Nocturnal animals, the most common being owls and bats, are the ones that maintain an active lifestyle at night and shelter themselves for rest during the daytime.While all the other species remain in their deep sleep, the nocturnal animals seek out various activities like hunting, wandering, flying, and bonding with their fellow mates enjoying the pitch-black wilderness. Unlike diurnal animals who are active in the day, nocturnal animals have great eyesight and a sense of smell and hearing to locate and escape from predators or attack their prey at night.Mother Nature has beautifully created several animals who are lovers of the dark. Nocturnal animals, as they are known, come to perform their daily activities right at the start of dusk. Be it to obtain food by killing their prey or to fly or wander around the dark world, these animals do it all at nighttime. There are plenty of nocturnal animals found all across the world, the most common ones are the barn owl, rat, mouse, bat, and frog. Almost everyone is familiar with the increased nighttime activities of these animals. The incessant croaking of frogs, a rat entering the house, or a bat and an owl flying from tree to tree has been a common occurrence for all. But who are the uncommon ones?Want to know more in detail about the nocturnal animals of the world? Read on for more.You can also check out fun facts about the scavenger animals and midnight zone animals.What does it mean if animals are nocturnal?The animals who are active after the setting of the sun and continue being active till the sunrise are known as nocturnal animals.Unlike their diurnal counterparts, they rest and laze around in the day. This exclusive behavior seen in certain animals is known as nocturnality. These animals have specific adaptive features like a great sense of smell or crisp hearing abilities or great eyesight that aids in their daily life. Nocturnal animals include bats, frogs, rats, and owls.What do nocturnal animals do at night?Whatever work any diurnal animal does during the day, a nocturnal animal does during the night.As they are well adapted to easily adjust in the darkness of the night, they set out to wander, take flight over long distances, catch and hunt their prey to satiate immediate hunger or to preserve it to eat later, escape and fight their predators. Whatever it needs to make survival possible, the nocturnal animals actively set out to do each one of these activities at night. As their night goes by being extremely busy, they spend the daytime from dawn to dusk to rest, for leisure, or to casually laze around. Among these, their primary activity is to hunt and obtain food at night.What animals are most active at night?The most active animals at night are the ones that come out after the sunsets. These include bats, owls, and frogs. Read on to find out more about these animals!You can spot a bat flying above your head just as dusk arrives. These birds have a unique ability to detect objects, prey, or predators through ultrasonic sound waves. Owls come next in the list of nocturnal animals as they are also seen to be flying from hither to thither in the dark time. Having a fluffy feather-covered body with drowsy-looking yellow eyes, an owl can spot its prey from far distances and from among the bushes with its strong eyesight. The sharp claws of an owl can easily grasp a rat and rip off its flesh for the owls to eat. You have surely spotted a rat or a mouse entering your or your neighbor’s garage in the fall of the night. They run around to search for food at night as they can easily be trapped by their predators or humans in the daytime. As the rainy season commences and small puddles are seen to form on the streets or in the parks, a bunch of frogs can be heard croaking in unison throughout the entire night. Apart from finding their food to eat, they become active at this time as it marks their breeding season. The constant croaking symbolizes their calling out to find their perfect partners for mating.Raccoons come next in the category of an animal with a busy nightlife. They are known to be mischievous creatures creating a ruckus everywhere when in search of food at night. With a shabby and dull brown-colored body unlike the beautiful butterflies are the moths. While butterflies are seen in the light of day, moths are a species of the night, who are not afraid of their flight around human beings. Next comes the famous red fox of America, who is a native of the North American countries of the eastern United States of America and national parks of Virginia. The lemur is another animal that is known to increase its activity in the dark. Having weak eyesight, the hedgehogs are known to have extremely good auditory senses, enabling them to hunt for their food at night. Thanks to their spiny body, these animal species usually get saved from their predators by pricking them. Fireflies, that are now rarely seen, are nighttime flying insects, that were earlier seen in plenty glowing in the dark. Now on the verge of extinction, these insects only come out at night and can be spotted by their on-and-off light emitting from their bodies.Nocturnal Animals That Climb TreesMost nocturnal animals take shelter on the trees as soon as the sun rises. Be it for resting or lazying, the nocturnal animals using their specific body features adapted to swiftly climb atop trees.Koalas, the popular tree-huggers, are mostly nocturnal. They climb up and remain attached to the tree trunk by clasping it with all its four limbs and body. They are known to sleep for 20 hours at a stretch, becoming active at night. Slow lorises are another nocturnal species that climb up trees with their human-like hands, capable of grasping and tightly holding onto trees at daytime. Other good nocturnal climbers are the sugar gliders, which can also fly or jump from tree to tree to gather their forage. They use their hind limbs to climb and hold on to the trees.The South American tree-dwelling snake, eyelash viper, is a great tree climber. They slither upwards in a wavy motion, typical of snakes, to climb up the branches of trees of the rainforests. Some frog species are great climbers, who use their webbed feet to grasp the tree trunk and propels their body upwards by hopping forward. Additionally, some nocturnal species like leopards, coyotes, red foxes related to the cat family, are excellent in climbing trees during the day, resting, and eyeing their prey from a height. The raccoons of North America and the red pandas of the Himalayas are nocturnal species that can easily climb up tall trees to take shelter during the day.Common Nocturnal Animals From Around The WorldNow that we know about the common nocturnal species, it is time to know about the unique nocturnal animals found across different regions of the world.Among the several related species of bats, a unique fruit-eating bat is the Indian flying fox that can fly over long distances in search of food in countries like India, Bangladesh, Nepal, China, and the Maldives. Next comes a native of North America, the red fox, now endangered. They are seen to be wandering or barking at night from the forests of Virginia. The raccoons of North America are nocturnal mammals. Being vigorous eaters, raccoons can eat almost anything starting from a cat and frog to insects, eggs of birds, fishes, birds, fruits, and vegetables. A snake of the tropical rainforests of South America, the Eyelash Viper is both venomous and nocturnal, living on trees. Seen in colors of yellow, green, red, or brown, they hunt only at night and are capable of killing humans with their hemotoxic venom.The gray wolf, the largest of the wolf species, is highly nocturnal. Their calls can be heard from 16 mi (25 km) away, which they make to communicate with other wolves in the dark. The red pandas of the Himalayan region are popular nocturnal animals that reside on the branches of the trees throughout the day and climb down only at night. The slow lorises found in the countries of Southeastern Asia, having human-like hands are a popular nocturnal species of this region. Although poor in vision, these tree-dwelling omnivorous creatures climb down for food only at night. A unique species native to the Indonesia and Australian forests are the sugar gliders. As a major part of their diet consists of sugary fruits and vegetables, they are adapted to gliding from branch to branch with ease even at night. The large eyes and a strong sense of smell of the sugar gliders aids in foraging for food. Belonging to the cat family, the feral cats and coyotes of Australia are among the top predators at night who can catch their prey after chasing them for long distances. Possessing excellent eyesight, they usually go out to hunt at night when most of its preys are resting.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for the nocturnal animals list then why not take a look at moles vs voles, or prey animals.

Nocturnal animals, the most common being owls and bats, are the ones that maintain an active lifestyle at night and shelter themselves for rest during the daytime.