Humans have share a bond with dogs and it can be traced back at least 15,000 years when a dog was found buried with two humans.Also, these animals have been labeled as ‘man’s best friend’ for centuries. We have a fond relationship with several breeds of dogs that make excellent and obedient companions.A huge number of people instinctively understand most of the things about a dog’s body language and generally understand when their pet is frightened, happy, or angry. Unlike most mammals, dogs can’t speak but express their message verbally or non-verbally. Also, humans and dogs share a special bond and we are known for understanding the body language of a canine. By now, you must be thinking that facial expressions, body movements, and postures are the key things to understand what’s going in the mind of the dog. There are three aspects that should be used together to interpret the body language of a dog; these are ear position, facial expression, and tail wagging and position.We all know that interpreting your dog’s emotions may be quite hard and so, wouldn’t it be exciting if we tell you why dogs put their ears back? The puppy can put its ears back for numerous reasons. We all must have been aware that if a dog’s ears are slightly loose and back, the puppy must be signifying its friendliness. During this time, the dog feels relaxed, excited and maintains only a mild degree of attention to its environment or surroundings. The dog doesn’t feel threatened at all. Qualities such as a relaxed tail and a slightly open relaxed mouth can also be observed.It can be also said that the dog may be feeling submissive, anxious, or aggressive if the dog’s ears are moderately back or flattened against its head. Also, they may be listening to what their owners have to say. In rare cases, a dog may be holding its ears back because of an ear infection. The animal generally guards its ear against further injury.Let’s read more fun facts on ‘why do dogs put their ears back?’ and if you find this article interesting, don’t forget to check out other exciting articles on why do dogs lick each other and why do dogs like belly rubs on Kidadl.What does it mean when dogs put their ears back?You may have been frustrated when wanting to know what your dog is trying to tell and tried every possible measure to understand the meaning of their behavior.Dogs generally communicate in different kinds of sounds and noises, and the primary method to decipher the body language is by looking at those dog ears. These expressive creatures use their whole body to convey messages and one of them is ears. They also rely on their ears to alert humans. Dogs put their ears back when playing, dogs put their ears back when happy, when nervous, and many more times.Is it normal for dogs to put their ears back?Don’t get anxious or stressed out when you find your dog put its ears back when you pet it, it is totally normal. The ears of a dog generally explain the state of mind of your pet.The dog’s ears would remain in a relaxed position when your dog is stress-free and calm. Unlike humans, a dog primarily uses its ears to show its emotions and feelings. The dog would become aroused when the ears move forward suggesting something is interesting around the puppy. Fearful dogs are known for tucking tails, flattening ears, and avoiding direct eye contact. When someone approaches, they try to retreat.What are dogs feeling when they put their ears back?Reading the behavioral cues of your dog can sometimes be intuitive; most owners generally understand a play bow and also recognizes that a dog is scared or uncomfortable when the tail is tightly plucked between the legs.Sometimes it gets quite hard to interpret what your dog is up to. Also, the animal generally changes the position of its ears based on emotions. Unlike humans, their sense of hearing is very accurate, and even in a silent environment, these animals hear all sorts of sounds and frequencies that go unnoticed by humans.We all may have been aware that if ears are slightly loose and back, the puppy may have been signifying its friendliness. During this time, the dog feels relaxed, excited and maintains only a mild degree of attention to its environment or surroundings. The dog doesn’t feel threatened at all. Qualities such as a relaxed tail and a slightly open relaxed mouth can also be observed.When the dog’s ears are moderately back and partially flattened against their head, this signifies anxiety. This might be affected by something in the immediate environment, generally, that can’t be felt. In such a situation the dog feels fearful and helpless but can attack someone in desperation.The dog is very aggressive when stiff ears are observed flattened against its head. During this time, the dog feels the urge to defend itself aggressively. It is always advised not to approach such situations in the wrong way as it could lead the dog to lash out against the object or person it feels is scaring it. In such a situation your dog avoids eye contact and can be a sign that the pup is about to bite. Also, with proper training, this issue can be resolved.Rarely, a dog may be holding its ears back because of a nasty case of an ear infection. As the infection is quite painful, the dog generally guards it to prevent further injuries. Ear infections primarily occur when your dog scratches an itchy ear too hard. This breaks the blood vessel inside the flap of the ear. The ear pinna gets filled with blood and appears in a puffy and pillowy shape.How To Judge A Dog’s Body LanguageYou may have mimicked your dog voice among your friends and family or thought why dogs only whoof, don’t they have other sounds to make? Why don’t they change their tone while they get angry and why don’t they laugh like humans? These questions may have been in your head for so long.In the next few minutes, you will find out that canine language is not only about ‘woofs’ and ‘ruffs’. Dogs generally communicate in different kinds of sounds and noises but body language plays a crucial role which also helps us to understand them. If you want to know what a wagging tail means or why your furry ball cuddles you when you come home, we have got you some amazing facts and answers.Numerous owners instinctively understand most of the things about a dog’s body language and generally understand when their pet is frightened, happy, or angry. Unlike most mammals, dogs are considered quite expressive, be it verbally or non-verbally. Also, humans and dogs share a special bond and we are known for understanding the body language of a canine. By now, you may be wondering that facial expressions, body movements, and postures are the key things to understand what’s going in the mind of the dog. There are three aspects that should be used together to interpret the body language of a dog; these are ear position, facial expression, and tail movement and position.A dog generally signals its intentions and emotions by communicating with its whole body, but essentially, the tail and ears are used to understand what the dog thinks or wants to say. Dogs possess different types of tails, some have big, some have curly, while some also have fluffy tails. Breeds such as Borzoi and Irish Wolfhounds generally hold their tails between their legs and won’t express their apprehension by tucked tails. It is very important to consider the context, character of the dog, and breed to understand the tail gesture.Also, to properly judge the behavior of the dog, signals of other dogs need to be considered as well. A smile can be a sign of submission, a happy dog face, or a display of aggression. No one knows what they are actually trying to tell until you find them with other dogs. There are several signs but the most common signs are mentioned below.When a dog yawns and the skin is pulled back, it means it is feeling stressed out or wants to reduce the level of excitement. A dog generally averts its eyes when it is polite and submissive. Having lived for centuries with humans, the animal has learned that a stare doesn’t always mean a challenge. When a pup gazes at a particular thing, it might be a sign of anxiety. Also, when your dog opens its mouth while you are eating, the pet is sending the signal that means ‘it is better to feed me next time’. Dogs also put their paw on you out of affection.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘why do dogs put their ears back’, then why not take a look at why do dogs paw at you or Belgian Sheepdog facts.

Humans have share a bond with dogs and it can be traced back at least 15,000 years when a dog was found buried with two humans.