Iguanas are popular pets because of their gentle nature and long lifespans.Green iguanas are tropical reptiles and have a natural range of warm and humid rainforests in Central America and South America, mainly in Mexico, Brazil, and the island of Anguilla. Recently, however, the trade of captive iguanas has boomed as they make great pets for families.So, as a pet iguana owner, what is the best way to care for this animal properly? Keep reading for some great facts about the length of the average green iguana lifespan, proper feeding and care for your pet iguana, and more!How can you tell how old an iguana is?Iguanas are one of the most famous reptiles kept as pets. They can be a lot of fun and very rewarding to own. It is important to estimate their age precisely, particularly if you are adopting one from a shelter.One way to estimate the age of an iguana is by examining its growth rate. Iguanas grow at different rates depending on their sex and species. Hatchlings typically grow about 12-14 in (30-35 cm) in the first year, while juveniles grow about half that rate or about 6 in (15 cm) per year. Adult iguanas continue to grow but at a much slower rate, about 2 in (5 cm) per year. By looking at the size of an iguana and how fast it is growing, you can get a general idea of its age.Another way to estimate the age of an iguana is by examining its teeth. Iguanas have a set of ‘baby’ teeth that they lose as they mature. Their adult teeth then grow in, typically appearing when the young iguana is around 18 months old. If you can see the iguana’s teeth, you can count the number of adult incisors to get an idea of its approximate age.Finally, some other physical features can be used to estimate the age of pet green iguanas. For example, older iguanas will start to develop some creases on their skin, and their eyes may begin to yellow. These changes are not definitive indicators of age, but they can give you a general idea.So how old is your iguana? By using any of these methods, you should be able to get a pretty good estimate. Iguanas make great pets for people of all ages, so it’s important to know how to take care of them properly.What is the lifespan of an iguana?The lifespan of an iguana can be anywhere from 12-20 years. They usually reach reproductive maturity between two and four and will lay eggs every one to three years. Iguanas are considered a vulnerable species, so it is important to take care of them if you have one as a pet. Make sure they have a healthy diet and plenty of space to roam around so that they can keep happy and healthy. If you’re not able to commit to taking care of an iguana for its entire life, consider adopting an older one from a rescue instead of buying from a breeder. Rescued animals often need homes, and by adopting one, you can help reduce the number of iguanas euthanized each year.If you’re thinking of adopting or buying an iguana as a pet, be sure to do your research first. This is not a decision that you can make lightly, as it’s important to make sure you can provide for your iguana’s needs for its entire life. However, with proper care, an iguana can make a great addition to your family.Factors That Impact The Lifespan Of IguanasThere are a range of factors impacting the lifespan of pet iguanas. Some of these include:Nutrition: Eating a healthy diet is essential to keeping an iguana in captivity healthy and living a long life. Iguanas need fresh fruits and vegetables and a regular supply of calcium to help keep their bones strong. If they don’t get the proper nutrients they need, they can develop health problems that shorten their lifespan.Habitat: Pet iguanas who live in a proper habitat with plenty of space to roam and climb will generally have a longer lifespan than those who don’t. Conversely, iggies kept in small cages or cramped quarters are more likely to develop health problems and succumb at a younger age. This is usually why wild iguanas tend to live for longer.Stress: Iguanas who experience chronic stress may have a shorter lifespan than those who don’t. This could be because stress leads to poorer overall health or because it makes the iguana more susceptible to diseases and other health problems.Environment: The temperature and humidity levels in an iguana’s environment can significantly impact its lifespan. Iguanas who live in an environment that is too hot or too cold or low humidity levels are more likely to develop health problems and die at a younger age.Genetics: Some species of iguana lizards have genes that make them longer-lived than others. If you have an iguana whose parents both lived to be quite old, likely, your iguana will also have a long lifespan. Conversely, if you have an iguana with short-lived parents, it’s less likely that your iguana will live a long life.Many factors impact the lifespan of an iguana, some of which are under our control and some that are not. By providing your iguana with a healthy diet, an appropriate habitat, and limited stress, you can help ensure that your iguana lives a long and healthy life.How long do iguanas live as pets?Wild iguanas can live for up to 20 years, but the average life expectancy as pets is around 12-15 years. This means that you should be prepared for a long-term commitment if you decide to bring an iguana into your home.As with any other kind of pet, there are some things you need to do to ensure your iguana lives a long and healthy life. Ensure you provide a proper diet, plenty of exercise, and a comfortable and loving environment. These lizards also require regular vet checkups, so make sure you have a good relationship with a reptile-friendly veterinarian.Take out time to spend with your pet iguana, and try to create a bond between the two of you. Iguanas thrive on love and attention, and being able to do so will make life better for both you and your pet! A happy iguana will love being handled by its family, so make sure you keep it loved. Make sure that you get your reptile used to being handled, or they may lash out with their sharp teeth or tails.If you’re able to meet all of these needs, then congratulations - you’ve just become the proud owner of one of the longest-living pet lizards!Common Iguana DiseasesPet lizards are unfortunately prone to a variety of diseases. Some of the most common iguana diseases are-Pneumonia: This is a serious illness that can affect both young and old iguanas. Symptoms include labored breathing, wheezing, and coughing. Pneumonia can be fatal if not treated quickly, so if you notice your iguana exhibiting any of these symptoms, reach out to the vet immediately!Salmonella: Salmonella poisoning is another serious disease that can affect these reptiles. It is caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhimurium and can cause severe loose motions, vomiting, and dehydration in your pet lizard. Salmonella poisoning can be deadly if not treated promptly.Mouth rot: True to the name, this bacterial infection affects the mouth and tongue of captive iguanas. It is a serious infection that can lead to death if not caught early. Symptoms include swelling and redness of the mouth, drooling, loss of appetite, and difficulty swallowing food.Egg binding: Egg binding can occur in females when they cannot remove the eggs from their bodies. This can be due to poor diet, lighting, or dehydration. This condition can be life-threatening, so either attempt to gently massage the eggs out yourself or take the iguana to a vet so that labor can be stimulated safely.Kidney disease: If your pet iguana does not ingest enough water, it can lead to kidney failure or kidney disease. Even seemingly healthy pet iguanas may succumb to dehydration, so make sure that your iguana finishes its daily recommended intake of water.If you suspect that your iguana has any of these diseases, arrange veterinary care immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment are critical for the successful treatment of these diseases.Caring For Your IguanaSo, what all do you need to care for your pet iguana?The first and most important thing you need is a habitat that mimics their natural environment. This means the temperature needs to be between 29-32 degrees C (85-90 degrees F) with a basking area of 40 degrees C (105 degrees F). A pet iguana needs a place to bask to regulate its body temperature. The best basking spot is warm and has a lot of direct sunlight. You can provide your iguana with a basking area by placing a heating pad under a section of the cage or using an infrared heat lamp or UVB lighting.Ensure that the basking area you create is large enough for your reptile to spread out its body. The surface should be rough so that your iguana can get a good grip. If possible, position the basking area near a window so that your pet can benefit from the natural heat. Be sure to monitor your iguana’s behavior closely and adjust the lighting and temperature as needed. Too much heat can be dangerous, so be careful not to overdo it.If you are thinking about getting an iguana as a pet, be sure to have an enclosure ready for it before you bring it home. Iguanas need plenty of space to move around, and they love to climb, as their natural habitat is among the trees. Ensure the enclosure has enough room for the iguana to get some exercise.The floor of the enclosure should be covered with sand or soil so that the iguana can dig. The enclosure walls should be painted with reptile-safe paint to help keep the temperature consistent. There should also be a hiding place in the enclosure where the iguana can hide from other animals or people.The enclosure lid should be made out of wire mesh so that the animal can see outside. The cage should also have a water dish and food dish inside.You must also have plenty of branches for your iguana to climb on and hide in, along with a water dish big enough for them to soak in.In addition, you will feed your iguana primarily fresh fruits and vegetables as part of their diet. Iguanas are herbivores, so their diet should be primarily plant-based. A variety of fresh fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables is best, but some people also give their iguanas a very small amount of insects or other animal protein. Iguanas need plenty of water to stay hydrated, so ensure they always have access to clean water.One of the most important things to remember when feeding a green iguana in captivity is that they need a balanced diet. Make sure to mix up the foods you offer them and don’t give them too much of anyone fruit or vegetable. Ask your veterinarian for advice if you’re not sure what’s safe for your iguana to eat.Some healthy and cost-effective foods for you to feed your iguana are fruit and vegetables like apples, bananas, broccoli, celery, collard greens, kale, and spinach. Leafy greens are very important as they provide calcium, the lack of which can shorten your pet’s lifespan. They can also eat mealworms, waxworms, super worms, crickets, and cockroaches in very small amounts.The best way to ensure your iguana is getting the nutrients they need is to feed them a varied diet. It would be best if you offered a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that will help ensure that your iguana stays healthy and happy.Lastly, you will need to take your iguana to the vet for regular checkups if you provide all of these necessities; congratulations! You are now ready to care for your pet iguana. Remember to supervise them as they are pretty adventurous and can be escape artists!

Iguanas are popular pets because of their gentle nature and long lifespans.