Gorillas are great apes, and they can stand up to 6 ft (1.8 m).They can lift 1000 lb (453.6 kg) and have massive arms and finger strength. They can also swim, and they have a powerful bite.They can also run at a speed of 35 mph (56.3 kph) for short distances. Gorillas live in groups (or troops) of up to 30 gorillas, including several adult males and many young gorillas. There are nine different endangered species of gorillas; western gorilla, eastern gorilla, mountain gorilla, Cross River gorilla, central African lowland gorilla, Grauer’s gorilla, western lowland gorilla, Bwindi, and Mgahinga.The Virunga Mountains National Park is one of three wildlife national parks in Africa, along with the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania and the Garamba National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This national park is home to many animals, including mountain gorillas, chimpanzees, and many more.Gorilla beringei and Cross River gorilla are subspecies of the western gorilla. They’re also known as the mountain or eastern gorilla and are considered a critically endangered species. Gorilla beringei is found in the eastern and the central areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa. This ape can’t survive in a wild habitat because of the lack of food, their body temperature is higher than the normal temperature in the wild, and they can’t stand wet weather or rain.Mountain gorilla groups tend to be less than 10 individuals, with a typical group containing one male, several females, and their offspring. Mountain gorillas are currently found in only two wildlife national parks; Virunga and Volcanoes.African gorillas are critically endangered. The Rainforest Alliance is educating people to protect gorilla habitats and help eliminate the illegal trade of bushmeat.What do you call a group of gorillas?A group of gorillas can be called a troop or a band. In an emergency, the gorillas may take shelter in a branch of a tree, or they may form a circle with their backs to each other and their arms around each other’s shoulders, like a chain.They are very social animals. They like to eat, play, sleep, and groom with the others in their troop.Gorillas live in the wild in Africa. There are two types: lowland gorillas and mountain gorillas. Both types are in danger and live in forests. Both types have a short, dense coat of hair that helps protect them from the sun and the rain.They are the strongest animals on land, stronger than lions, tigers, crocodiles, and even humans. In addition, gorillas have a very long lifespan.For example, one particular gorilla is still living at the age of 60 years.There are two main types: mountain gorillas and lowland gorillas. Mountain gorillas are found in the mountain ranges of central Africa. Lowland gorillas are located in the forests of west and central Africa.The lowland gorillas are classified into two subspecies. These are the eastern lowland gorilla and the western lowland gorilla. They are found in the dense forests of the Congo Basin and the countries immediately surrounding it.The mountain gorilla is the largest endangered subspecies of the eastern lowland gorilla, great ape species. It’s found in Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It’s the largest endangered subspecies, and it can weigh up to 400 lb (181.4 kg).What type of social group do gorillas live in?The silverback is the dominant adult male of a gorilla troop. There are gorilla groups, family groups, and bachelor groups. A mother is usually in charge of a family of gorillas and that family is called a clan.The group may also include the offspring’s siblings. The family group is the smallest unit of gorillas.A family group travels together and is almost always made up of two individuals. The second type of group is a bachelor group.These groups are usually made up of young adult males. These groups are generally only one or two individuals. These groups are always looking for receptive females to mate.A gorilla troop consists of one adult male or Silverback, several adult females, and their immature offspring. The Silverback is a mature leader.Male gorillas live in harems with one to three females. Each female has her home range, where she is the sole resident, and dominant Silverback has a group range, which overlaps with the fields of several females.What is a large group of gorillas called?A group of gorillas is called a band. The reason behind it is that the main purpose of a gorilla band is to protect the troop from outside predators.This means that most threats will be coming from the air so that the gorillas will be safe from most predators from above.The group works to safely fight off any predators and take turns to keep watch.The only problem with this formation is that you can’t move around very fast, and you can’t see behind you very well.This is why gorillas are more likely to use the line formation when moving around.Who leads a group of gorillas?The males are the largest gorillas. The silverback male gorilla is the leader of the group. He is the biggest, the oldest, and the strongest gorilla in the group.He is a defender, a provider, a protector, and security for his group members.He is the undisputed leader. Other than the Silverback, the second most significant member of the group is the silverback’s female mate.The silverback’s job is tiring, so he cannot do it alone. He needs the help and support of his mate.The silverback needs someone he can trust, who will take care of his offspring and help him keep the group together and safe.

Gorillas are great apes, and they can stand up to 6 ft (1.8 m).