When you own a pet, each and every movement of your pet is a cause of concern.You saw your dog scratching its ear and thought’ how cute’. Curiosity arises when you notice that it’s not just random behavior but what does it mean?It’s normal to see your pet dog scratch and bite themselves. Is the itchy skin due to mites or fleas? Is it a cause of concern? Should you be worried about such behavior? Dogs like to play around and have fun. Any object that comes to their notice becomes a toy to play with. The furniture, curtains, and even hot utensils are all playthings for them. The amount of curiosity these furry little animals have is fascinating. Since it is obvious that for them anything they come in contact with is worth playing with and will be manipulated by your pet dog, does it come as a surprise for you that they have a hobby of scratching and biting themselves? Their own body becomes the biggest playground for them. Although sometimes, they are not just doing it for fun. Your dog must be bothered by something too. The key is to differentiate between the actions they do while they are relaxed from when they are bothered. Otherwise, it is recommended to seek a medical opinion from experts to identify the cause of their behavior.A dog owner may find many instances where their pet is seen scratching and biting themselves. It may be because they just have itchy skin. But it could be more than that. Is it normal for your dog to scratch? Are they just being entertaining or is something bothering them? Dog owners might visit the vet due to their dogs’ compulsive scratching and biting. They start scratching their ears, then their body. As outside observers, we find it difficult to watch them scratch and bite their itchy skin. Then imagine how annoyed your dog must be at that moment. We human beings also scratch ourselves when something is bothering us. It is the same scenario with your dog’s scratching too. Although sometimes they scratch themselves out of pure boredom. It becomes an activity to engage themselves in.  Before you come to the conclusion that your dog is scratching itself out of boredom or maybe due to a new bed, it is important to be aware of the other factors that cause the scratching and biting.To find out more about dogs, you may also take a look at why do dogs cough and why do dogs drag their butts article.Is it normal for a dog to scratch? A dog scratching their ear is a common behavior. They may be allergic or simply be bored. It can also be due to dry skin or infection. You don’t need to panic if you find your dog scratching itself suddenly. Similar to humans scratching, dogs could also be scratching themselves because something is itchy. Most of the time it is an action that only lasts for a few seconds. If your dog resumes the activities they were in after the scratching episode, there is no need to give it any more attention. If your pet dog is lying uncomfortably or scratching itself, it shouldn’t be a cause of concern unless this behavior is done aggressively and continuously even during the night. Dogs scratch themselves when they are allergic, almost similar to human beings. When humans come in contact with something that they are allergic to, the body reacts in some way. Similarly, for dogs, itching and biting is a form of reaction towards something that they are allergic to. The dog might suffer from an allergy that can be caused either through food, hair, or the environment they are exposed to. You need to ensure that the food your pet consumes does not cause an allergic reaction. Maintain a pure atmosphere around your pet dog. Make sure that the air is clean and free from any pollution. Sometimes the environment is what causes your dog to react in such a way. Dogs can experience skin irritation when they come in contact with certain soaps or pesticides. The products used on your pet should be free from harmful chemicals. Dry skin also leads to excessive itching in dogs, even during the night. When the skin becomes dry due to cold weather or some other factors, it causes dogs to scratch themselves. Hormonal imbalances can also result in dogs scratching themselves.  If there are any nutritional deficiencies in your dog, it can be seen outside through itching and biting. Poor nutrition can result in dry skin. Vitamins like A and E play an important role in maintaining healthy skin. Deficiency of such nutrition can result in dry skin in dogs. Sometimes the scratching is caused due to fleas, mites, or other parasites residing in their body. Since it’s hard to se parasites through the naked eye, it becomes difficult to remove them. But the most interesting reason as to why dogs scratch themselves is that they are simply bored or anxious. If they are lonely and need attention, they might start scratching and biting themselves in order to attract the attention of the owner. Since pet dogs are mostly indoors, the area for them to play is limited and this increases their boredom too. Anxiety in dogs also causes them to display such behavior. This anxiety can be a result of something irritating their body or it can be due to external factors. Your dog also loves being scratched by you, especially if it’s somewhere that they can’t reach.What to do when your dog is scratching compulsively? Did you know, when lying idle in the house, dogs suffer from anxiety and might try to dig a hole in the carpet?If you find your pet dog scratching and biting itself compulsively, it is important to determine the root cause of it. As stated before, if the scratching lasts only for a few seconds and if afterward, your dog seems to be not so bothered by it, there is no need for an extra precaution. But if it happens suddenly and does not stop, you might need to do something. If your dog seems too bothered with scratching so much that they have a hard time doing the things that they normally do, then there is a high chance that your pet is suffering from something. Scratching and biting themselves is their way of communicating this message to the owners. Since the various reasons for dog scratching are explained, it is best to consider and evaluate all these reasons and come to a conclusion.If your dog starts to develop a hot spot, that is, a wet, red, irritated area caused by constant scratching, they need to be taken to a vet immediately to get treated. In other cases, examine whether the food that is given to dogs is what causes this compulsive scratching and try switching their food. The scratching can also be due to the climate being warm so make sure that your pet is properly heated and kept comfortable. Avoid self-medicating your pet. It is best to see a doctor first and confirm the cause of compulsive itching. After the proper diagnosis, we can treat the dog accordingly. Yeast infections, bacterial infections can all be reasons for your dog scratching themselves.  Your pet doctor can give proper guidance on how to treat scratching and biting. It is also good to take precautions from such infections in the future by taking necessary steps to maintain the hygiene of your dog through regular checkups. Make sure not to miss out on your dog’s checkups and vaccinations. Sometimes your dog scratches themselves before going to bed. This is not alarming. It is a way of grooming themselves to get ready for bed.How to treat your dog’s itching and scratching? If your dog’s seen licking, itching, chewing, and scratching, one of the first things to do is give them a nice bath with mild shampoo to get rid of any parasites like a tick or a flea that might be in their body resulting in the itch. The next thing to do is make sure that your dog is not allergic to any food. If the dog food contains anything that doesn’t agree with your dog, the body will react to it in the form of an itch. Make sure the dog food they chew on is free from any harmful ingredients. The final step is going to the vet. The vet will analyze the cause behind the problem and suggest suitable remedies. If the scratching and biting still don’t stop, you could consider giving them medications prescribed by a vet.A nice bath with shampoo will get rid of any bugs or other small creatures like flea bothering them. There are plenty of medical shampoos available in the market for your pet to take care of fleas. These products make sure that your dog is free from any irritation caused by the fleas without using too many chemicals. It is important to note that using harsh products can increase irritations in your pet. While you’re at it, make sure the products that you use on your dog are not the real reason for the scratching and biting. It’s possible that the products don’t agree with the dog’s skin. It could dry up the moisture in the skin making it dry. Dry skin can also cause irritations in your furry pet. Check if the products are animal friendly. If the cause of your dog scratching, licking, chewing and biting themselves is food allergies, then following a strict diet will prevent this behavior. Although it may take a while to identify which food is causing irritation, it will eventually ease the irritation experienced by your dog. Your veterinarian can enlighten you with effective treatment and also prevention methods to stop such a situation in the future.What does it mean when your dog scratches?Guesses aside, scratching at bed can be an effect of their evolution from wild animals. This behavior used to be an integral aspect of helping wild dogs stay comfortable and warm in their wildlife. As we’ve discussed, a dog’s scratching could be due to various reasons including allergies or anxiety. Examine the dog’s skin and make sure it’s not dry. If it’s dry, find out the cause for it. Go through the ingredients in the food they’ve eaten and other products they use. See if the climate is what the dog’s being bothered by. It is also best to ensure that they’re not bored. The scratching and biting themselves might be a trick to draw attention. The answer to why your dog scratches themselves can be evaluated based on such close examination.It’s not always the case that your dog loves to scratch themselves, sometimes it’s a way to bring relief to the irritation that puppies feel due to food allergies. Aside, something that they can’t control is bothering them. In situations like this, we need to make sure that our dog’s healthy and free from anything harmful. It is okay for a dog to scratch himself, but excess of it could lead to your dog being prone to infections. It is best to discourage such behavior in them. As we say, too much of anything is dangerous. Start with going to a vet, giving them a warm and cozy bath, and giving them prevention medication. It is important to engage with your dog and prevent them from being bored. When puppies are bored, scratching and biting will begin. It is best not to let it begin rather than worrying about it after it starts.Whatever measurements are suggested by the doctor, it needs to be taken seriously. Make sure that your dog is playing well and having fun rather than sitting here and there scratching themselves.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for why do dogs scratch, then why not take a look at why do dogs dig or Purrrfect Facts About The Ragamuffin Cat Kids Will Love?

When you own a pet, each and every movement of your pet is a cause of concern.