Candy is one of the most loved food products in the world.It is a staple treat that everyone enjoys regardless of where they are. Candy is so much more than something only kids enjoy.It has become one of the most popular delights ever! Perhaps the most popular version of candy is cotton candy. This fluffy delight is commonly seen being sold at fairs. In fact, the first time that cotton candy was sold, then called ‘fairy floss’, was at one of the biggest fairs at the time. It has grown from a small-town phenomenon, one only seen at a fair, to a globally enjoyed sweet.Why was cotton candy invented by a dentist?Cotton candy, or candy floss, is a sugary treat that is one of a kind. The sugary treat, created with melted sugar, is one of the most famous delights in the world. Who invented cotton candy?Cotton candy was made by a dentist named William Morrison.William Morrison, along with John C. Wharton, came up with an invention that was an early rendition of the cotton candy machine.Now you must be wondering: how is cotton candy an invention of a dentist?Along with the inventor, John C. Wharton, the dentist invented the cotton candy machine and inevitably created the sweet confection. That is how a dental head became a major part of perhaps the most common and fun forms of food and ingrained himself in the history of cotton candy. The answer is the opportunity to make money.How was cotton candy first invented?The first time cotton candy was created is an interesting story.Morrison and Wharton began working together, and the eventual result would go on to be spun sugar that is popularly consumed as pink cotton candy.Morrison and Wharton designed a machine that spun sugar on a screen. The spun sugar would create a fairy floss-like texture that would become cotton candy. It took a lot of time for Morrison and Wharton to make this sweet treat popular.The candy maker duo introduced the sticky sugar treat at the St. Louis World Fair. It was here that the term ‘fairy floss’ would become a part of the history of cotton candy. They were fascinated by the sticky, thin strands of sugar that they called the ‘fairy floss’.The fairy floss boxes were initially sold for a quarter each. By the end of the fair, the duo had sold 68,000 of the fairy floss boxes. If you convert the money into how much it would be valued today, it comes up to half a million dollars! Not bad for something that is just spun sugar.As the popularity of ‘fairy floss’ grew, people looked to make their own spun sugar. They could go on to buy their own cotton candy machine. Morrison and Wharton capitalized on this and filed their own patent, so anyone who wanted to buy a cotton candy machine had to do so from the original duo.After their patent ran out, the history of cotton candy saw another dentist join the race to make spun sugar strands, Josef Lascaux. He created a machine that was similar to the original invention. However, in order to really set himself apart in the history of cotton candy, he decided to name his sweet ‘cotton candy’ instead of ‘fairy floss’. This would also set the sugary delight apart from the first one that Morrison and Wharton created.The impact it had on the history of cotton candy is important, as the entire world began to use the name that Lascaux came up with. Cotton candy became the more popular term. Only Australia is the one place that continues to use the name ‘fairy floss’ instead of cotton candy.The first cotton candy machine that Morrison and Wharton created was unreliable and broke down frequently. When it did work, it would rumble and shake violently. Gold Medal Products, a company based in Ohio, solved that problem.Gold Medal Products came up with a machine that contained a spring-loaded base. Essentially, Gold Medal Products came up with a machine that was much more reliable to use. Eventually, improvements were made to the machine that made the process of manufacturing cotton candy automated.The growing industry and popularity of cotton candy saw different improvements being made to it. Cotton candy makers began making their cotton candy in different colors by using different types of food coloring liquids, as well as flavoring it with food flavoring.Is cotton candy bad for your teeth?The biggest question that one might have is whether the consumption of cotton candy is bad for one’s teeth.Essentially, cotton candy is made up of melted sugar. Candy of any kind is made up of sugar. Sugar is what makes any kind of candy, cotton candy, lollipops, or other sweets taste that good.However, this sugar is damaging your teeth. It is consumed by the bacteria inside your mouth, and a substance called plaque is released. This plaque attacks the enamel that protects your teeth and will eventually wear it away.It is also damaging to the gums, the strong bonds that continue to hold your teeth together. Cavities can form, which must be treated by a visit to your dentist. This does not mean that eating cotton candy, or any other candy, should not be done.Make sure that after you consume cotton candy or other sugary treats, you brush your teeth and floss in order to prevent cavities, as otherwise you risk losing your teeth.Eating less sugar is also recommended, but consuming sugar at a moderate level should be okay. While eating this or any other form of candy might seem like a fun prospect, damaging one’s teeth is a serious danger.Make sure to take precautions when you do consume candy.Can vegans eat cotton candy?Veganism is a popular diet choice today and has many upsides to it, but the question is: can a vegan eat cotton candy?The answer to that question is quite complicated. Vegans can consume what is called ‘organic cotton candy’. This contains organic sugar that is not derived from an animal source. This natural cotton candy is safe to eat for vegans. However, cotton candy now comes in different colors, such as blue and pink. This is done with artificial food coloring.This food coloring contains products that are made from animal sources of different kinds, which does not make it available to eat for a vegan.If you are wondering if the cotton candy you are looking to consume is vegan, the best way to find out is to contact the manufacturer to understand whether the sugary treat is natural cotton candy, or artificial cotton candy.Alternatively, you can look at the ingredients listed on the label to check if they are organic.

Candy is one of the most loved food products in the world.