Raccoons are wild animals.Lately, due to the scarcity of fruit trees in forests, they have shifted closer to humans. You can see raccoons rob your garden if you live close to a forest area.It is very interesting to know that raccoons have common ancestors with bears. Wild raccoons prefer to stay in deep forests close to waterways. Wild raccoon loves to eat a wide range of food. Raccoons are noted to be omnivores, so they eat fruits, nuts, seeds, eggs, frogs, insects, and crayfish. They will eat everything that is available to them. They use their dexterous paws to pick morsels out of hiding places.Raccoons have a sharp sense of sight. They have very sensitive ears. Their sense of touch is highly developed. A raccoon’s forefeet are unique and extremely agile. They resemble human hands, made up of five slender fingers. Raccoons are independent and solitary creatures.It is interesting to know that raccoons are nocturnal. They successfully hunt at night, as they are camouflaged using their distinctive coats. During the daytime, they hide in the hollows of trees to rest. They can be seen near your house in the evening or at night.Another fascinating fact about raccoons is that they are opportunistic animals. They have learned to coexist with humans for food as humans have encroached on their forests and looted from their natural habitat. You can commonly see raccoons eating from trash cans or even eating dead animals on the street. They can commonly be seen in semi-urban areas that are close to the wild.Raccoons are known to be clever, gregarious animals. They can be easily identified with their characteristic black color. It seems as if a mask surrounds their eyes. They have bushy tails.In the city limits, you can see raccoons break lids off of trash cans. They trash campsites and coolers. They are naughty enough to turn on the taps on streets to let water flow.Some people enjoy watching raccoons’ naughty little night circuses, while others consider these animals to be a nuisance.If you enjoyed this article, why not also read about what do quail eat or what do prairie dogs eat here at Kidadl?What do raccoons like to eat the most?Raccoons are omnivores, so they eat fruits, nuts, and small animals as well.It is riveting to know that the raccoon has an unusual habit of washing its food and also hands in water. Yes, this is very similar to what we do with our food. This has been noted by the scientists, saying that they like to take food from a water source.We just think it is very cute. They occasionally catch small fish from water when they are spawning and are easy to catch.Raccoons are known to maintain a balanced diet. They eat small rodents and fruits together so that their food is full of all sorts of nutrition.Raccoons, being omnivores, can be given both meat and plants to eat when in captivity. You can give your pet a diet that includes dog food. You can make a combination of poultry, eggs, insects, fish, vegetables, and fruits. You can give them pet food or bird eggs to increase body fat.Treat your pets with nuts and fatty foods sparingly so as to prevent obesity. Provide a dish of clean water. You must also have some space or toys for them to stay active.What do raccoons eat in the city?Raccoons are truly opportunistic feeders. They eat almost anything at hand for food, such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, or leftovers.If they do not have a food source available, they prefer to move to new places. If there are lesser sources in forests, then they move towards cities. They open garbage and trash cans or get into compost bins. They also loot fish ponds. They may catch rats or mice from your neighborhood. If you have pets, they can steal pet food from their bowls.If you do not want a raccoon menace, then put out garbage cans only when they are to be collected. This will make raccoons go away as there will be no easily available food for them. Do not put out food for a wild raccoon. You will not be helping it; you will only spoil its diet. Also, there will be a chance of rabies if they bite you.Another method to keep them away is to place motion detection lights so that when they come at night, the light will switch on. Raccoons will be forced to leave from there. You can also have a motion sensor water sprinkler. This also deters raccoons.It is noted that a raccoon gives birth from January to June. So, if you find one in your attic or any other hidden place, stay away. Call the relevant department, as there may be young raccoons. If adult raccoons bite you to save their babies, this can be a problem. You may even get rabies. Always try to leave wildlife alone and let officials handle it.If you see an adult raccoon alone, it will probably go away and not cause you any harm. Just leave it be as, if you provoke it, you may cause it to attack and you. Try to close openings that allow access to your house. If a raccoon gets into your house, you must open the windows and exit doors and wait for it to escape.The best environment for a raccoon is when it is among other wildlife. Do not try to tame a wild raccoon that has come into your house. If you want one as a pet, you will have to buy it from a pet shop and make sure that it has been bred in captivity.Do raccoons eat squirrels?Raccoons are omnivores, so they eat whatever vegetables and small animals are available.Raccoons can live in different environments depending on the diet they follow. In the wild, raccoons eat bird eggs, insects, berries, nuts, and even small animals. They have been seen catching fish from water bodies. They also eat reptiles and squirrels if needed.Wild raccoons that are living in the vicinity of water bodies are more likely to eat fish and amphibians than others. Those living in dry wildlife areas can eat squirrels for food too. They have also been seen eating snails and clams, but they have never really been recorded trying to catch birds.Do raccoons eat cats?Raccoons eat every type of food that is available in the garbage if they need to fill their stomach.If you want to keep raccoons as pets, you must give them raccoon food as per the raccoon’s diet. Also, if you already have a cat, they may not be friends. They can both catch mice for you and chase birds together, but no more than that.Raccoons are known to be omnivores, so they can eat animals and plants to fulfill their needs. They are easy eaters, so they look for foods that are easily available. Raccoons eat frogs, crayfish, rats, and even squirrels. Raccoons rarely eat cats. They can catch kittens at times, but they do not relish eating cats as prey.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘What do raccoons eat?’ then why not take a look at ‘What do oysters eat?’, or ‘Raccoon facts’?

Raccoons are wild animals.