Whenever you see your little feline friend sleeping very peacefully at a corner of your house with a comfortable pillow, they surely are dreaming, maybe about you?These animals use their precious time during sleep to effectively restore their energy. Animals require a lot of time to sleep, almost most of the day.To be in a good health and have a proper life, cats need to sleep a lot more than dogs. Also, cats are really good at sleeping! Among most animals, cats sleep the most as they are naturally programmed this way. They need twice the rest time humans need, somewhat 14-16 hours. If you want to study cat dreaming, you need to put in a lot of effort, as human dreaming is easier to understand than cats. You can’t ask your kitty about its dream. With a similarity to humans, the sleeping patterns of cats have various cycles and periods of dreaming. But their dreams are not random.We know you love your little feline pet, and if you want to know more about their thinking and behavior, you can read why do cats meow at night and why do cats sleep so much.Do cats dream about their owners?Cats have dreams about what all happened in their day. And that can be anything. They sleep a lot and they dream a lot and they rest this way.It might sound a little weird, but yes, cats dream about their owners! You may be not so certain of the details of the dreams of your cat. The first thing we know is that the dreams which cats have are of their everyday occurrences and nothing random. If the owners spend the entire day or some quality time with the cat playing or giving them their favorite food, the cat may dream about it. By this, we can clearly understand that cats do dream about their owners, maybe not all the time. There is a notion that cats dream more about teasing humans.Should you wake up a dreaming cat?Dreaming is a completely natural phenomenon. Just like humans dream, the same way cats also dream. Moreover waking them abruptly from a deep sleep will affect their psychology also and they might feel terror for few minutes and attack you with their paws.You know when your cat is in its deep sleep and dreaming. It is indeed a confusing question for many owners whether to wake their cat up or not during sleep or while dreaming. Mammals have this tendency to dream and there is absolutely no logic and reason to wake them up from their sleep. Sometimes, you might feel that your cute little young feline animal is having a nightmare still don’t try to wake them up. Their dreams are the output of their day and not anything random. Just like waking humans up suddenly from their sleep is annoying and sometimes not even good for the brain, the same way cats also feel. Waking a cat up from a deep sleep will affect your cat’s health and it can become even more aggressive towards you. Whiskers or cats provide them with a sense of touch when they are awake.What do cats’ dreams look like?As we know the dreams of cats are based on whatever happened in their day. Unlike humans who sometimes can even have many random dreams about anything, cats are very systematic in these things. Spending some good joyful time with the cat may give them a sweet dream about you because they are relaxed.There is also one more thing that the cat’s dreams are colorful. Though it is possible that they might not have all the shades of color in their dreams unlike humans, still they have many. They see and understand colors in reality. They don’t even recognize all the shades of colors for a matter of fact. Humans can recognize the red, yellow, violet, indigo, blue, yellow, and many more vibrant shades, but cats have only blue, yellow, and maybe gray colors in their sleep. Cats don’t recognize these colors even when they are not sleeping. Their eyes are likely to just recognize these three-four colors in the daytime also and that’s why they just dream in these shades of colors only.Do cats have dreams and nightmares?Of course! Cats have nightmares and they can be stressed when during sleep, you will see when they have a bad dream.Compared to humans, it is totally natural for your little feline pet to get have nightmares. They might have seen something or thought about something bad in their day and that has made them dream nightmares by memory in the active stage of REM sleep. Realistic experiences are the basis of why dreaming occurs in your cat and having a nightmare out of it is not a strange phenomenon for cats. Scientists also say that having a nightmare comes likely associated with releasing the negative energy from the brains they might have inhabited in the entire day. You may wonder about waking your cat up but, avoid doing that even if they seem to have a negative dream about something. This will disturb them and they might bite you.What do cats dream about when they twitch?There is nothing specific answer to what the cat is dreaming commonly about when they twitch their head muscle and make movements. You can also take your kitty to a veterinary if you watch them twitching a lot or having some major movements while they are asleep.Just like other pets, cats also twitch involuntary, and it is not a thing to be done on purpose. Their brain most likely confuses the cat and makes it think as if they are not dreaming and sends signals as if the cat is not sleeping and is awake. They also might be having a nightmare if you see your cat twitching in sleep.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for what do cats dream about, then why not take a look at why do cats sleep at the foot of the bed or Persian cat facts?

Whenever you see your little feline friend sleeping very peacefully at a corner of your house with a comfortable pillow, they surely are dreaming, maybe about you?