Do you feel disgusted by the excessive mucus around a dog’s eyes while passing them?That bulgy thing around your dog’s eyes is known as the eye boogers or dog eye gunks. Dog boogers are not simply disgusting as they can tell a lot about a dog’s health.Although every dog and human produces mucus that creates eye boogers which is a normal and healthy activity for the eyes, although some changes in the lifestyle can make the rheum stick to the eyes. The amount of production of discharge is different in breeds of dogs.The gunk is also known as a discharge that ranges from a transparent, watery consistency to a pus-like thickness with an aptness to crust, which could be a sign of a serious problem. If you are not sure about the reason behind the unusually runny eyes of your pet, consult your vet for professional help. But why the normal production of mucous is necessary for dogs? Like humans, dog’s eyes require lubrication to function normally. If the process gets interrupted, it leads to eye infections. The visible signs of abnormal lubrication include blinking, change in the pet dog eye discharge, color, and consistency, pawing at the eyes, a foreign body in the eye, a noticeable increase in eye discharge, dry eyes, irritation, and excessive tearing (Epiphora) or watery eyes. So now you know when you see any of these symptoms in your pet dog, you have to call your vet.However, you can clean your dog’s eye boogers to provide some relief. Wash your hands and then clean your dog’s eyes with a tissue or a cotton ball. If the dog eye boogers are very small, wipe them away with freshly washed hands. If the eye discharge is hard, use some sterile saline and clean it by using a clean cotton ball or tissue only. Throw the cotton ball and tissue away and again clean your hands to prevent spread. Do not try to give medication to your dog on your own as it can be dangerous for your pet’s vision. You can consult a veterinary clinic if anything else you can do if the dog eye boogers are normal. The veterinarian may prescribe some medications like antibiotics, eye drops, or even recommend surgery in severe cases, such as blockage of the tear duct. If left untreated, it can cause some serious problems to their health and could lead to ocular blindness.You can also check out other fun facts on why do dog’s eyes water, are they tear stains or eye infections and why do dogs bark in their sleep, are they dreaming or wake.What are Eye boogers and how are they Formed?During the day, every time an individual blinks, their eyes will wash out the rheumatic secretions they produced in them. Since the sight organs form such a small amount of mucus, most persons never notice it. At night, when an individual does not blink, mucus will accumulate. The closed eyelids allow it to pile up along the tear ducts.Eye boogers are medical conditions in which there is a buildup of rheum or mucus in the eyes. There are several reasons behind the occurrence of eye boogers. Healthy rheum is transparent or pale yellow. It can be sludgy, hard, thin, or semisolid. However, if it is green, dark yellow, or any other color with thick consistency and pain or redness in the eyes, it could be a sign of an infection in the eye. Any person with these symptoms should visit a doctor or vet (in the case of animals). There are various common causes that can lead to excessive tearing (Epiphora) or eye bloggers. Some of them include:Eye products such as contact lenses or cosmetics can irritate the eyes and thus induce them to secrete more mucus.Dirt and debris also produce extreme mucus when build up around the eyes. For instance, when people sleep with mascara on, their eyes can get irritated. In this condition, the eyes will form additional discharge that gets confined in the eyes and on the eyelashes.Whether or climate change can also induce the excessive production of tears. Some individuals create more discharge at specific times of the year, for example, during allergy or rainy season.Why do dogs get more eye boogers than humans?There are several common causes of eye boogers in both dogs and humans. However, dogs are more vulnerable to this dog eye infection than other creatures. Some eye discharge in dogs breeds is due to the presence of dirt and debris in their eye, but this phenomenon is normal. Dogs gather debris in their eyes, throughout the day. Their body naturally responded by cleaning it out.Every time a dog blinks, tears are discharged to give protection and relieved any type of irritants, such as the fur. Therefore, dog boogers are usually normal. With a soft or wet cloth wipe clean the discharge. Interestingly, some dog breeds produce more discharge than others, it can be or cannot be a major medical condition. However, many dogs get allergies, and just like humans, these allergies can escalate the dog’s eye discharge and redness. The production of a discharge of yellow or any other color is not normal. If you observe any of this or any physical changes to the eye, such as building up a cloud or change in the vision, consult a veterinarian. The common cause of boogers in dogs is allergies. Every day dogs’ eyes experience grass, dust, pollen, mosquitoes, bacteria, and many other things. Their body thinks that there are foreign substances that lead to a physical reaction, like eye discharge in dogs. Even if the dust in the dog park is fine for your dog, inhalation, ingestion, or contact with the dog’s skin can cause allergies. Breeds that are especially allergic include terriers, bloodhounds, and flat-faced dogs such as bulldogs, pugs, and Boston terriers.Why do dogs get green eye boogers?Eye boogers are a common problem in dogs. Some types are entirely normal processes while some require medical treatment. One of the serious types is green eye boogers which is an infection caused by allergens, bacteria, or even viruses.If the dog has a transparent eye discharge, it is mostly caused by irritants, allergens, or some physical substances, such as dust or hair. It can also be caused by high wind blowing in the face. A watery discharge or from only one eye is usually a sign of the presence of a foreign body, for example, an abnormal hair, whereas dark or pus-like discharge from one eye or both eyes may represent serious infection. This eye infection is known as Conjunctivitis which is an inflammation of the lining of the dog’s eye. Conjunctivitis can be a result of birth defects, injury, dry eye, foreign matter, allergies, tear duct problems, or even tumors. Other symptoms of conjunctivitis involve inflammation, pawing at the eyes, too much blinking, crusty eyes, squinting, change in vision, pink eyes, or keeping the eyes closed. The treatment of conjunctivitis depends on the root cause of this infection. The treatment can include, removal of the allergen or irritant and relax the region with pain medication, use of antibiotics, antihistamines for allergies, eyewash with saline water, eye drops for dogs, and in a severe case, surgery to treat duct issues. It is important to consult a vet who will tell you the reason behind the dog’s eye discharge because some serious conditions can result in blindness or even loss of an eye if not treated well.why do dogs get goopy eye boogers?Eye boogers are the type of eye infection in which there is excessive production of mucus. Dogs have the same process of production of mucus in the eyes, just like humans. Therefore, like humans, they also get infected with allergens, bacteria, viruses, abnormal fur, and other physical substances.Normal dog eye discharge is generally white-grey and composed of rheum and other debris which usually gathered most in the morning as dogs sleep, these do not get rubbed out from the eyes. However, a dark-colored or excessive discharge may indicate underlying eye problems. For instance, a green-yellowish discharge is not common and indicates that some kind of treatment is required. When you see such abnormal signs or symptoms, consult your veterinarian as early as possible. Some different types of dog eye discharge and their causes are as follows:Excessive Eye stains: They look like the tear stains coming down at the dog’s face and are usually a rust color. This condition is often caused by the presence of extra eyelashes or eyelids near the cornea. The veterinarian will see if there is an irritation like allergies. It will also check if the eyelids near the cornea have a regular tear duct for drainage. The drainage of tears is very crucial for the cleanliness of the eyes.Dry eye (Keratitis Conjunctiva Sicca): In this condition, there is a considerable drop in the tear reduction. This is due to the destruction of tear glands by the dog’s own immune system. It is a very painful problem and if left untreated it can result in complete blindness. Dogs with dry eye (Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca) conditions may blink extravagantly and rub their eyes.Green or yellow discharge: It is a corneal infection that occurs in dogs in which there is an accumulation of yellowish-green discharge around the eyes.Conjunctivitis: It is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and is usually caused by bacteria, viruses, and natural materials. This disease cause red or pink eye to your dog, swelling around the eye, and discomfort. If you observe any of these symptoms in your dog, speak to your vet.Corneal ulcer. They are superficial or deep sores that may be painful and caused by corneal trauma, disease, insufficient tears, eye abnormalities, and other injuries. Corneal ulcers result in red and watery eyes, sensitivity to light, glaring, rubbing the eyes with paws, and secretion from the eyes. Treatment may need surgery and medications like artificial tears, antibiotics, or anti-inflammatory drugs. If you observe any of the symptoms, seek pharmaceutical help from a vet for your pet quickly.Excessive tearing (Epiphora): Watery eyes that cause stained or smelly fur and/or skin infections can also be the result of many diseases, including inflammation, allergies, abnormal eyelashes, tumors, eye pain, and corneal ulcers.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for why do dogs get eye boogers is it an eye discharge, then why not take a look at why do dogs eat grass and vomit signs to watch out for dog owners, or why do dogs get hiccups what to do when your dog has hiccups and dog facts?

Do you feel disgusted by the excessive mucus around a dog’s eyes while passing them?