Magenta shades come under the family of the colors pink and violet.We all know that mixing primary colors gives us secondary colors and tertiary colors. But did you know that a variety of colors exist when you mix other colors together?You’ve probably of the color wheel from your school days. It’s how you learn about various colors and you can chart which colors are a primary color, secondary color, and tertiary color. To help refresh your memory a little bit, primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. These colors of blue and yellow are further used to create a secondary color that consists of orange, violet, and green. Furthermore, secondary colors are used to create tertiary colors that are red orange, yellow orange, yellow green, blue green, blue violet, and red violet. Mixing and experimenting with different colors can help give you different results. However, if you may have noticed a lot of the colors are not mentioned in the color wheel like neutral hues such as white, gray, and black. And what colors make magenta? Where does this color fall in the color theory? In this article, we will be learning about what colors make magenta, mixing magenta with other colors, about the RGB color model, color mixing, color theory, and just an overall on the color magenta. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get started to learn all about this beautiful color shade, afterward, do check what colors make gold and what colors make vermilion?Difference Between Magenta And PinkThe two colors of pink and magenta come under the same hue. The distinction between these two colors is said to lie along other axes than the hue. It is said that all pink is magenta and all magenta is known to be purple, which means, by extension pink is purple. However, one must know that this does not work the other way around. All purple is not magenta neither are all magenta pink, leave alone purple being pink. Magenta is a color that is said to be a non-spectral color that occurs along the lines of purple. Pink is said to be more of a lightened form of magenta and that the magenta color is a type of purple. Only the value and saturation differ in pink and magenta whereas the hue of the two colors remains the same.You may also be wondering how one can mix the color magenta. According to some painters, blending the primary colors of red and blue paint is a way to make magenta. However, red also consists of yellow, so the result of the mixture would be more violet than magenta. Mixing yellow with magenta to get red orange and created by mixing more magenta to red orange to make the color red. John Muir, an educator and nature artist said in his book that magenta, rather than red, would be a primary color as primary colors can be created by mixing of other colors. It is said that using magenta as a primary color can help in painting with a multitude of colors that the primary color of traditional red wouldn’t help you in achieving. If you are looking for a shade of vivid purple, magenta and cyan mixed together will help you achieve this. If you want a shade of hot pink, add the color of magenta to white color and get it mixed together. If you are using watercolors, add magenta to water. If instead of magenta, you would’ve used red here, you wouldn’t have gotten a light pink, but a light red. In the world of colors and painting, some shades of colors are likely to fade. These are called fugitives and magenta is known to be a notorious fugitive. Organic magenta is hardly ever permanent and the hues of magenta are rarely found in laboratory-made pigments. Other prominent combinations being yellow and cyan, green and blue, cyan and magenta, yellow and blue, and magenta and yellow.Different Shades Of MagentaAs we have discussed above, magenta is said to be a family of colors that occurs from the blue and red light. The color of magenta is perceived to be bright pink. It is known as a broad range of colors that are much brighter than any other pinks resulting from red tinted with white. A mix of red and blue that is closer to blue is seen as purple. Magenta is seen to be a type of purple by some people, whereas the color has many different types such as magenta purple, dark magenta, old magenta, deep magenta, dull magenta, magenta pink, pastel magenta, light magenta, lavender magenta, bright magenta and many more. Mix red, green, blue, yellow, violet, light cyan, alizarin crimson in equal intensity to magenta for getting various interesting hues.If you are interested in painting, the thought must’ve crossed your mind on how to make a bright magenta color. Some painters mix red and blue paint to get the primary color of magenta. Some people also say that magenta looks quite a lot like a pinkish purple. You may also be wondering how to make the color magenta using acrylic paint. You can achieve this by picking the color red that represents magenta the most and picking purple paint that is the most similar to magenta. Make sure that you mix more of the red color and less violet. If you are confused about what the exact color is magenta, get fuchsia as it is a type of magenta. Along with this, it is said that most unusually bright colors of pink are also a type of magenta. This infamous primary color of magenta is used by a majority of printing technologies which is known as CMYK. This stands for cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black). The synthetic 19th-century pigment had the name magenta. This pigment was originally known as fuchsine but was later renamed to celebrate the victory of the battle of the Italian French, which was called the magenta. This was named after the Italian town in Lombardy. Back in the 19th century, magenta and fuchsia were quite popular colors found in art from that period of time.What colors go well with magenta?Did you know, red, yellow, and blue are the three primary colors? Magenta is perceived as a mixture of red and violet or blue light. A color that is a mixture of violet and red has captured the attention of many throughout the years. It is quite a fascinating color as its very existence is debated over. Magenta is a color that doesn’t have its own wavelength and is seen as white light, so it is often said that the color is simply made up by the brain and doesn’t exist in real life. Apart from its mysterious appearances, magenta is a color of balance and harmony. It is often considered to be spiritual in nature and used in Feng Shui. Magenta looks great when it’s combined with other pink hues or bright yellows or blues. Combining it with pink gives more of a feminine feel to the person opting for magenta.It is said that in the RGB color model, the color of magenta is made by using equal amounts of red and blue light. In the addictive colors of the RGB color wheel, magenta is seen to be right in the middle of red and blue. The color red which is said to be a warm color can be made by combining magenta with a small amount of yellow. This means, trying to make magenta would require all three primary colors of magenta, cyan blue, and a very small amount of yellow in it. If you want to make the color of magenta using acrylic paint, use transparent red and blue as magenta is a transparent color. Magenta is also said to be confused as pink and purple when in reality it is red and purple or pink and purple. In terms of the RGB color wheel, the color is halfway red and purple and composed equally of blue (50 percent) and red (50 percent).Magenta Color CombinationsYellow and cyan, green and blue magenta and yellow, yellow and blue are some of the most popular color combinations. Magenta goes really well with the colors of light pink, grey and dark blue. The color of magenta has become a huge part of the fashion industry with its combination of a passion for red and a calm blue. It also complements well with yellow and golden brown. Let’s have a look at some color combinations with magenta that would be great in interiors, fashion and paint.White and magenta look quite gorgeous together. Red and green with magenta is also a must color combination. It is a bright yet calm combination that isn’t too flashy. One must avoid the colors of just red and orange as it becomes too warm. Magenta is already 50 percent red and known to be a warm color. It would look incredible when combined with purple or pink hues as it gives a nice feminine feel when you want to design something in that area. To develop a more modern palette, you can choose to combine magenta with a bright blue or yellow as they are a great match of combinations to go with. Along with this, hot pink would complement well with magenta as well.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for what colors make magenta then why not take a look at what color makes gray, or what color is graphite facts pages?

Magenta shades come under the family of the colors pink and violet.