minutes, and seems to be out of control. It might start off as a canine feeling two different feelings and lead to them being confused and spinning around in circles chasing their tails. When you start noticing this behavior in your puppy, it may be time to take a visit to the vet and get to the bottom of this. Apart from speaking to a veterinarian, you can also consult with an animal behavior specialist to help break this habit of your dog.Why do dogs spin in circles before they lay down?Research points toward the theory that dogs spin in circles before lying down to make themselves comfortable. Circling is their way of making a nest for themselves. Their ancestral traits make them inspect grass for leaves and twigs that could be uncomfortable for them. These pet animals also make themselves comfortable by covering their face with their tail while sleeping.Apart from this, dogs also spin in circles before lying down at night to stake their claim. It is their way of saying that this part of the couch or bed is their territory. It is yet another trait where they let other dogs know that this spot is taken. Wild dogs used to make a visible mark in a circled area to express this. These pet animals also spin in circles before lying down to protect their pack. Wild dogs sleep in packs and tight circles because that helps them protect each other and share body heat. This also helps them act together if any danger occurs. Some dogs also spin before they poop to ensure that there aren’t any predators or dangers around when they are vulnerable.What does it mean when your dog spins in circles?We have explored various reasons so far about why dogs spin in circles: securing the area, following a ritual, making themselves comfortable, protecting their pack, before they poop, and being excited to get their favorite food. Along with spinning in circles, dogs also chase their tails quite frequently. This may seem like a weird behavior, but these animals see their tail as a chew toy or a way of discovering their bodies.There can also be a medical explanation for this behavior. These behaviors are the dog’s way of letting out excitement. When our fluffy canine friends are happy, these pets can’t contain it and start spinning around in circles in a compulsive manner. The dog is feeling so many emotions that it doesn’t know whether it should lick you, wag its tail or jump on you, so it will start running around in circles to contain that excitement. Dogs usually do this after they haven’t seen you in a while, and it is their way of showing how much they missed you.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for why do dogs spin in circles then why not take a look at why do dogs dig or purrrfect facts about the Ragamuffin cat kids will love?

There are a few behaviors in dogs that can drive their owners crazy.