Feeding deers seems like a simple task, but is it really?Many people disclose that deers visit their backyards to score food. They, just like many others, get confused about what foods will be best for deers.Deers are animals with small antlers who like to leave the forest areas and visit nearby human settlements. Deers are very kind animals. They do not harm anyone. Their diet is herbivorous. That is why many people living in areas with deer herds put out feeders for them to eat. Several instances have been reported that due to lack of information people have fed deers foods they should not be eating. Hence, it is important to understand the dietary requirements of deers. Deers need foods containing nutritional value such as carbohydrates and proteins. Discover which foods will serve this purpose and fulfil the deers’ craving for good foods. A large chunk of the population of these animals in the wild can be found in the form of a white-tailed deer herd. After reading all about the diet of a deer, do read are deer nocturnal and are deer color blind?What can I feed my backyard deer in the wild?Want to attract deers in your backyard? Or want to feed the ones that visit? You should be prepared with all the necessary ingredients. You have to note that feeding deers on your property are illegal is a common misunderstanding. There are no laws about feeding deers who visit you. These deers are readily attracted to food sources.Sometimes you will have to set up feeders to attract deer populations. There are several natural as well as artificial healthy, protein-rich food options for deers. You can easily find food that will satisfy the wildlife in your backyard.Just like every other animal on the planet deers too have a need for nutrition. Deers are large in size. They burn many calories and hence require a lot of energy. You can help deers by feeding them quality foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. It is often difficult to find food in deer’s natural habitat. That is why they visit people’s backyards to look for food. You can get deer food in bulk online or in local farmer’s markets. You will need to buy a lot of food because it has been estimated that an average-sized white-tailed deer can eat five lb (2.26 kg) of food every day.You can alternatively plant trees on your plot to feed the deers. Deers happily eat fruits such as apples, leaves of plants and trees, oats, twigs of woody plants, grass, acorns, mushrooms, alfalfa, forage, mast, hay, asters, nuts, vegetables, legumes, branches of trees such as white and yellow birch, striped maple, red oak, witch hazel, mountain maple, beaked hazel. Whitetail deers can also be fed deer pellets which are made with the objective of providing complete nourishment to the entire body of a deer. Many species of deers take advantage of the feeders in people’s backyards. Make sure you have placed the feeders in open spaces which deers can easily access. Their antlers are often an inconvenience when entering small spaces. That is why you must ensure the food is easily accessible to deers. You should definitely provide clean drinking water along with food to keep the deers hydrated.What do deer eat in fall and early winter?The fall season is referred to as fall rut in the case of deers. The fall rut and early winter months are the time period when deers require the most energy out of the entire year. Finding a food source in the fall and early winter months is a difficult task, especially for bucks. This is the time when you will find deers collected in herds because this is the breeding season. Bucks of the herd looked weaker than the females during this time. The growth of deers should be kept consistent during this time. So set up deer feeders on your property. A deer eats trees too so keep your important trees safe.In its natural habitat, a deer eats locally available forage and mast. Throughout the year, deers get enough food supply to meet their nutrition needs. But with fall it is different. Fall is the breeding season. Bucks of the herd run behind to convince them to mate. Does not have much work to do apart from being playfully chased around their habitat. But bucks, on the other hand, have to chase different doe each day. It consumes a lot of their energy. Studies have shown the bucks of most species lose 30% of their body fat during fall and early winter.They ignore the need to eat in the breeding season. They do not get the amount of proteins and carbohydrates they should to maintain their systems. To top that they eat very little during this period. They merely eat the amount required to keep them from fainting. This does not seem like an issue to them at that time. But they see the effect during winter and spring. Winter naturally decreases the amount of food available and in spring deers grow their antlers. The growth of antlers of this wildlife is proportional to the fat reserves in their body.Seasonal Dietary DifferencesDeer herds are found in several kinds of woods located around the globe. Seasonal changes, in different parts of the world, cause changes in the natural habitat of the deers. Changes in the natural surroundings with seasons also alter the food sources for all the wildlife. Several animals go into hibernation as the winter approaches due to a lack of food. But deers do not hibernate. They continue to find woody food sources for themselves. Here, the fact that there are dietary differences with changing seasons cannot be ignored.A study was conducted by researchers in the United States to understand the seasonal dietary differences in deers. The white-tailed deer was a test species for this study. A white-tailed deer was kept under observation as a natural habitat for a period of time. The process of study was pretty simple - just observe. It is noted that there is no significant dietary difference in the diets of wild deers and tame deers. There are certain foods that the population of deers eat throughout the year. This is possible due to the abundant supply of those plant species.Some of the common foods are twigs of trees, leaves of plants, grass, alfalfa. But the grass is eaten in very little quantity in winter since most of it is covered in snow. Deers prefer to eat twigs of hardwood during the summer season and softwood during the winter season. Their growth is slow in the winter as their diet contains less protein in winter than any other month of the year. The antlers of deers start growing near the spring, which is when the intake of food increases as it takes energy and fats to grow antlers. The population of deers constantly adapt to their surroundings and change their diet requirements accordingly.What should you not feed deer?Feeding deers is not as easy as it seems. Care should be taken that they are not fed anything that is harmful to their health. Understanding a deer’s digestive system will prove to be very helpful while starting a feeding cycle for deers. People in zoos and wildlife parks are well trained in that aspect but common people whose property is blessed by visits of deers are not so much.They accidentally and/or unknowingly feed deers food that is not suitable for their system. To avoid this proper study and management should be done before feeding deers. This way they will get all the proteins they are supposed to and not foods that are bad.Deer food should not be kept in a single place. It should be spread throughout the plot of your property. Feeders placed at separate locations avoid crowding near a single feeder. Species such as a white-tailed deer are facing great harm due to eating the wrong diet. Corn for instance is bad for a white-tailed deer and other species of deers. It is very difficult to digest. Several instances have been reported where deer feces have whole grains of corn in them.Corn doesn’t take part in the digestive system but it just obstructs the path for other food. That is why you should not feed corn to deers. Similarly, hay lays in the stomachs of deers without processing. It makes them feel full. So they don’t eat anything which results in a low intake of essential nutrients. Deers actually starve when hay is laying in their stomach undigested and they cannot eat anything else. Alfalfa is okay but hay is not, especially in the winter months. Kitchen scraps are another no-no for deers. Kitchen foods have a lot of species that are not suitable for a deer’s digestive system.What deer love to eat?Ever spotted a white-tailed deer hopping around the forest? They do so when they are looking for their favorite foods. They even enter people’s yards if they spot their favorite food growing in there. Their antlers make it difficult if fences are present but they manage to get in anyway.Deers eat basically herbivorous things. They don’t look at the quality of their food while eating, they just eat. This does not mean you will give them anything. Deers get their mouths full of their favorite foods very less often because not all areas are full of vegetation.A deer eats grass, forage, mast in very large amounts. But that is not their favorite food. They love to eat fruits such as apples, blackberries, blueberries, persimmons. Natural fruits are the best forms of protein. They supply a lot of energy and are easy to digest. Deers also enjoy eating nuts like regular acorns, beechnuts acorns, hickory nuts, pecans.You will find that deers also love artificial deer food as a part of their diet. Some deers just go crazy over oats. Oats are not a part of the deer feeder but you can mix parts of oats in the deer food to increase the quantity and give a better taste to deers. Fruits, nuts, and vegetables are savored by every white-tailed deer. Many homeowners tell that deers in their area even eat ornamental plants in their garden. It is a nuisance for garden owners but deers just love them.Vegetables such as spinach, potatoes, carrots, capsicum are finished off by deers once they set their eyes on them. Woods are not exactly the type of region such foods grow for their diet. That is why deers don’t always get to eat what they love.Bests Things To Feed Your Deer In The WinterFor deer management, the winter months are the hardest. There is less supply of food and deers have just undergone the breeding season. This means they are in need of a lot of proteins and nutrients and there is very little vegetation growing around them. The regions with heavy snowfall have the worst impact on the growth of deers. During the summer seasons, a deer eats lots of food to gain energy. But winters are quite opposite of summers - finding food is difficult. That is why supplemental feeding programs are started for deers in winters.Winter months are the hardest for deers. Supplemental feed will help them survive this time of the year and build themselves for the coming spring season. The feeding cycle should be continued throughout the winter season to ensure proper nutrition is provided to the deers. You should select crops that will stand even in extreme winter conditions. If snow covers the deer food then you should plough the snow away to make the food accessible for deers.Proper nutritional growth is important during winter so that deers can grow antlers in the spring. Corn, even though it is bad for a deer’s digestive system, serves as an excellent deer food in winter. Corn can provide carbohydrates which in turn generate heat to keep the deers warm. Brassicas and sugar beets are also very good crops for winters. They are rich in nutrients. They provide enough energy to get through the winter cold. Also, they happen to be very favorite of deers since they have a sweet taste to them.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for what do deers eat then why not take a look at how fast can a deer run, or common Eland facts.

Feeding deers seems like a simple task, but is it really?