Have you ever witnessed dogs and puppies eating their own vomited food?Often it is speculated that puke-eating in dogs is due to their incredible sense of smell. Another theory states it to be natural and roots from the primal behavior of eating whatever food happens to be around.Although dogs eating their vomit is gross, it should also benefit you as dogs clean up their mess, and you do not need to! Here comes a million-dollar question, why do dogs eat their vomit? A dog can sometimes be a weird animal that is often spotted engrossed in gross stuff. Eating their vomit and poop is another disgusting dog’s habit, which is pretty typical for wildlife creatures.Dogs eat vomit because they see it as a source of food. Looking at the pile of the dog’s vomit, you often think, ‘Ew, gross!’ A dog recognizes all the partially digested food particles within the vomit as something with a dazzling sense of smell.Are you familiar with the term ‘regurgitating’ or ‘regurgitation’? Regurgitation is often referred to as the ejection of undigested food from the esophagus, the narrow muscular tube that runs from the mouth to the stomach. Unlike vomiting, dogs regurgitate food, without much warning, immediately after eating. Furthermore, while regurgitation food is undigested, in vomit, the food is partially digested. Likewise, regurgitation is a passive process, whereas vomiting is an active process.Mother dogs often regurgitate the food they feed. The pups then eat the regurgitated food from the mother dogs. Regurgitation produces bridge food or baby food, eaten between the solid food and mother’s milk fed to pups. Although regurgitating food for puppies is quite common for wild mother dogs, it is also considered a natural maternal function for several domestic dogs. Also, the dog’s teeth and jaw are not functioning to chew; thus, eating vomit is the second-best alternative for a dog. Nonetheless, dogs are opportunistic scavengers and are well-adapted to eat whatever they find to survive.If you enjoyed this article, why not also read about why do dogs roll in dead animals and why do dogs kick after they poop here on Kidadl?Why might dogs eat their poop and vomit?Would you eat partially digested or chewed food that you throw on the floor? For us, even thinking about it is disgusting. We, humans, would never eat food that is chewed and thrown or the food you puke, unlike a dog. If you are a dog owner, you must have noticed your dog eating its poop or vomit. There can be several different reasons that explain the engagement of dogs in the practice of eating what the dog throws. Since dogs can’t communicate the way we, humans, communicate, thus, all we can do is make educated and well-studied guesses to understand this peculiar phenomenon.Dogs have a strong sense of smell. The dog’s nose is studied to have 10 to 100 times more potential to smell. A dog smells its vomit before eating. The dog’s ability to smell recognizes the food particles in its vomit, making it appetizing. Sometimes, a dog may sniff at its vomit but doesn’t eat it either because the dog is sick or the vomited food doesn’t smell good as it may contain too much bile. Yet another guess studied to justify the dog’s behavior to eat their own vomit was that it is in their nature. Dogs eat their own vomit because eating regurgitated food has been a natural and vital phase of the mother’s weaning process. However, there is a considerable difference between vomiting and regurgitation as vomit is partially undigested food, whereas regurgitated food is completely undigested yet partially chewed. While regurgitated food never made it to the stomach, vomiting is the food ejected from the stomach and intestine. Also, a dog is an opportunistic scavenger or detritivore. Thus, a dog is well-adapted to survive on whatever it founds in the first place.Likewise, you may often find a dog eating its poop. Eww! Isn’t it that also disgusting? Have you ever wondered what justifies this gross behavior of the dog? It is usually due to either behavioral triggers or environmental stress.Is it safe for a dog to eat its vomit?A dog is quite an adorable species, but sometimes it may annoy you with its gross behavior. Dogs eat their own vomit. You might find that behavior sickening, but it is pretty typical for a dog. A dog vomits, often directly after it has finished its meal, then smells its own vomit. Surprisingly, the very next moment, it begins to eat its own vomit.You do not need to be concerned as the dog’s puke-eating habit does not require medical attention. Likewise, until and unless dogs vomit pretty frequently, they do not need the help of a vet. It is in the dogs’ nature to eat their own vomit. In fact, do not be surprised or worried if you find your dog nibbling on the vomiting from a cat or other animal.A dog vomiting after eating its meal is quite normal, as dogs and puppies also ingest food and stuff they should not. You do not need to contact a vet unless your dog is vomiting quite frequently or the vomit contains blood. It is a cause for concern because frequent vomiting leads to dehydration, diarrhea, or lack of energy. Questions like ‘why do dogs puke so often’ or ‘when should you be concerned about your dog throwing up’ might trouble you. A dog vomits either because of eating too fast or ingesting stuff it shouldn’t. You do not need a vet until symptoms like loss of appetite, weight loss, coughing, lethargy, or difficulty in swallowing show up.Should you feed your dog again after vomiting?Usually, a dog vomits and eats its puke, and thus, it does not need to be fed again. Though vomiting isn’t quite unusual for a dog, it is advised to look after your dog immediately after it pukes. To ensure your dog is not dehydrated, offer it a small amount of water. Also, ensure that it doesn’t have an upset stomach. If you doubt that your dog is well, withhold its food for at least 12 hours to help your dog settle down. Post 12 hours, when it is the time to feed your dog again, provide it with a bland meal and avoid adding any butter or seasonings. Precisely, you must serve your pet a small amount of boiled skinless chicken and cooked white rice.Ironically, dogs feed themselves with their vomit just after vomiting. Further, dogs should be provided with bland food for the initial days after their vomiting to ensure a good appetite.How To Stop Your Dog From Eating Its Vomit?Dogs eating their own vomit is neither unhealthy, nor do they need medical attention for their nasty habits. Thus, there is no serious need to stop the dog from eating its vomit.You do not need to worry when your dogs vomit, as it is normal for dogs to regurgitate and eat their own vomit regularly. Do not worry unless your dog vomits frequently or they are showing other signs of illness. All you can do is look after your pet and watch out for alerting symptoms to stay alarmed to avoid it from falling sick. Take necessary precautions but do not become the overprotecting parents for your pet. Yet, if you want the dogs to consume a regular diet, introduce them to typical food.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for why do dogs eat their vomit, then why not take a look at why do dogs shake or Grayhound fac

Have you ever witnessed dogs and puppies eating their own vomited food?