Close your eyes and imagine a Viking.What did you see? A horde of intimidating men and women wielding finely crafted weapons such as swords, shields, and bows.Viking warriors were notorious for their ferocity throughout history. Their weapons were one of the reasons they were feared. Viking weaponry assisted these Scandinavian warriors in both eliminating and defending themselves against enemy soldiers. The main difference between a Viking and a Norse is that the former were farmers turned part-time warriors and the latter were traders.Viking swords and Viking shields were crafted to perfection, inspiring awe among today’s weaponry enthusiasts. The weapons also represented the Vikings’ social standing. As a result, the quality of the Vikings’ swords or shields reflected their economic status. Well-off warriors would have a variety of weapons, whereas, the rest of the warriors would most likely only carry a knife and an axe.Do you know what is the most common Viking weapon? Continue reading to find out what the answer is. Explore other Kidadl articles like Viking history for kids and famous Swedish Vikings.Types Of Viking WeaponsThe Viking era was known for its weaponry. Viking weapons are a legacy that included swords, battle axes, shields, bows and arrows, and spears. The weapons were passed down as gifts.A warrior’s description isn’t complete without a mention of their weaponry. There was a lot of strife throughout the Viking age. Viking warfare enabled warriors to fight and protect themselves and their communities, whether through raiding or full-fledged conflicts. Archeologists have discovered Viking spears, battle-axes, bows and arrows, and other weaponry at a number of sites. Their discovery provides more insight into the Viking way of life.A variety of weapons were available to the Viking warrior. Enemies were fought with battle-axes, bows and arrows, swords, spears, and other weapons. Shields, helmets, and battle chains, on the other hand, were crucial components of battle armor. A regular knife would be used in both situations like hunting and combat. Swords used to be expensive so not commonly used as a weapon. The swords used to be embellished in different styles. The Viking would generally combine the iron sword with a shield when in battle. Due to its cost, the owner of the sword would likely be someone of considerable status. Axes were the most popular battle weapon. They were crafted in a manner that even with their heavy appearance, they used to be quite light to carry. The blade was sharp and strong causing serious damage to the enemy on contact. Spears were the weapon used by the lower-rank officers.Viking Battle AxeAn axe was a common weapon in the Viking age. So, all Vikings would own one axe and use it either as a tool or a weapon. Axes were used for a variety of purposes from foraging to battle. The Viking battle axes were referred to as the Dane axe or Danish axes.In Viking land, axes came in different shapes and sizes. Crafted out of iron, their design revealed their purpose. Most axes were used as tools for construction and chopping. Every Viking would own at least one axe. Some would be more elaborately decorated than others indicative of the owner’s economic status. Axes were also used in battle. Battle axes had a specific lightweight, thin and sharp design. The blade of the battle-ax would be sharp enough to cut through the opponent’s shield, helmet, or other protective gear. For example, the Dane axe, popular among the Vikings that originally came from Denmark, was a two-handed ax with a thin blade. The handle or shaft was around 3 ft (1 m), allowing the Viking to grab and wield the axe with both hands.Viking Siege WeaponsVikings also used siege weapons on the battlefield. However, while they were professionals in wielding their swords and axes, not so much in using catapults. In fact, it was discovered they were generally not successful when siege weapons were used in battle.In history, Vikings who worshiped Norse gods were known for their superior warfare skills. Much of this formidable reputation can be attributed to their weaponry. Along with the famous Viking spear or Viking sword, they fought against their enemy with other weapons like battering rams, catapults, and so on. So, they could surprise their enemies with different combat techniques and skills. Notable Viking battlefields where siege weapons were used are Paris and Constantinople. Unfortunately, Vikings were unsuccessful in winning these battles. Therefore, the Viking warrior may have used siege weapons in battle but was not very skillful in doing so.Viking Bows And ArrowsUnlike swords which are the most popular weapon, bows and arrows were not traditionally used for battle. They were more common for hunting. These Viking weapons were used to eliminate as many enemy warriors as possible from a distance before the eventual one-to-one battle.Viking weapons served a variety of purposes. For example, the Viking shield protected the warrior from getting hurt in battle. Bows and arrows were used by archers to eliminate the enemy from afar. The bow was made with a special wood (yew or ash wood), while arrowheads used to be made from iron, bone, or wood.It is believed that some archers could shoot as much as twelve arrows in a minute. Also, the design allowed the archer to throw an arrow to about 656 ft (200 m). The shoot would be powerful enough to pierce through the enemy’s shield.History’s Most Feared WeaponsVikings’ weaponry included some of ancient history’s most feared weapons. Their bows and arrows, spears, seax, and axes could easily cut through the opponent’s shield and helmet.Skilled archers could wield their bows to a remarkable range causing serious damage to the enemy’s side.Viking peasants would carry two spears.Seax was a kind of curved knife carried mostly by nobles for self-defense.Axes were the most common weapon used by Vikings on the battlefield.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Viking weapons facts, then why not take a look at Vikings in Ireland facts, or how tall were Vikings?

Close your eyes and imagine a Viking.