Have you ever seen any kind of stain or discharge around your dog’s eyes?There are various possible reasons for tear staining or excessive discharge from the eye of a dog. Excessive eye discharge or epiphora is a very common condition.An infected eye of a dog, like the Maltese dog, is completely different from a normal eye. In most cases, your pet needs human help but in some cases, medications are required as an infected eye is associated with serious health issues. Observe the symptoms and seriousness of the cause and then take your dog pet to the vet. There are five common types of eye discharge. These are a little goop or crust, watery eyes, reddish-brown tear stains, white-gray mucus, and yellow or green eye discharge. These eye infections can develop due to several corneal destructions, allergies, the presence of foreign material, or the blocking of tear ducts in your pet’s eyes.You can also check out other fun fact articles such as why do dogs cough and why do dogs drool.Why do dog’s eyes water when they eat?It is not unusual for dogs to cry while eating but if they cry for several days or weeks, it is something to worry about. It can be due to a dental problem, infection in the mouth and neck, muscle strain, injury, or even the type of food. A large amount of tearing from a dog’s eye when eating is caused by a neurogenic reflex that triggers the tear-producing glands. It is similar to our noses running when eating something spicy. Botox has been used as a paralytic medicine that is injected into the muscles of humans to control tearing by cutting the nerve signals that cause those muscles to contract. There is no point to utilize such treatment in a normal dog.If a dog gets watery eyes while eating, it is probably because of a bad tooth, tonsillitis, a wound in the mouth, or gum disease. A vet can give medication and treat these diseases on the spot. Pay attention to your dog’s position while eating because fi it is different from the usual posture and position, there might be an infection, pain, or injury in the neck. As it is a very fragile area, the pain occurs with very subtle movements. Keep checking the neck area in case these is swelling or something else odd.It is tricky to determine the cause, so the best way is to see your veterinary provider because it might also be a disc disease or muscle strain that we unable to see without an X-ray. At the same time, if you see your dog leaning over to eat or moving it neck incorrectly, you may consider neck pain a reasonable cause.Your dog can also suffer from acid reflux. This usually happens when they try to eat or lay down to sleep. A dog that cries while eating is expected to have an oral or dental disease or neck pain. It is different from a dog’s sobbing behavior after eating, which can indicate a problem with the dog’s esophagus, abscesses, lacerations, and even dysphagia (a condition where the dog has difficulty swallowing). Examining a dog’s body language regularly can help to determine a more distinct diagnosis. Note down all the suspicious signs (swollen eyelids), strange behavior (such as squinting or pawing on the eye), and abnormal sounds that come out of its mouth while eating.Why do dog’s eyes water when being petted?Like people, dogs and other pets can feel emotions but they do not cry because of sadness, happiness, and other feelings. At least, not in the way humans do. If an animal (dog) has watery eyes, it is probably because of some medical condition or health issue.Observe the symptoms, health, and behavior of your pet animal and find the best solution. The tear ducts of the dog can get blocked which can cause excessive tearing, which in turn can lead to irritation of the skin. The blocked tear ducts need to be treated so make an appointment with your vet. Apart from this, teary eyes may be due to an infection. These eye stains can be diagnosed by yellow or green discharge, irritation, and redness in the eyes.The third cause may be allergies because of the presence of allergens such as sand and dust in the dog’s eyes. A vet can examine the type of allergy by running various tests. Watery eyes can also occur by scratching the cornea. Some important signs include rubbing of eyelids and eyelashes. If the symptoms last longer, it is always best to consult a vet because it may lead to more serious problems.Do eye infections cause dog’s eyes to water?Just like humans, dogs are susceptible to contaminations caused by various viruses, bacteria, and other smaller microorganisms that can cause an infection in a dog’s eyes.Assuring proper therapy and care an eye infection in a dog is important for its health. There are several types of infections and inflammations and there are different symptoms that occur in these animals. One of them is conjunctivitis which is when there is an inflammation of the conjunctival tissues that enclose and cover several parts of the eyeball and also eyelids or eyelashes. This condition is a common cause of redness in eyes of dogs which is different from normal. In this condition, there is also the discharge of yellow-green discharge, mucus, or excessive water (Epiphora), which can be a sign of disease. Other signs of conjunctivitis include pawing at the eyes (probably due to itching), swelling of the eyelid, inflammation, keeping the eyes closed, squinting (due to irritation), blinking too much, rubbing the face against the surface, and crusty eyes. These moves can cause further harm to the eyes of your dog, like scratching the fragile surface of their eye’s cornea.The common causes of conjunctivitis and other eye infections are allergies, tear duct problems, microorganisms, birth defects, dry eye (Keratoconjunctivitis sicca), injury, foreign matter, or even tumors. Allergies are caused by trees, grass, and other pollens, whereas irritants include dust and sand. Some dogs develop a reduced ability to grow their natural tear film which causes dry eye problems (Keratoconjunctivitis sicca) which can also cause serious corneal ulcers and eye contaminations.In general, the treatment involves removal of the irritant and soothing the region with antibiotics and saltwater washes that manage the infection, antihistamines to treat allergies, and other medications. The vet can also prescribe some eye drops. In severe conditions, surgery is the best option to treat duct problems or defects that occurred from birth. To prevent it from spreading, avoid petting your other pets after touching a dog with conjunctivitis, and always wash your hands after touching the infected animal.Do dog’s eyes stain when their eyes water?Tear stains are more common dog eye infections in some breeds than others and can indicate various different things. If your dog has tear stains to determine the cause and possible treatment, take your dog to a veterinary clinic.Dogs get light-colored reddish-brown tears that stain the fur around the inner corner of the eyes. This occurs due to the presence of a pigment known as porphyrin that transforms into reddish-brown with long exposure to air. When there is no other problem or disease present, tear staining on the fur around the eyes is normal and a non-medical concern. Symptoms of eye staining include the change in the physical appearance near the dog’s eye, escalation in the amount of tear staining, and pawing on the eye. Always consult a vet on the phone or make an appointment for an eye examination. To reduce these dog tear stains, you can go for one or more of these solutions. Solutions include keeping the fur short, wash eyes with a cloth dipped in warm water, apply eye-cleaning solutions, or give antibiotic-free nutritional supplements.Another type of tear stain includes the production of white-gray mucus stains around the eyes. This condition is known as dry eye (keratoconjunctivitis sicca or KCS). This condition develops when the immune system of a dog attacks and destructs the glands that form tears. As there is the production of fewer tears, the body adjusts by producing more mucus to keep the eyes wet. However, excess mucus cannot replace the essential functions of tears, therefore, the redness in the eyes increases and probably develops abnormal corneal pigmentation and ulcers. The treatment involves various medicine such as cyclosporine given by a vet in the veterinary clinic. In serious cases, surgery is a good option when medical treatment is useless.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for why do dog’s eyes water, fascinating paw-facts revealed, then why not take a look at can dogs eat radishes, vegetable health benefits for dogs explained or why do dogs eat grass and vomit, signs to watch out for dog owners.

Have you ever seen any kind of stain or discharge around your dog’s eyes?