Have you ever wondered what do dragonflies eat?Dragonflies have very peculiar feeding habits. The diet of these tiny flying insects is actually surprising.The average life of an adult dragonfly is a maximum of two months, while the entire lifespan from an egg to an adult dragonfly can last for around six months. You know what? Unlike other flying insects, these flies are dangerous predators to most insects. Their wings allow them to move across their habitat in search of food easily. Let us find out some diet facts about these dragonflies together. Though dragonflies can bite, they can not sting humans. Afterward, also check out can dragonflies bite and how to attract dragonflies?What do dragonflies eat other than insects?Dragonflies eat insects. But it is also a well-known fact that dragonflies eat other dragonflies too. Apart from the other flying insects that they eat, what comprises the food of dragonflies?Dragonflies and damselflies are predators. They eat other insects that they catch, even if it is some species of dragonflies. It doesn’t matter if they are in the adult stage or larval stage; dragonflies and damselflies eat prey they catch throughout their life cycle. They serve a valuable purpose for humans by feeding on insects and mosquitoes.The larger species of dragonflies eat larger prey. A dragonfly can eat 15% of its own body weight. They eat prey depending on their size. The nymphs of dragonflies will eat small insects and other food like tadpoles, bees, and small fish.The adult will mainly eat flies and other insects and worms like butterflies, bees, midges, and mosquitoes that they catch. The nymphs have a bit more aquatic diet with tadpoles and small fish along with other flies.What do red dragonflies eat?What do red dragonflies eat? Is their diet the same as that of other species of dragonflies?Red dragonflies eat a variety of insects. Their prey list includes various flying insects and worm species. The adult dragonfly of this species eat flies, ants, mosquitoes, butterflies, and other dragonflies. The nymphs in their larvae stage eat insects in the water, which includes tadpoles, fish eggs, small fish, and larvae of mosquitoes.Both the adult dragonfly and the nymph of the dragonfly are carnivores in nature. Larger dragonflies have larger prey, while the nymph will have comparatively smaller prey like fish eggs and larvae of other insects like mosquitoes. Different species of dragonflies, like red dragonflies, are not so different in their feeding habits from most dragonflies.Do dragonflies eat roaches?We have discussed that dragonflies are carnivorous animals. They can eat insects that are similar to them in size. They will hunt for whatever insects that they can catch and devour. Where do roaches come in this scenario?Do dragonflies eat roaches? Roaches are not part of the general diet of the dragonflies, but cockroaches are part of the flying insects and may attract dragonflies. There are only very few insects that adult dragonflies won’t eat.This happens mainly if they are larger than the dragonflies. Once a dragonfly eyes an insect, they will hunt them down. Baby dragonflies start with smaller insects and eggs. Once they are adults, eating a roach is not a big problem for these species. If they can catch the insect, they will eat the insect. Simple as that.Do dragonflies eat reeds?Firstly, what are reeds? Reeds are tall grass-like plants that are seen in the wetlands of an area.  Is it possible for dragonflies to eat reeds?The answer is no, absolutely not. Dragonflies are carnivorous insects that will eat meat and meat only. They don’t eat plants and other veggies. You might see dragonflies fly around reeds and other plants, but that is not for feeding on it.Dragonflies live near wetlands and water areas. Reeds grow in wetlands, so it is pretty common to see both reeds and dragonflies in the same place. You can see a dragonfly fly around the reeds, but they will never eat from it.Do dragonflies eat roses?Do dragonflies eat roses? Why are these flying insects seen near roses then?You might have seen dragonflies fly around flowers. But make no mistake, they are not there to eat the flower. We have already established that. Then, why are they near flowers like roses? Dragonflies eat other insects. The insects that they prey on can be pests to flowers like roses. Even though they don’t eat the flowers, the pests can destroy these flowers.Dragonflies are lured into the gardens to get rid of these pests. They eat prey that harms the flower. It is a win-win situation. The flower gets rid of the pest, and the dragonfly can eat the pests. This is the reason why you might find dragonflies near flowers like roses.What do dragonflies eat in plants?What do dragonflies eat from the plants? You know that a dragonfly eats insects. So, what do they find in the plants?The answer is obvious; the plants have small insects in them. A dragonfly will hunt and catch this insect from the plants. Dragonflies and damselflies like to hunt for their food. As part of their food search, they will find small insects like beetles and other worms in the plants. Adult dragonflies will eat these insects in no time.They are ravenous predators when it comes down to it. Adult dragonflies will also be eaten at the same time. Some birds find these flying insects a good meal for them. Whatever the case, a dragonfly will discover many small insects inside the plants for them to eat. You will see them around plants hunting for insects.What do dragonflies eat in ponds?We have already discussed how the dragonfly nymphs feed on the water. Even though adult dragonflies will eat from a pond, you will see more dragonfly nymphs in the pond.What do dragonflies eat from the pond? The pond contains a variety of food items for a nymph to eat. The fish lay eggs in the pond. Tadpoles are swimming around the pond, and the larvae of mosquitoes can be found in water bodies like this. Do we need to explain what a dragonfly eats from the pond any further than this?They will eat all these things along with some other small insects. Adult dragonflies can eat fish from the pond. They will hold the prey in their legs, and their legs provide a grip for them to eat the fish. Whether from the pond or land, a dragonfly will always have many flying insects around to fill its tiny tummy.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for what do dragonflies eat, then why not take a look at do dragonflies sting or do dragonflies eat mosquitoes?

Have you ever wondered what do dragonflies eat?