Silverfish are nocturnal insects with long antennae and six legs.Contrary to their name, they are not fish, but rather silver metallic insects. Due to cellulose being an important part of the silverfish diet, they are very easily attracted to items like wood, clothes, and dry food.Female silverfish are also very adept at laying eggs which means that silverfish are able to reproduce very quickly. Due to this, a silverfish infestation often grows very quickly, and infestations are discovered quite late due to their nature of hiding out in dark, damp places. Though silverfish do not bite humans or spread disease, they can still cause a lot of damage as they are even known to eat wallpaper and drywall! Though not directly harmful to humans, a silverfish infestation can still be very harmful in the long run if not placed under control. To learn what silverfish eat and how to keep them away, read on!If you enjoyed reading this article, you can also check out our pages on what do quail eat and what do squid eat.Do silverfish eat cardboard?Silverfish love cellulose, which is heavily present in dust, hair, and paper. This includes cardboard, dry foods such as pasta, grains, and rice, and clothing and fabric.Paper and cardboard are actually one of the staple silverfish diet foods, and cardboard boxes actually make great hiding places as well as sources of food for these crafty critters. Silverfish thrive in dark, humid areas and cardboard boxes filled with old books, clothing, and photographs in closets or basements make the perfect breeding grounds for a silverfish infestation.Silverfish infestations can also pose bigger problems to your house, as many pests such as spiders, centipedes, and earwigs eat them as a part of their diets. If silverfish populations are not curbed, then your home may become the abode of many other unwanted creatures as well, which is why it is always best to deal with these outbreaks quickly.Do silverfish eat mold?Silverfish are quite attracted to mold, so if you notice any silverfish hanging about, check for any mold outbreaks at once.You may have mold growing on various food sources in your pantries, such as on grains or other items which have been left open. As silverfish like mold as well as dry human foods, they are likely to attack your pantry and eat everything they see, causing damage to your groceries. Food stored in cardboard boxes isn’t safe either, as silverfish will eat through them in no time. They will also eat dry pet food, and usually bringing home silverfish-infested pet food or cereals is how they enter the house in the first place!Asides from food, silverfish also find protein from other sources, such as dead insects and they are not entirely against eating dead silverfish either. They do not hunt other insects and only eat dead ones if they are unable to find other sources of protein.How To Prevent Silverfish DamageSilverfish tend to cause quite a bit of damage, as they are very versatile in what they eat, so food sources are very easily available for them!Keep any dry food items such as grains, cereal, and any sugary foods packed in sealed, airtight containers in the pantry as they can attract silverfish.Keep all your important items, as well as any paper money, in sealed plastic bags and containers and away from damp places in the house. Clean out your bookshelves regularly as dust may accumulate there, and silverfish are very fond of both paper and book bindings. Silverfish may also feed on clothing, and are actually fond of fabrics like linen, silk, rayon, and cotton. Clean out your closets regularly and make sure there are no silverfish present in your clothes. If you notice any holes in your clothing accompanied by yellowish stains, it may be silverfish damage. They also eat leather, so keep a check on your shoe closet as well.Take measures to protect the drywall of your house by painting it properly and covering it with waterproof sealant. Also, cover any cracks or gaps present within the framework of your home to make sure that these insects cannot easily enter.How To Get Rid Of SilverfishSilverfish can enter your home through a variety of means and can multiply very easily. In order to prevent any possible silverfish infestations, we have a few tips for you.Dust and clean your house regularly as silverfish are attracted to cellulose, which is heavily present in dust. They may also enter your home through holes made by water damage, so make sure you fix any leaky pipes or clogged drains that are present.As silverfish prefer to live in dark and damp spaces, make sure to check and clean any such spaces in your homes like closets, basements, and pantries regularly. Keep track of the humidity levels and make sure you have proper ventilation. To do this, you can open your windows for a few hours each day to keep the air flowing throughout all areas of your house.If the infestations gets out of control, then call pest control immediately in order to rid your home of these insects. If you keep putting off damage control, it can cause your small pest problem to grow into a very destructive situation. Because of the implications of losing precious pictures, food, books, and other items, it is advised to invest in thorough pest control and rid yourselves of the problem entirely. Large infestations can also lead to silverfish eating through the groundwork of your house and causing significant damage to the structure, which is the reason why it is very important to keep control of any silverfish swarms you may find in your house!Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for what do silverfish eat then why not take a look at what do oysters eat, or silverfish facts.

Silverfish are nocturnal insects with long antennae and six legs.