Your pup’s arrival is your family’s newest and cutest addition that could ever happen.Puppies are playful and loyal, and they love unconditionally. Not to mention they’re a great form of exercise for the whole family.Puppies are born toothless, and they slowly develop their baby teeth, followed by permanent teeth. Puppies often chew on things to learn what they can and cannot eat. This can be a frustrating experience for owners, who may not know how to stop their pup from chewing the wrong things. Teething is a period of time in which the puppy’s canines and molars (the two front teeth) push through the gums. All it takes is a little patience and love for your puppy! Consult a vet and use a dog toothbrush and toothpaste for keeping mouth hygiene. This article will answer all your questions about your dog’s teething trends. You’ll learn what to expect during the process, what to do when it hurts too much, and how to make sure your puppy stays healthy.If you enjoyed this article, why not also read about Maltipom facts or why do dogs have tails here on Kidadl?Why do puppies lose their baby teeth?Puppies are adorable. Their tiny paws, waggy tails, and big brown eyes are irresistible. Here’s why these little creatures lose their teeth.Puppies might be adorable, but their teeth are not. As they grow up, one of the most noticeable changes for puppies is their teeth. Puppy’s teeth are important because it helps with chewing food and getting rid of bacteria in the mouth. All dogs go through a teething process which usually lasts between four to six months. The good news is that there are many things you can do to help your dog’s teething be as painless as possible. Puppies lose their baby teeth just like human babies lose their milk teeth or deciduous teeth. Not to mention, but it is very obvious that their baby teeth erupt out as the adult teeth or permanent teeth start to grow.What do puppy teeth look like when they fall out?Puppyhood is the time when a dog’s teeth are spongy, soft, and tender, so chewing on things like sticks or bones can cause pain and irritation. If you’re looking to investigate what dental care is best for your puppy or want to find out when your puppy has begun teething, read on!Puppy teeth are sharp and pointy, like adult teeth. They begin to fall out when they get replaced by new adult teeth or permanent teeth. Most puppies start teething around three months old, but some can be as young as two weeks old or as old as six months of age. The timing of teething varies from different breeds in dogs. The first teeth falling out are the incisors, followed by the canine teeth and the premolars. Their jaws look very similar to that of a human baby’s jaws and teeth.Which puppy teeth fall out first?Puppies are born with 28 baby teeth, which they’ll eventually grow out of, and about 42 adult teeth. As a puppy begins teething, it’s important to be mindful of dental care.Puppies generally get their complete set of 28 baby teeth once they reach eight weeks old to 10 weeks of age. However, this might depend on various conditions, as the milk teeth start to develop with the nutrition and milk intake. The order goes as, first incisors, then canines, followed by the premolars. Their baby teeth are also called needles because they are very sharp. They will lose the milk teeth before getting the adult teeth. The first teeth to fall out are the incisors followed by canines. The fallout process starts around three to four months.You will notice the sharpness of your puppy’s teeth for the first time when weaning starts. The mother will stop feeding the puppies, as their sharp teeth can harm their nipples. Also, this is the stage where puppies need to rely on solid foods. Their teeth are sharpest till six months, also, they have sharp teeth because dogs are naturally omnivores so, they rely on both plant and animal food in their diet. They need sharp teeth to chew on the meat and flesh of other animals, which is a part of their natural diet.How long does teething last in puppies?Puppy teething can be a stressful time for both parent and pup. Here are some ways to tell if your puppy’s puppy teething has begun.It can cause your dog to be uncomfortable, irritable, and lose interest in food. It usually begins between three and six months old but may start as early as four weeks of age or as late as eight months of age. As a dog parent, you want to make sure your new puppy is healthy. One way to do this is by keeping track of his gnawing habits. Chewing can signify that your pup is teething, and it may help if you know how to better manage it.All dogs go through teething, but many don’t know how to tell if their puppy is beginning. You can tell your pup is beginning teething if they are drooling more than usual, gnawing or biting on anything you leave out, or showing irritation when you touch their teeth. Often these signs are paired with higher energy levels and mood swings. If you do not see any of these signs, likely, their teething has not begun yet. If you want to be sure, take your pup to the vet for a check-up so they can give you an official diagnosis.Did You KnowGnawing, chewing, sniffing, and licking are some of the very normal behaviors of a dog when its teeth start to fall. These behaviors help a dog to learn and examine things. Dogs chew for several reasons, and it is important to understand why they do so. Here are some ways to track what your puppy is chewing on and how to stop their behavior.Chewing can be a way for your puppy to relieve boredom, physical pain, anxiety, and the need to express dominance. A dog is always chewing on things; sometimes it’s your favorite pair of shoes, other times it’s your new phone. Whatever it may be, if your puppy is teething, you need to keep an eye out for them chewing on things they shouldn’t be.Puppies usually start the chewing behavior to avoid the discomfort caused during the teething process. A puppy’s teething process can cause some pretty destructive habits for a couple of months, but these tips will help you get through this phase with minimal damage done.Being new pet parents, keeping an eye on the puppy’s dental care is important. Be attentive to the puppy’s milk teeth as puppies often swallow the teeth while having their food. However, the puppy teeth sometimes get a little difficult to erupt, so you need to visit a veterinarian. If the veterinary treatment is not possible, pet owners should monitor themselves by rubbing and helping the baby’s teeth erupt.Gift your little furry friends chew toys for playing, but make sure to consult your veterinarian before choosing any chew toys, preferably some soft and chewy ones. While losing baby teeth, the puppies might need to chew something to avoid the soreness in their gums. Training your puppy and monitoring while your puppy bites or chews will solely decide your puppy’s behavior. Stop your dog if they are chewing something you would not like them to, moreover, training is important.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for when do puppy teeth fall out, then why not look at do dogs know when you are sad, or when do kittens start eating food and drinking water.

Your pup’s arrival is your family’s newest and cutest addition that could ever happen.