To many, neutral gray may seem like a dull shade but it compliments all colors around it, making the entire art piece vibrant.It is often viewed as a neutral color, mostly because it falls right in the middle of black and white. Interestingly the way of looking at the color gray has evolved throughout history.Earlier during the Middle ages, neutral gray was seen as the natural color of wool and worn only by the pleasant community, denoting poverty. However, as the Renaissance period approached, color gained popularity in both art and literature. Gray paint was used as a background color ensuring that all other colors became visible in their absolute beauty. Gray color palette became every artisan’s choice. Then in the 18th and 19th centuries, neutral gray could be seen on women’s dresses as well as men’s coats and trousers. Warm gray also became the preferred choice for Army uniforms as they assist the men to camouflage well. Thus it can be seen that just like all other things, the meaning attached to colors can also evolve. The easiest method to create gray is by mixing black with white or mixing red and green. After reading all about what colors make gray, do read more about what color is graphite and what color is ebony?Different Shades Of GrayColors provide wide possibilities for the imagination. The mixing of colors can lead to differing shades for each depending on the proportion of each color that is used in the mixture. What colors make gray depends on the desired shade. So there are several shades of gray paint. Each mixture generates a different shade. It becomes difficult to produce the exact same shade twice. Every time there is a different shade that comes into being. These can be light shades of gray as well as darker shades. There are different names that have been prescribed to all the known shades of grey. These include neutral gray, cadet gray, carbon gray, castor gray, cinereous, clear blue green gray, dawn gray, iron gray, light payne’s gray, purplish gray, ash gray, charcoal gray, gun metal gray, blue gray, white smoke, rock salt, and sky gray. There are numerous shades of the gray present in nature apart from the ones mentioned here.The various shades of warm gray are used in different conditions under different circumstances. Each shade portrays a new story, a new line of thought. Even in your daily life, you are able to see some of the shades of gray. Although the color of a cloudy sky, the tip of a pencil, the writing by pencil on the sheet, ashes that fall from incense sticks, cement, and mice are the same, differences are observed due to the variations in the shades. Forming shades of gray color with ultramarine blue gives a very cool shade.What colors compliment gray?Whether it is canvas, gifts, walls, or cards, it is important to know which colors go well with the background. There are several colors that look great with this hue. Combining the right shades with the right tones can lead to a warmer as well as a cooler look depending on your choice of shades. Equal amounts of complementary colors bring out the best in gray paint.Warmer tones mostly include orange, green, yellow, red, and their respective shades. On the other hand, cooler paints are shades of blue, green, and purple. People choose complementary colors according to their likings. Some people like bright households and therefore may choose a medium shade of gray along with red and yellow shades, while there are others who prefer peaceful light shades. Such individuals are more likely to use pastel shades of complementary colors.How is gray color obtained?Do you that every artist wants to know what colors make gray? It is possible to create when you mix black with equal parts of white. People usually have a set of basic paints and prefer to make gray and similar colors by themselves. Mixing two colors whether black and white or any other two colors may lead to some shade of warm gray. You can produce the color gray by adding certain primary colors. A most common way of making gray is by mixing black and white. This way of mixing provides us with a neutral shade of gray. All you have to do is mix white and black in equal quantities. However, this is not the only possible combination for the creation of the lovely shades of gray. Color mixing can form gray paint. Now you can either make a warm gray or various shades of cool gray. Each requires a combination of two colors. For making a warm gray hue, all you need is mauve purple and Flax yellow. This will give you a beautiful shade of gay. You can make the same darker as well as lighter by changing the shade of the base colors. For example, if you wish to make a darker shade you can simply use the deeper hues of the above colors like Mulberry purple and gold yellow. Each color is mixed in equal parts to arrive at the desired shade.Now for making a cooler shade of gray all you need to do is mix blue and orange paint colors. There are different shades of blue that you can mix to get grays. Either of Phthalo blue, Cobalt blue and Ultramarine blue along with cadmium orange. These would result in a combination of cool and soothing warm grays. Different types of gray color can be obtained by simply changing the hues and proportion of the paints. Another combination that can help make cool gray paint is using either of the red hues Cadmium red or Naphthol crimson along with phthalo green. If you wish to make the shade darker you can either apply a darker shade of the colors used or just mix black paint. Apart from this, a combination of primary colors like crimson, ultramarine blue, and yellow ochre will also form a wonderful shade of gray. This is easier to make as the primary colors are available at every store. A lesser-used combination is to use brown and blue pigments to arrive at a shade of gray. When complementary colors of pink and gray hue are added in the right amounts, gray emerges. The method of making a shade of gray involves mixes of colors. Dark paintings portraying night scenes or stormy days are best depicted with mixes involving ultramarine blue or purple. The burnt dark look mixes the emotions felt along with the weather being portrayed in art. Always remember to add the pigment in equal amounts to get the perfect shades. Artists know how to create the perfect mixtures to form art but with all this information and a little practice, even you will be able to make the perfect combinations. The mixing of two colors always results in the formation of a unique shade. Once you understand the technique the possibilities for creating shades are infinite. Mixing two colors produces a warm feeling to painting something final. All the methods of creating gray color result in a range of gray color shades. These unique gray color shades assist artists to create expressive artworks. You can use a pair of complementary colors which includes one primary and one secondary color, such as blue and orange, red and green, or yellow and purple to create gray.Gray Color CombinationsSome colors which go very well with burnt gray color shades are the following combinations, gray with cherry red, light gray plus yellow, dusk and blush, gray plus orange soda, gray, and lime. These are all complementary and need not necessarily be put as wall paints. These combinations may also be applied while buying furniture for a room with burnt gray walls or while making paintings. If paired properly, the setups look very pleasant. The lighter paints add to the beauty of your home. The final art piece created brings around excellence. It is a common practice to use two complementary colors to bring about a neat and bright look. Add a bit of red, a bit of yellow, orange, green, and blue complementary colors.Everyone has a favorite color but there are differences in the shades. Some like purple, some like blue yet others might like light green or dark green. Each color has a meaning attached to it. Knowing someone’s favorite color can help you gain an understanding of the nature or likings of that person. For instance, the color gray is a symbol of balance and neutrality. Certain shades of gray may also be viewed negatively symbolizing sadness and loss.The color gray is a sign of compromise and intellect. It can be seen as conservative and elegant. When mixed with the right combinations it can also have a calming effect on the mood. Since it is seen as a middle ground between black and white, this color can also signify diplomacy. Wearing formal gray colored clothes denotes a sophisticated elegant look. Several powerful companies such as Forbes, Mercedes, Wikipedia use gray in their products and web pages to express themselves. Interestingly the color gray also has biblical meaning. According to Christians, this color is a symbol of ashes and punishment for walking barefoot. They also closely see the gray color as a sign of devotion, including prayer and fasting. It was a symbol of simplicity and plainness. Spiritually the color gray means feelings of detachment. Burnt gray color raises feelings of being quiet and reserved. Although if paired with complementary colors, it can make people feel energized. The color gray can also be seen as dependable, never aging, stability and being formal. People who love gray are likely to be reliable, conservative, intelligent, calm, boring, mature, and professional. Not everyone who falls into this criteria possesses all these qualities. People differ in the way they behave and therefore they will have some of the above attributes and in different proportions and combinations. Monks believe that wearing gray clothes is a portrayal of humility and dignity. Their robes are almost always a shade of color gray. It is also seen as a way of showing self independence. Using too much gray in your surroundings can lead to lethargy, sadness, stress, and reduced levels of energy.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for what colors make gray then why not take a look at what color is cyan, or what color is carbon facts pages?

To many, neutral gray may seem like a dull shade but it compliments all colors around it, making the entire art piece vibrant.