They look super cute with a furry body, tiny face, and enchanting eyes.Many people love to keep them as pets and their charm is simply irresistible. Belonging to the Felidae family of carnivorous mammals, they are the only members of their family that can be domesticated. Other members of their family include bigger members like lions, tigers, panthers, and leopards that belong to the wild.Cats are a popular choice for companionship for many people around the world. They are especially suited to people who are usually busy outdoors yet need a friend at home, as they require less maintenance than other pet animals like dogs. Despite their charisma, they are widely claimed as feisty and are so reckless that they’ll make you think cats have multiple lives.If you enjoyed this, check out why do cats run away and why do cats have tails on Kidadl.Facts or myth: why do people say that cats have nine lives?The English proverb that a cat has nine lives is a myth. It hard to believe that cats really have nine lives. Cats don’t have nine lives and the origin of cats have nine lives comes from mythology, a cat’s behavior, and stories. However, the nine lives myth is not consistent. Elsewhere in the world, cats are said to have different numbers of lives such as seven lives in Spanish-speaking regions and six lives in Turkish and Arabic legends.In modern times, the core of this idiom lies in the hardiness of a feline. Cats can notoriously survive all sorts of fun and games like recklessly jumping from high places, tossing themselves on a busy road, or climbing up high trees without any solid support yet still be able to land on their feet! They’re also quick-witted and super flexible and can adjust their body postures by controlling their spines that give them the ability to run.We realize that ‘cats have nine lives’ is an idea popularized by the miraculous ability of a feline to escape almost anything. The proverb itself though comes from the old wives’ tales about dogs and cats. This old English proverb was used by William Shakespeare to refer to the nine lives myth in his play ‘Romeo And Juliet’. Some people believe the myths surroundings a cat’s ability to always land on their feet.Who made up the myth? Where does the saying come from?Ancient Egypt prompted the origin of the saying, cats have nine lives. During ancient Egyptian culture, kittens were worshipped as sacred creatures with many superstitions like supernatural powers attached to cats.Ancient Egyptians associated cats with their sun god, Atum-Ra. It was believed that Ra gave birth to eight other gods. Since Ra often took the form of a cat, people began associating the nine lives (Ra plus eight) with feline longevity. As a result, some suspect that this is where the myth started and the idea behind the saying, a cat has nine lives.Significance Of The Number Nine Across Different MythologiesNumber nine holds a mystical importance in several cultures. Within Hinduism and Christianity, the number nine is the symbol of eternal content.In Chinese culture, this number nine symbolizes eternity. Norse mythology says that the complete universe is broken into nine different worlds. Greek mythology states that there are actually nine muses (Greek goddesses) that reigned over the arts and sciences.Wider Mythology And Symbolism Of Cats In Different CulturesCats have a lot of symbolism surrounding them, given their historical and mythical significance. The ancient Egyptian mythology of the nine gods embodying a cat draws a correlation for people to believe that they symbolize rebirth and resurrection. Due to their sly, smart, and nocturnal nature, they are also associated with darkness, extending to symbolisms of mystery and magic. Myths go as far as declaring them immortal!The Maneki neko (beckoning cat) is a popular Japanese figurine like the ‘Laughing Buddha’ which is often believed to bring good luck to the owner. In modern times, they are usually made of ceramic or plastic. Persian mythology holds cats as a token of gratitude like the popular hero of folklore, Rustum. There is also Egyptian mythology which considered cats to be magical creatures that were able to bring good luck upon the souls who housed them.Nothing in this world is constant just like people’s beliefs. Not every culture holds the same belief, and felines are associated with lots of different symbolism around the world. In Norse mythology, the reputation of cats took a toll. It later spread to parts of Europe including Britain, Ireland, and Germany where cats, particularly black cats, came to be associated with dark energies, suspicion, and witchcraft.Are any other animals thought to have more than one life?There are all sorts of animal myths that people believe and that can be found in history books.However, it is typically only believed that cats have nine lives. Nothing else in the animal kingdom boasts more than one life. However a Korean mythical fox called Gumiho boasts nine tails and can shapeshift.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for why do cats have 9 lives then why not take a look at why do cats arch their back or Abyssinian cat facts.

They look super cute with a furry body, tiny face, and enchanting eyes.