The electric field in free space contains charged particles with electric charges and properties while the magnetic field contains the charged particle that contains magnetic forces.The energy is emitted from the electromagnetic fields in free space as electromagnetic waves. These electromagnetic waves are mostly in a mode of vibration.The electric field is made of stationary charges whereas in the case of the magnetic field it is produced by the moving charges. When we take into consideration a frame that is moving we combine the magnetic and the electric field. Both the fields are made up of photons. In fact, in the case of certain interactions, it requires real photons. The photons are known to have specific intensity and frequency. The electromagnetic waves being in a constant mode of vibration is a form of electromagnetic energy. This energy can be transferred by the field all across the space with the help of matter. This mode of transferring energy can be termed electromagnetic radiation. The electromagnetic field is known to disseminate and disperse at the speed of light. In other words, the electromagnetic field can be distinguished as light as the field cooperates and coordinates with the emitted currents. If we want to formulate the movement of the electromagnetic waves, then we have to use Maxwell’s equation. According to Maxwell’s equations, ω*k = c (ω = angular frequency, k = inverse of wavenumber, and c = speed of light). Here, all the rays are considered to be electromagnetic waves and can transfer energy. This energy can be transferred from the transmitter to the target. For instance, motion can be referred to as the movement of electromagnetic waves from the sun to the people on earth.If you like reading this, you might want to read about 3 magnetic metals and is silver magnetic.Cool Facts: Electric And Magnetic Fields Contain And TransportWhen it comes to the electric and magnetic fields and waves, they can be distinguished into different types. Also, when it comes to the magnetic fields, the magnets can be of different types too. Although both the fields will have varying magnitude and commercial uses.When discussing the different types of electric fields there are two different types. The first one is the static field. This field can also be termed the electrostatic field of energy. The properties of this field include the currents which are static or stationary. Whereas the second type is the dynamic field of energy. The major property of the dynamic field is the characteristics of the variable. In this case, the time is the variable element and hence the field is referred to as the dynamic field. Irrespective of the different and distinguished properties, both the electric field will have a fixed magnitude and direction. An electric field can be formulated as E = Fq. In this equation, F is the electrostatic force and q is the charge and E is the electrical field. In the case of the magnetic field, there are two different fields too. The first one is the magnetism of the permanent magnetic field or ferromagnetism. Whereas the second is the magnetism generated by the flow of the current or electromagnetism. If we want to formulate the equation of magnetism then it can be termed as F = ILBsinθ. Here, I is the flow of the current and L is the magnetic field. F is the force that acts at a right angle both the field and the current, and θ is the angle of the action. One of the cool facts about the magnet and the magnetic field is that the Earth itself is a huge magnet. The magnetic field of the Earth is known to be 1,000 times weaker than a normal magnet. The magnetic poles of the earth are always in constant motion and they keep moving about 24 mi (40 km). Apart from the Earth, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are other planets that contain magnetic fields. For commercial purposes, electromagnets are majorly used in remotes, trains, and varieties of machines to make them work thoroughly.Funny Facts: Electric And Magnetic Fields Contain And TransportWhen it comes to the fun facts of the electric and the magnetic fields, one of the major facts is that the gamma rays and the x rays are not deflected by these fields.In an electric field, the electrons are known to move with a constant velocity and frequency. Intensity remaining the same, they move in a specific direction. Due to this intensity when 10% electricity is required for a visible light bulb to light up. The rest of the 90% usually is consumed by the heat. The magnetic fields on earth are termed the b fields due to magnetic induction. A lot of the free space on Earth has natural magnets which form from magnetite. A few other magnetic materials are steel, cobalt, and nickel. At a lower frequency, magnets can be found in objects like telephones, TVs, and refrigerators.Amazing Facts: Electric And Magnetic Fields Contain And TransportOne amazing fact about electromagnetic waves is their interaction with sound waves. They usually do not interact, but if sound waves and electromagnetic waves fall in the same medium they are most likely to interact with each other.When it comes to the speed of electricity it is pretty fast. The speed of the electricity is the same as the speed of the light which is approximately 670,616,629 mi (1079252848 km) in an hour. If we break down this speed, it comes to around 186411.3 mi (300 million m) in just a second. The speed of light waves along with the electric current makes the lightning a visible light to the naked eyes. As the speed of the electricity, the speed of radio waves can be fascinating too. The electromagnetic waves and the radio waves travel at the same speed with a specific frequency. The frequency for both the radio waves and the electromagnetic waves can be as high as 300 Hz. Although at times, the frequency can be as low as 30 Hz. The frequency depends on the distance of the radiation of the waves. According to research, electricity from the electric field was discovered in 600 BC. This discovery was done by the greeks using fur and resin. The ancient Greeks rubbed a piece of fur against resin extracted from a tree to generate electricity. The sole purpose of this invention was to create an independent source of electricity that can be static. During the emission of electromagnetic waves from the electric field, specific energy is released. The electrical energy in the field is converted into kinetic energy.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for what do electric and magnetic fields contain and transport, then why not take a look at 3 types of magnets or about magnets?

The electric field in free space contains charged particles with electric charges and properties while the magnetic field contains the charged particle that contains magnetic forces.