There may not be many frog-lovers around the world, but there is no denying that these animals are quite fascinating!Frogs have their own charm, and while some may find their slimy skins and warty features a little off-putting, there is a whole army of people who find these creatures to be adorable!Speaking of armies, did you know that a group of frogs is called an army? In fact, there are many names for such groups. However, the most commonly used collective nouns for frogs are ‘army’ and ‘knot’. Since these animals are so sociable and happy-go-lucky, it is not unusual that they are found in large numbers in the right season. Keep reading for some very interesting frog facts, which are sure to add something to your knowledge of animals and the collective nouns used for them!If you enjoy reading this article, why not also check out why do frogs scream and difference between a frog and a toad here at Kidadl!What is a group of frog eggs called?Frogs are known to be social animals who are usually seen in large numbers. The croaking that you hear in the rainy season is let out by an entire group of these amphibians rather than just a chosen few. These animals tend to live in large circles mostly when they are young. As frogs grow up, they tend to make their circles smaller and smaller. This social behavior happens because these animals lay eggs in large numbers and hence have large populations. A group of frog eggs is called frogspawn.It is also interesting to note that like fish, frogs, and toads’ eggs are also referred to as spawns. At the same time, another interesting fact is that some frogs may lay around 30000 eggs at one time. This is an evolutionary tactic of frogs and toads since not all their eggs hatch. Laying more eggs gives them a larger possibility of survival since eggs are sometimes also consumed by fish and other predatory animals.How many frogs form a group?A colony or group of frogs may contain as many as hundreds of frogs and as few as just three frogs. Two frogs or toads would form a pair, and three or more would be classified as a group. Smaller groups of frogs and toads are observed in older frogs since they tend to live lives in isolation and solitude. Hence, if you do notice a large group of frogs or toads, the chances are that they are all young and are discussing their business with regards to fly-catching!Why is a group of frogs called an army or a knot?The fact that we call a group of these amphibians an army of frogs or a knot of frogs can be quite confusing. However, there is a proper reason behind this. Irrespective of the species of frogs in question and whether they live in water or on land, a group is called an army because an army generally refers to a large collective. We do have modern connotations associated with the word, and the world knows this word as one denoting aggression. However, what we know of armies and their aggressive nature has nothing to do with an army of frogs and the different fun activities that they perform all day. Unless you consider the murder of a fly as aggression, frogs are among the most peaceful creatures in the world.A group or collective of frogs may also be called a knot since these groups are tightly knit and have excellent communication as well. The word knot, however, is usually used to denote a small group of water or land frog species.One of the lesser-known facts is that a group of male frogs is called a chorus. This is quite fitting because it is mostly the male frogs that do the croaking!What is a group of young frogs called?When it comes to the names that can be given to a group or collective of young frogs, there are no special ones that we know of. That is to say, a group of young frogs has no different names and would just be referred to as an army!Where can you find groups of frogs?A colony or group of frogs can easily be traced through the typical call of the animal. The croaking call can hardly be missed under any circumstances. However, if you are having a tough time finding these groups, it is useful to know the names of the species of frogs that live in your part of the world. For example, a group of tree frogs will usually be found in moist, warm grasslands.Usually, frogs are an animal species that prefers to live in moist areas since their skin usually loses a lot of moisture and constantly needs replenishing. This is the reason why you hear more frogs croaking when the monsoon season is around.What should you do if you see a group of frogs?If you do notice a group of frogs (also called a frog army), the best thing to do is to leave the animals to their own fun activities. It is best not to meddle in any animal’s business or hinder its daily routine.While a frog won’t usually attack you or intimidate you in any way, some frog species have toxic chemicals on their skin, which can be dangerous for humans. Some frog species also hate being handled by humans and do not see it as a friendly gesture. It would thus be best for you to bask in the glory of such groups and listen to their songs without interfering! Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘What is a group of frogs called?’ then why not take a look at ‘African dwarf frog lifespan’ or ‘Poison dart frog facts’?

There may not be many frog-lovers around the world, but there is no denying that these animals are quite fascinating!