It is very common for dog owners to find their dogs doing some funny and strange things at times.One such thing is eating grass. However, it is a perfectly fine and common dog trait.Dogs are omnivorous creatures, and they end up chomping on grass as it is a part of their genetic behavior, dating back to a time when they used to eat grass and hunt their own prey! Scientists and dog experts say that wild dogs aren’t always strict carnivores but omnivores that eat plants too.Your friendly pet companions are clearly not cows, so it is normal to wonder why you often see your dog munching on some grass when you take them for a walk to the park. Pica is a technical general term that is used to refer to a disorder where things that are not considered to be food are put in the mouth. This happens in dogs very frequently too. At times, pica in your dogs and puppies can indicate a nutritional deficiency, but mostly, it is just a phase that they go through. Grass can provide dogs with a source of fiber. If your dog’s diet is not fiber-filled, they may turn to grass for it. Hence, ensure that your dog gets some fiber by providing them with spinach leaves or basil. Dogs eating grass is a type of pica behavior, and many veterinarians have ruled this behavior out as extremely normal. Most vets say that eating grass can soothe the upset stomach of a dog. An upset stomach in your dog is an indicator of stomach acids building up. There are many reasons why your dog may be chewing and eating the grass in your garden or lawn.Some pet owners claim that when dogs can’t vomit, they turn to eating grass. There are a few studies conducted that indicate that only a small proportion of dogs vomit after they eat grass. Therefore, dogs eating grass as a form of self-medication is not really true. Others say that dogs are smart but not smart enough to treat their own stomachs when they are upset by eating grass. Your pet dog eating grass can also be a sign of psychological distress, as grazing could be a compulsive behavior. If you’d like to reduce the occurrence of grass-eating behavior in your dogs, stop your dog from eating grass. Then take them on long walks. If you notice that your dog eats grass when they’re bored, more physical exercise and activities can get them to gradually stop eating grass. Dogs may also eat grass simply because they like it! There are some things to keep in mind when you see your dog eating grass too.Eating grass comes with the potential problem of intestinal parasites and a mix of toxic chemicals from pesticides. Get your pet companion checked in with a veterinarian to ensure that your dog’s parasite protection is up to date. Young puppies that haven’t been fully vaccinated as yet can be at greater risk when they chew grass, so if your puppy is vomiting, get them to a vet immediately and seek medical services as they could be sick. Another important fact to bear in mind is that the esophagus in young dogs is quite sensitive and eating grass may cause some serious abrasions in their throat and dangerous chemicals to enter their stomach. Finally, if your pet dog is healthy and is fully vaccinated, then grass-eating is considered to be safe and will not cause any negative health signs.Why do dogs eat grass and vomit?Dogs are wonderful companions for humans and have been so for thousands of years. A dog is a man’s best friend, and this label has been justified in every way possible!Dogs can be extremely adorable and lovable creatures, but there can be instances where they can do some questionable things that we, as their owners, won’t always have the answer to.You may wonder what the exact reasons are that make your dog eat grass and even its own vomit. Vets have stated that dogs tend to eat grass and their own vomit only for psychological reasons.A dog eats grass and its own vomit too, which sometimes is because they are either stressed, upset, or bored. It is also possible that dogs eat grass and small plants out of instinct or as a dietary response.What does it mean when dogs eat grass?Scientific researchers state that just like humans mindlessly biting their nails, dogs eat grass out of anxiety or boredom. A major reason for grass-eating behavior in dogs is the lack of fiber in the dog’s diet. In such cases, they may eat grass to add fiber to their diet and to induce vomiting if they’re experiencing an upset stomach.Dogs eat grass to treat intestinal worms, improve digestion, or get any other nutritional supplement that they do not receive in their diet. Some dogs do vomit after grass, but this does not happen to all dogs. Dogs can suffer from a number of stomach issues, like pancreatitis, gastric reflux, toxic chemicals, and inflammatory bowel disease. If your dog is showing some severe physical symptoms after grass-eating, get it checked at your local veterinarian immediately.Why do dogs eat grass and weeds?If you begin to notice that your dog is eating grass and weeds much more than the food you are providing it with, it could be an indication of a nutrient deficiency. All dogs, like humans, require a sufficient amount of vitamins as well as nutrients. If they feel like they are not receiving enough of a nutrient, they may eat grass and weeds.Vets also say that grass-eating helps a lot in soothing the dog’s upset stomach. If you take your dog on a walk and soon find them chewing on some grass blades and weeds along the way, it be could be a sign of anxiety and helplessness in your dog or just because the dog is bored.The final reason why dogs love to chew and eat grass and weeds is that they simply like the texture and taste of it, and grazing can be an activity that they really enjoy!Why do dogs eat grass when sick?Experts and almost every vet say that letting dogs eat grass is perfectly OK. Veterinary offices receive many clients on a daily basis who want to know why their dogs eat grass and other small plants. A study done by the veterinarians at the University of California showed that vomiting after a dog eats grass is not very common and doesn’t happen in all dogs. Some dogs do it, however, just to make themselves vomit if they are experiencing an upset stomach.

It is very common for dog owners to find their dogs doing some funny and strange things at times.