A dog licking its own feet and its owner’s feet is a rather common thing.If a dog is indeed licking the feet of its owners compulsively, it may signal an underlying health problem. However, licking an owner’s feet is mostly done to show affection.When dogs lick their owner’s feet, it may be as sign of affection or other slightly disgusting reasons. Dogs like the taste of salt on a human’s feet. Also, they are attracted to slightly gross things, so they may be licking feet that are dirty or possibly have fungus. Dogs licking their own feet a lot may signal health problems like parasites, anxiety, sadness, allergies, and dermatitis. Either way, a dog that licks too much should be taken to the veterinarian soon.If you enjoyed this article, why not also read about why do dogs cough or why do dogs drag their butts here on Kidadl.Why do dogs lick their feet?Dogs are often seen licking their own feet. This may have several reasons. The common reasons for a dog licking paws include skin problems, food allergies, dermatitis, parasites, anxiety, pain, and boredom.Occasional licking can be a part of the dog’s grooming process as well, often seen after it comes back inside after playing in the sand or dirt. Although, frequent licking can signal something that there is wrong with the dog. Once the veterinarian and you have positively ruled out the health and medical problems, boredom and anxiety are the logical conclusions. To combat boredom, you could have your dog participate in more runs, walks, and playtime with humans as well as other dogs. Puzzle toys and chew toys can stop the excessive licking of its paws too. If anxiety is the issue, specifically noises and separation anxiety, you can try an animal behaviorist.In most cases, a dog licking its own paws could be an act indicative of a health issue that may be harmful. A dog owner shouldn’t wait very long to identify the problem by visiting the veterinary doctor. If going to the vet is avoided, the moisture from the licking habit may cause a secondary infection, yeast, or bacterial and may lead to an increased amount of swelling, itching, redness, and further licking.Why do dogs lick human feet?There are several reasons as to why a dog is licking the feet of their humans including showing love and affection, feeling stress or anxiety, or because they like the taste of salt.The main reason many dogs may lick their human owners’ feet and toes are to convey love, affection, and submissiveness. They accept the humans as their owner and friend and dogs don’t mind this fact and welcome it. Dogs accept that they are below you in the social pecking order when they lick your feet. A scientific study has found that it was normal for dogs to lick other dogs to foster social bonds. So when dogs lick humans, they are essentially grooming you with affection to communicate their love. It may also be because they want you to join them in some activity to meet physiological needs. Licking feet and toes also release the feel-good hormone oxytocin in dogs.Your feet may also be licked by a dog to gather information in their mouth and nose. Humans release sweat through the feet’s sweat glands and a dog likes the salty taste and can also gather info about you like your mood and the people you’ve been in contact with. Yet another reason for dogs licking human feet is to alleviate stress and anxiety. Licking feels soothing to dogs and it releases endorphins in their bodies. They may also be trying to make you feel good about yourself. And finally, the dog may be licking human feet to get a reaction from its owner. If the dog gets a positive reaction from licking your feet, it is likely to do it again to make you feel good. You should be careful of this becoming a compulsive habit and address it with a vet.Why do dogs lick their owner’s feet?Dogs lick their owner’s feet to convey affection, love, to get them to play with them, or accept their position as a loyal pet.Dogs are not built emotionally like humans. Their way of communication and showing love and other behaviors is actually dependent on their breeds as well. Dogs love licking themselves, humans, and other dogs and animals. When the dog licks feet, there is actually a significance attached to it. Primarily it is to portray honor, respect, and love. They accept the role of being your pet and licking your feet is a way to communicate that. As mentioned before, they also try to gather information about the mood you’re in or they want your attention to engage in an activity like walking or playing. They also like how their owner’s feet may taste and they may also try to lift your mood if you are down. However, if the dog licks its owner’s feet extensively, it should be taken to consult a veterinary doctor.What does it mean when a dog licks your feet?A dog licking your feet can mean various things and some of them can be quite disturbing.Dogs are always hungry, always looking to chew on something. It may have passed your dog’s mind that your feet look like salty, flesh, pieces of meat. If you have feet that are hard and calloused, to a dog it looks like there is a rawhide, chewy piece. However dogs don’t bite, because, at the end of the day, a dog isn’t going to mess like that with its owner. Dogs do the only thing they can do, and that is to lick the owner’s feet since this is as far as they can go.Every owner at one point in time has had a dog lick its feet. It feels like a foot bath sometimes and is very ticklish. Also, dogs are drawn to things that are gross. They are known for rummaging around in garbage, mud, and sometimes eating poop. So, when you notice a dog licking your feet with its tongue, it may be an indication that your feet are disgusting! You may have a fungus problem or your feet are just too sweaty. Also, dogs, mainly shorter dogs, seem to lick feet to convey affection the same way they do with the face and mouth. It’s difficult for humans to push dogs off their feet and dogs are somewhat aware of that.Also, if a dog’s excessive licking seems bothersome, it can be seen as a coping mechanism for stress, a routine change, or some health issue. A dog that licks too often shouldn’t be reprimanded but it should be given a distraction like a chew toy or a treat. Also if you laugh when a dog is licking your feet, it may encourage the dog to do it multiple times, to make you feel happy. Of course, a simple solution is to wear socks to distract it.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for why do dogs lick feet then why not take a look at why do dogs dig or purrrfect facts about the Ragamuffin cat kids will love.

A dog licking its own feet and its owner’s feet is a rather common thing.