You can see a termite swarm around old wooden houses and other properties during the termite swarming season.A common scene of a termite swarm during the termite season could sometimes be a terrifying time for people. This is the time when these swarms are looking to make a new colony.But the fact is, termite swarms are necessary for them for their survival and dispersal of termites. For homeowners and others, a visible sign of drywood termites is termite infestations.Swarming termites or alates, venture out of their nest and try to get inside of our home through cracks and crevices in the walls and windows. This pest species is pretty much attracted to light, and hence, reasons why we see them more often in and near window sills or light fixtures. Only when the weather condition gets suitable and their colony reaches a certain number, termites swarm. If you encounter a swarm of termites around your home, then believe it, there is a well-established colony of termites behind them, living near to your home, or even inside.You should always be aware during termite seasons of looking for infestations. And if you ever notice them nearby, remember to call for pests control services to get rid of them. After you are done reading about these pests that cause damage during the season, do check our other articles on why are there so many flies in my house and where do termites come from.When is termite swarming season?The spring and summer months are known to be the most favorite season for some species of subterranean termites to swarm. They prefer warm days with calm winds after a rainfall.Termite species like drywood termites and one type of subterranean termite R. Hageni, are seen to swarm mostly during the late summer or fall months, during March and August, and all the way through November. The winged termite adults in this species are smaller and are in pale brown color. They swarm during the daytime, just as of the spring swarmers’ time. Due to their size and color, R. Hageni species of termites are often confused with ants that usually swarm at the same times during the year.Not all termites swarm at the same time. Several subterranean termites species swarm based on their favorable weather conditions. Some termites may like moisture, while others do not. The separation in swarm timings can be seen as a few weeks or even, just a few hours in the same day. Termite swarming can be linked with springtime flowers and trees growing. Normally it is during these summer and spring times that termite colonies begin to settle down to forge and eat. Drywood termites, with no more than 100 swarmers, are seen near window sills and other dry wood regions swarming during the late summer or fall months.Why do termites swarm?Did you know that after a few minutes of flying, the termites land and throw their wings away from their body.Termite swarming and infestation means that their current termite colony is flourishing nearby. It is important to have regular inspections of your home and properties to check for termite infestations. Normally when a termite’s original colony reaches a certain capacity level, they swarm in order to expand it. It happens once a year for most termite colonies. Termite swarmers called ‘alates’ are produced in hundreds and thousands of numbers for the sole purpose of reproduction and expansion of the termite colony. Both male and female swarmers are bred each year and the number varies based on the colony size, and the termite subgroup numbers.Termites live in the ground near the surface of their nest until it is time for them to fly. Swarming preparations are made around the same time in all the termite colonies in their area. When it is the right time and the conditions are favorable for them, these swarmers launch into the sky and pair off through the air. These paired termites then shed their wings and mate and reproduce. Finally, they find a new place, where these pests start a nest to increase their numbers. Even if there are no alates nearby their colonies, this process continues. Slowly they launch and spread out over a few days, with batch releases in the subsequent days.To the question of whether swarming termites mean infestation, the answer might be, ‘maybe yes’. After a swarming has happened in your house, most of the termites would not be able to survive in order to establish a new colony. But, termite swarming does mean that your home is likely infested.How long do termite swarms last?Normally termite swarms are seen to last for about 30 - 40 minutes. Termites fly towards a light source, typically rounding around wooden windows and glass sliding doors. It is found that if termites could not find soil, these pests would die within a few hours due to dehydration.Invasive formosan termites are night swarmers and are generally peak in numbers during late spring and summer. Drywood termites are also seen being active at night, especially in areas around lights. The start of termite swarming is in late winters. But it lasts all the way to September or October. Termite swarming seasons can last up to five or six months.What attracts swarming termites?Termite swarming can be noticed both indoors and outdoors. A perfect sunshine day, with humidity, is the perfect attraction of termites for swarming. Understanding what attracts these dangerous swarmers cum bugs, is critical for estate and homeowners.The main attraction that brings all the termites to your place can be the warm and dark places created in or near it. These places might be totally undisturbed as your crawlspace. Moist ground and humid atmosphere could attract these termites. Also, food and bait are the main attraction that all termites fall for. Anything of wood or cellulose-based material including lumber, firewood, newspaper, and more could be an attractant for those swarmers.What to do when you see termites swarming?If you see termites swarming nearby, or any infestations or termite activity, it is advised to call an expert or termite control specialist for inspecting the place and for treating it.A termite expert can easily identify and tell if there are any signs of these termites in or near their homes. They also recommend reducing moisture conducive to termites. They are the right people to approach for a customized treatment plan for termite swarming.Whenever you see termites swarming, never panic. Emptying your bug sprays are unnecessary and waste, as these termites which have a resemblance to ants, will die naturally in the air.Also do not seal the exit holes, as they must escape, and sealing them will only create more exit holes around your furniture, windows, and houses. You can vacuum them up into a bag and throw them out altogether into the garbage. It is most advised that you call a reputable termite company or a trained inspector. They will be able to identify the termite species or type and suggest a better method to solve the problem.Does a swarm of termites spell danger?Termite swarmers and their infestations can spell danger. They show a great warning indicator for us humans of the presence of dangerous termite swarmers.The serious damage capability of these colonies of termites to both indoor and outdoor wood and other structures does cause concern for us. Witnessing a swarm of flying, terminating bugs and insects around your home is indeed a cause of concern and a need to reach out for assistance or help from pest control for treatment. Pest control services offer you the best way to control termite infestation. But make sure you call the pest control services well in advance to minimize the damage and make a real difference.Dealing with Termite Swarm damagesFor a termite swarm to occur, the weather must be warm, with no rain happening. Termite infestations are not usually seen until a lot of damage has been caused. Due to their hiding in dark, humid, and protected environments, it is hard to find them, until it is too late and they have caused all the damage.Signs of termite damage include mud tubes on a wall, sightings of flying termites all around, or their discarded wings, papery or hollow sounding timber, tight-fitting door or window, tunnels in wood, floor, or wall damages.The two main choices that you are left with termite causing damages are to remove or replace the damaged wood with new wood, or to attach new woods to the damaged ones, to provide support. Also, don’t bother repairing the damages before the termite issue is taken care of and eradicated.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for when do termites swarm then why not take a look at how big are termites, or termite facts.

You can see a termite swarm around old wooden houses and other properties during the termite swarming season.