Certain thunderstorms do not generate any precipitation, while others produce only a small amount of precipitation.So, what are the three stages of severe thunderstorms? The water cycle brings light rain to the Earth, but extreme weather conditions such as strong winds bring heavy rain, a thunderstorm, and lightning strikes.A thunderstorm is a loud set of sound waves which follow the lightning strikes. The life cycle of a thunderstorm takes place in three stages. The first stage is the cumulus stage, the second is the mature cumulus stage, and the third is the dissipating stage; these are the three stages of a thunderstorm. Certain traits characterize each level, which is mentioned below.Cumulus stage:During the day, the sun heats the surface of the Earth. Updraft is a phenomenon in which heated air rises upward because as the sun heats the Earth’s surface, the air around the Earth becomes warm. Hot air is lighter than cool air, which causes it to rise. In the presence of wet air, heated air condenses, forming a cumulus cloud. The continuing expansion of clouds will be aided as long as warm air beneath the clouds continues to rise.Mature stage:This is a dangerous stage. As the cumulus cloud rises in size, its water becomes more prominent and heavier. The rising air becomes too heady, and raindrops begin to fall through the cloud. As the rain starts to fall through into the clouds, cool, dry air begins to infiltrate the cloud. The phenomena of a downdraft occur. The phenomenon occurs when warm air is lighter than cool air, causing the cool air to fall into the cloud. The downdraft pulls heavy water downwards, resulting in rain. This atmosphere has formed a cumulonimbus cloud due to updraft, downdraft, and rain. The cumulonimbus has transitioned into a thunderstorm cell.Dissipating stage:This is the final stage. Thunderstorms typically dissipate after 30 minutes. Whenever downdrafts overpower the cloud’s updraft, the updraft dissipates. The warm moist air can no longer rise, and because the warm moist air can no longer rise due to this downdraft dominance, cloud droplets will cease to form. The storm will disperse when the cloud evaporates from top to bottom.After reading about the different stages of thunderstorms, also check out these facts about three types of metamorphic rock and three states of matter for kids.Why do thunderstorms happen at night?The three stages of a thunderstorm are the cumulus stage, mature stage, and dissipating stage. Most thunderstorms happen later in the day, so the ground is at its warmest in the evening after a full day of sun’s heat, causing heated air to ascend and collide with the relatively colder air higher up in the atmosphere, causing unrest.Daytime warmth also improves the ability of the air to release water vapor. Thunderstorms are more likely to occur later in the day due to the instability in the atmosphere paired with a large amount of warm air.There are a few meteorological occurrences that appear to have peculiar qualities. For example, you’ve undoubtedly heard the proverb that says there’s no such thing as stillness before a storm. Not always but, it does appear to be the case in some instances.Similarly, you may have noticed that most thunderstorms happen later in the day, such as at night, in the evenings, or even late in the day. It’s not really that thunderstorms can’t happen in the mornings; it’s just that they’re more likely to happen later in the day.What is the safest place during a thunderstorm?The high electric field beneath a storm cloud causes the air to dissociate into ions as electrons are taken from air particles before a lightning strike.However, this is not a tidy or consistent process; variations in the electrical field and air pollutants result in uneven ionized air channels extending down from clouds to the surface.The electric field around the step leaders leads items on the ground to send off streaming with the opposite charge as they come near the surface. Streamers are more likely to be initiated by taller objects, and pointy or sharp edges are more likely to commence streamers.The circuit is completed, and the lightning strike is triggered when the first streamer reaches a descending step leader. Reports suggest that towering, sharp objects resting alone in an open place are more likely to be struck, although this is far from clear.The safest place in the thunderstorm is inside a car or other enclosed metal structure. If everything else fails, a ditch, trench, or clump of uniform-height plants is preferable to nothing. Stay away from boundary regions where the landscape is different. Maintain a minimum of 16.5 ft (5 m) distance from metal items or people since lightning frequently jumps from one thing to another.What are the dangers of a thunderstorm?Lightning is the primary cause of climate injury and death.Although most lightning victims survive, they frequently have a range of long-term, disabling effects. Thunderstorms are hazardous storms that feature lightning and can cause or result in strong winds, tornadoes, and flash floods.Why does a thunderstorm occur?Lightning, which is simply a stream of electrons traveling across or inside clouds and between a cloud and the Earth, causes thunder.As the super-heated air cools, a resonant tube of low-pressure forms around the route of the lightning bolt, and the air around expands and compresses swiftly. The explosive growth of the surrounding air, the path of a lightning bolt, causes thunder. The second strike of lightning will return from the ground to the clouds, following the same path as the first strike, as lightning reconnects to the surface out from clouds.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created many interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you like our suggestions for the three stages of a thunderstorm, why not take a look at three states of water for kids or three types of magnets.

Certain thunderstorms do not generate any precipitation, while others produce only a small amount of precipitation.