Cats are one of the most loved domestic pets, and as many would love to cater to these furballs, sometimes it is hard to understand the needs of the animals.They cannot communicate, and you might be in a situation where you are wondering why do cats howl. They might sometimes howl or hiss at you for no reason, but they always try to convey something through their behavior.It might not be very reassuring that we can’t communicate with our little furry friends, and neither can they tell us what they feel. But the beauty of having a pet lies in the fact that we start to understand their behavioral patterns. Cats are pretty challenging to train, and they don’t take instructions like dogs, but one has to work a lot less to keep a cat as a pet. Sometimes it might get a little challenging to understand what cats want, and one such behavior is them howling. Now, humans are accustomed to kittens meowing but not so much with howling. Cats meow for many different reasons and being humans its might sometimes be challenging to understand their behavioral changes. But that’s why after adopting one, you might need some help to know why suddenly a cat meows or makes a weird sound, especially at night.You might want to learn more about other fun facts about your furry little friends. So go ahead and look at some other articles like why do cats run away and why do cats wag their tails.Why do older cats howl?Cats tend to use gestures and sounds to communicate with people about their needs and intentions. Cat’s meow sounds or yowl for many reasons, and older cats tend to do that a lot to communicate their pain.Cats may often make a howling or yowling sound to communicate with each other or with humans. Their howl can be meant for a lot of things. They show this behavior when they are hungry, thirsty, or in pain.This animal loves excessive attention and meows or howls to get toys or treats as well. If they are bored and want to play, they tend to purr and then make a growling sound, and when they are annoyed with something, they start hissing. This is the language your pet uses to communicate with you, especially at night. Older cats also meow or howl more than usual at night as they need help with almost everything.Like dogs, cats also suffer from illness when they age and need help to use the litter box. Due to underlying medical conditions, they can develop cognitive dysfunction, and this stress affects their sleep schedule, which leads them to stay up at night when it meows and howls. Underlying illness is also an issue in cats as they don’t show their pain, and therefore, cognitive dysfunction makes cats uneasy, leading to the cat making stress noises.Why do cats howl at each other?The way cats make the meowing sound is quite the same in all breeds. Their language is mostly howling and meowing.Cats tend to howl at each other to show disgust or chase the other cat away from their territory. Animals have this habit of claiming their space, and when some other animal enters that area, they start to become defensive. In the case of cats, they resort to loud howling sounds and even hissing. Cats tend to stay alone, and if they don’t like another cat, they can fight a lot.Your cats may howl at each other to claim food or to fight for your attention, especially at night. These feline animals tend to make loud noises to show displeasure to each other and humans. The howling sound also starts when they aren’t spayed, and they make these vocalizations to let each other know that they are mating. This only happens when the cats aren’t spayed or neutered.Why do cats howl when in heat?The term in heat means when female cats are in their reproductive cycle and are looking for males for mating.Female cats let their male counterpart know that they want to mate by howling or meowing loudly, or cats may even resort to spraying walls and other areas with their strong-smelling urine. When cats are in heat, they start to show increased vocalization, and many have their tails stiff and raised high. When they are at the age to mate, humans tend to get the male cats neutered mostly under veterinarian supervision so that they don’t go feral, while the female cats that are pets can be taken to mate in professional spaces.The only way to stop cats from howling or meowing during their period in heat is to get them spayed or to let them mate under proper medical guidance from a veterinarian. Cats often howl for many normal reasons, but it is best to speak with your vet if you are concerned when you hear them howling.Why do cats howl after eating?Cats are known to be less vocal about their feelings, and they mostly don’t tend to follow the human schedule. When they are fed, they tend to make meow or make growling sounds at the end for many reasons.Cats often meow or yowl to let the feeder know that the food they ate was good and adequate or it wasn’t enough, and they want more. Another reason for them to meow after eating is to show displeasure that they were fed the same food. Kittens are more controllable, but cats can’t be trained like other animals once they grow up, and they mostly do whatever they want to do.A cat meowing is very common and humans might not notice the difference in their vocalization right away, but after eating a particular food, if they are in pain, they can also yowl or meow. If a house has more than one cat, they can meow or yowl to communicate with each other, and it is pretty standard for them to choose meowing as their way of communication. Cats also need a lot of attention when they are eating, and if their human leaves the room or is out of their eyesight when they are feeding, they might start yowling to show displeasure.A cat may even show this behavior when they are confused or anxious. Your cat meows when things are changed around the house or if they are given their food in a different location or dish. Cas will also start yowling to ask for the attention of their human.Why do cats howl in the morning?Your pet cat might start to howl every day at a particular time, especially when you sleep, or you might hear a cat outside howling every day at night and early in the morning.This happens because the cat is either asking for attention from its owner and wants them to play or is bored alone. These feline animals need a lot of training, and it is normal for them to purr when they want to play or want attention from their feeder. This also happens when the cat wants to release stress. You can easily control this behavior if the feline animal is tired out before bed at night by playing with toys. When they start to get quiet or tired, petting is the best option to show them love. This helps a pet to relax and change its behavior.Even though training cats is quite tricky, they can be made habituated to a simple routine, which will make them relax in the morning so that they don’t howl. Cats don’t have the same routine as us, and they wake up from sleep only when they receive internal cues. Some cases can also be seen where the cat has some cognitive disease due to which it wakes up in the morning while howling. In this case, it’s better to seek help from a vet.Another reason for them to howl is their need for attention and companionship. Cats tend to be clingy when they want to be, and while food is served, they might want their feeder to be nearby and therefore howl at times in the morning.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for why do cats howl, then why not take a look at why do cats eat plants or Balinese cat facts pages?

Cats are one of the most loved domestic pets, and as many would love to cater to these furballs, sometimes it is hard to understand the needs of the animals.