Hamsters are fuzzy, cuddly creatures that are among the most popular small animals kept as pets, but have you ever wondered what hamsters feed on, especially what fruits a hamster can eat?Every day, a hamster should be provided with fresh food with great nutritional value. Because hamsters are known to hoard food, an empty dish does not need to be refilled. Nonetheless, make sure a hamster is given food regularly in the combination of commercial food, fresh fruits and vegetables, and an occasional special treat.The species have thick, silky hair that can be long or short and black, grey, honey, white, brown, yellow, red, or a combination. Food hoarding is a behavioral trait of hamsters. They transport food to their subterranean storage chambers in their large cheek pouches. Once their cheeks are filled, their heads could perhaps double or even quadruple in proportion.Hamsters are crepuscular than nocturnal, and in the wilderness, they spend the day beneath the earth to escape predators. Hamsters eat fruit, seeds, and foliage which are their primary food sources; however, they may consume burrowing insects on occasion. Hamsters being omnivores means they consume both meat and vegetables. But the question is can hamsters eat fruit? Read on to know more about different fruits that hamsters can eat. Afterward, also check out facts about do hamsters smell and do hamsters hibernate?What Hamsters Eat For SnacksTo fulfill your pet hamster’s nutritional demands, they will require a commercial pellet that is high in quality as the main meal.Nonetheless, in addition to their regular meals, it’s enjoyable to provide them with some variation in the form of other treats. While your pet hamster will not be harmed by eating cat food, it may cause sickness or intestinal discomfort. It is OK to give your hamster one or two pieces of cat food once a week. Keep in mind that treats must never constitute more than 10% of the hamster’s entire diet.Rather than just seeds and nuts for snacks, switch to vegetables and fruits high in water and fiber. Consider any of the following options when your hamster deserves a special treat:Grains are high in protein and carbs, and feeding your hamster around a tablespoon of them per day is OK.Fresh, organically cultivated greens are healthy and preferable.Apples, pears, strawberries, and bananas are all favorites of hamsters. They must be used in moderation and as a complement to a healthy balanced diet.Timothy hay is a wonderful chewing food that can help your hamster’s teeth stay healthy.Nuts, cooked eggs, and mealworms are occasionally offered as rewards.Can hamsters eat bread?The quick answer is yes. Feeding bread is typically safe for your hamster; however certain types of bread should be avoided. There are a few things to consider before introducing bread into your hamster’s diet.Certain breads, as well as crackers, include preservatives and flavors that are harmful to your hamster. Bread contains a significant amount of carbohydrates and gluten. Whole wheat bread has less starch than white bread; however, all bread types have a considerable starch content. Yeast and salt are two more elements that are typically present in the bread. Feeding foods heavy in gluten, sodium, starch, and carbs may cause your pet hamster to develop diabetes, obesity, food allergies and may even result in death.How to draw a balanced diet for your hamster?On simplified meals, hamsters develop normally and reach typical mature weights. The most straightforward diet consists of Vitamins A, D, E, K, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, and pantothenic acid.If vitamin E is not included in the food, the animals will collapse and die between 4 to 18 weeks. Hamsters do not require a wide variety of foods. Although a pet hamster may survive only on commercially available hamster diets, other products like veggies, fruits, seeds, and nuts can be provided.It would be best to opt for hamster foods that have 12-24% protein and 3-6% fat. You should obtain hamster foods that include 18-40% protein and 7-9% fat for pregnant or infant hamsters. They require a high-carbohydrate diet in combination with protein and fat. Because hamsters use so much energy while they are active, hamster foods containing some essential carbohydrates will provide them with the energy they require to perform their night-time activity on the hamster wheel or through their tubes as well as tunnels.Greens in the shape of lettuces, grasses, fruits, and vegetables help the diet become more balanced. Hamsters eat fruit such as apples, plums, cherries, and grapes, which are safe for your hamster. Nonetheless, just about anywhere, all hamsters have an adverse reaction to fruit seeds as they are toxic. Common fruits like bananas, apricots, peaches, mangoes, pineapples, papayas, and most yellow fruits should be consumed in tiny quantities. Other fruits that your pet hamster should avoid include kiwi, dragon fruit (due to the same number of seeds), and blackberry.Citrus fruits are unsafe for a hamster, such as oranges, tangerines, kumquat, clementines, grapefruit, lemon, and lime. Citrus fruits are very acidic. Eating citrus fruit might induce gastrointestinal pain and diarrhea in your hamster. Star fruit is not suitable for hamsters since it contains a neurotoxin that can harm hamsters and other tiny animals.In addition, several human foods are acceptable for hamsters to consume in moderation, including fruits like apples, bananas, grapes, peaches, tomatoes, watermelon; vegetables like celery, corn, cucumber, peas; seeds like seeds pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds; nuts like peanuts and walnuts.Do hamsters face obesity problems?Obesity in hamsters is common, and it can lead to or contribute to significant health problems in these tiny creatures! In hamsters, obesity can lead to diabetes and cardiac issues.A hammie’s weight is primarily determined by diet and exercise; however, hamsters occasionally gain weight due to medical conditions or if human foods are fed. Hamsters, on the other hand, have some adorable but devious antics that can lead to obesity.Hamsters can hide and store human foods in those lovely tiny cheek pouches for later snacking. If you have a fat hamster, get dietary guidance from your veterinarian. Dried maize, peas, dried fruit, beans, barely even alfalfa sprouts are common ingredients in store-bought dry hamster meal mixtures. Remember to be a responsible hamster owner and never put your furry friend on a crash diet since overeating can be fatal to him.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for what fruits can hamsters eat? Ham-zing facts to know before you get one, then why not look at whether hamsters like to be held or hamster teeth.

Hamsters are fuzzy, cuddly creatures that are among the most popular small animals kept as pets, but have you ever wondered what hamsters feed on, especially what fruits a hamster can eat?