Image © Pexels.These beautiful 3 letter names for girls are the perfect options for parents seeking a cute, easy name for their baby girl. From short, trendy names like Ava, on the rise at the moment, to celebrity inspired 3 letter girl names like Mae, parents are sure to love these gorgeous 3 letter girl names.We have an enormous range of great name ideas for your baby girl, so take a look at our ultimate list of the best 137 3 letter girl names below.Classic 3 Letter Baby Names For GirlsThese traditional but cute names for girls mean a lovely vintage-style baby name, and old girls names are becoming popular again, so why not choose one of these sweet names for your baby girl?1.Ada (West African/Germanic/Hebrew Origin) meaning “first daughter”, “noble one” or “adornment”.2.Ann (Hebrew/Latin Origin) meaning “graceful”.3.Bea (Latin Origin) meaning “happy, blessed”.4.Dot (Greek Origin) meaning “gift of God”.5.Era (Hebrew/Albanian Origin) meaning “guardian” or “wind”.6.Fay (English/French Origin) meaning “fairy”.7.Joy (English/French Origin) meaning “happiness"8.Ida (Germanic Origin) meaning “hard worker”.9.Jen (English Origin) meaning  “fair”.10.Liz (Hebrew/English Origin) meaning “God is my oath”.11.Lyn (Welsh/Germanic/Spanish Origin) meaning “lake”, “tender” or “pretty”.12.May (Greek/English Origin) meaning “mother earth”.13.Pam (English Origin) meaning “all sweet”.14.Pat (English/Irish Origin) meaning “noble”.15.Peg (Greek/English Origin) meaning “pearl”.16.Rae (Hebrew/Germanic Origin) meaning “ewe” or “protector”.17.Sue (English Origin) meaning “lily”.18.Viv (Latin/French Origin) meaning “alive"Contemporary 3 Letter Girl NamesSelect one of these short, stylish 3 letter baby names for your daughter, for a gorgeously modern moniker.19.Abi (Hebrew Origin) meaning “joy of a father”.20.Ame (Latin/French Origin) meaning “beloved”.21.Ana (Greek/Spanish Origin) meaning “grace”.22.Ava (Latin Origin) meaning “like a bird”.23.Bee (Latin Origin) meaning “she who brings joy”.24.Blu (French/Germanic Origin) meaning “the colour blue”.25.Bri (Gaelic Origin) meaning “noble, exalted”.26.Cat (Greek Origin) meaning “pure”.27.Cyd (Greek Origin) meaning “public hill”.28.Dea (Latin Origin) meaning “Goddess”.29.Dru (Latin Origin), female version of Drew meaning “strong, manly”.30.Ela (Hebrew/Germanic Origin) meaning “tree” or “other”.31.Ele (Greek/French/English Origin) meaning “light”.32.Eva (Hebrew/Latin Origin) meaning “full of life”.33.Fia (Latin Origin) meaning “flame”.34.Gem (Latin Origin) meaning “jewel”.35.Ina (Greek/English Origin) meaning “pure” or  “home”.36.Isa (Germanic/Persian Origin) meaning “strong willed” or “devoted to God”.37.Jan (Dutch Origin) meaning “God is gracious”.38.Jay (Latin/Sanskrit Origin) meaning “blue bird” or “victory”.39.Jem (Hebrew/Latin Origin) meaning “supplanter”.40.Kai (Hawaiian Origin) meaning “sea”.41.Kat (English Origin) meaning “pure'42.Kay (Greek Origin) meaning “rejoice”.43.Kit (Greek/English Origin) meaning “bearer of Christ” or “pure”.44.Lea (Hebrew Origin) meaning “weary” or “meadow”.45.Lee (Hebrew/English Origin) meaning “meadow”.46.Lia (Hebrew Origin) meaning “weary”.47.Liv (Nordic Origin) meaning “shelter”.48.Lou (Germanic/French Origin) meaning “famous warrior”.49.Nia (Swahili/Welsh Origin) meaning “purpose” or “bright”.50.Nya (Swahili/Welsh Origin) meaning “purpose” or “bright”.51.Tia (Greek/Spanish Origin) meaning “princess” or “aunt”.52.Tru (Germanic Origin) meaning “spear maiden”.53.Pia (Latin Origin) meaning “pious”.54.Pip (English Origin) meaning “lover of horses”.55.Rox (Greek Origin) meaning “dawn”.56.Ria (Greek/Latin/Hebrew/Spanish Origin) meaning “to flow’” “bitterness”, “poppy’ or “mouth of a river”.57.Rya (Arabic/Greek Origin) meaning “dream” or “river”.58.Sal (Hebrew Origin) meaning “princess”.59.Vox (Latin Origin) meaning “voice”.60.Wes (English Origin) meaning “west meadow”.61.Zea (Latin Origin) meaning “grain”.62.Zoe (Greek Origin) meaning “life”.63.Zoi (Greek Origin) meaning “life”.Did You Know: Ava was ranked the second most popular out of all the baby names for girls in 2020; this three letter girl name is a sweet choice loved by parents everywhere! Other great three letter baby names also ranked highly - with Ivy at 24th and Mia at 54th on the list.3 Letter Girl Names From The MoviesFrom today’s classic blockbusters, to old Hollywood movies, there are plenty of short, 3 letter girl names inspired by the heroines of the silver screen. If you simply love the movies, why not pay homage by giving your baby girl one of these 3 letter baby names inspired by the films?64.Eve (Hebrew Origin) meaning “living”, also a character in the 1950 movie All About Eve.65.Mia (Latin/Spanish/Italian Origin), meaning “mine”, also the main character in the 2016 film La La Land.66.Oda (Japanese/Germanic Origin) meaning “great field” or “wealthy”, also the main character in the famous 1990 film Ghost.67.Rey (Spanish Origin) meaning “king”, a unisex name, and also that of a Star Wars protagonist portrayed by Daisy Ridley, first appearing in 2015.68.Tai (Chinese Origin) meaning “great extreme”, also the name of a character in the 1995 movie Clueless.3 Letter Girl Names Inspired By NatureWhy not name your daughter after the stunning and awe-inspiring natural world? This list of beautiful girls names with 3 letters is sure to take any parent’s fancy.69.Aoi (Japanese Origin) meaning “hollyhock flower” or “blue”.70.Ara (Arabic Origin) meaning “brings rain”.71.Doe (English Origin) meaning “female deer”.72.Eni (Sanskrit Origin) meaning “river” or “gazelle”.73.Flo (Latin Origin) meaning “flower”.74.Icy (English Origin) meaning “ice-like”.75.Ivy (English Origin) meaning “ivy plant”.76.Lan (Chinese Origin) meaning “orchid flower”.77.Lei (Chinese Origin) meaning “flower bud”.78.Lil (English Origin) meaning “lily flower”.79.Mar (Spanish Origin) meaning “sea”.80.Ren (Japanese Origin) meaning “lotus flower”.81.Sea (Germanic/English Origin) meaning “ocean”.82.Sky (Scandinavian Origin) meaning “the heavens, the sky”.83.Yue (Chinese Origin) meaning “moon”.84.Zee (Hebrew Origin) meaning “wolf”.3 Letter Baby Names For Girls From Around The WorldThese lovely three letter names for girls from all over the world are wonderful options for any parent seeking a pretty, short baby name for their daughter.85.Ala (Germanic/Arabic Origin) meaning “noble” or “blessing”.86.Ali (Swahili/Arabic Origin) meaning “supreme, greatest”.87.Ama (Akan Origin) meaning “born on Saturday”.88.Ani (Hawaiian/Slavic/Armenian Origin) meaning “beautiful”, “very beautiful” or “fighter”.89.Ari (Hebrew Origin) meaning “lion”.90.Dai (Japanese Origin) meaning “to shine”.91.Dia (Spanish/Lembaama Origin) meaning “day” or “love”.92.Ebe (Greek Origin) meaning “youthful like a flower”.93.Eda (Greek/English/Norse Origin) meaning “poetry”, “generation” or “wealthy”.94.Emi (Japanese Origin) meaning “beautiful blessing”.95.Ena (Gaelic /Slavic/Greek Origin) meaning “kernel” or “peace”.96.Esi (Akan Origin) meaning “born on Sunday”.97.Ewa (Hebrew/Polish Origin) meaning “life”.98.Gai (French Origin) meaning “cheerful”.99.Gea (Greek/Italian Origin) meaning “earth”.100.Gia (Italian Origin) meaning “God is gracious”.101.Ibi (Yoruba/Hungarian Origin) meaning “rebirth” or “violet”.102.Ica (Greek/Hungarian Origin) meaning “light”.103.Iga (Germanic/Polish Origin) meaning “warrior”.104.Ila (French Origin) meaning “from the island”.105.Ima (Japanese Origin) meaning “now”.106.Iva (Hebrew/English/French/Slavic Origin) meaning “gift from God”, “ivy”, “yew tree” or “willow tree”.107.Jia (Chinese/Sanskrit Origin) meaning “family”, “good” or “champion”.108.Lex (Greek Origin) meaning “man’s defender”.109.Lis (Greek/Latin/Scandinavian Origin) meaning “bee”, “flower” or “consecrated to God”.110.Luz (Greek/Spanish Origin) meaning “light”.111.Lux (Greek Origin) meaning “light”.112.Mai (Japanese/Vietnamese/French Origin) meaning “dance”, “golden flower” or “month of May”.113.Min (Chinese Origin) meaning “quick, intelligent”.114.Miu (Japanese Origin) meaning “beautiful feather”.115.Moa (Swedish Origin) meaning “mother”.116.Noa (Hebrew Origin) meaning “movement’.117.Ola (Scandinavian/Hawaiian Origin) meaning “descendant” or “life”.118.Ora (Latin/Hebrew/Spanish Origin) meaning “pray”, “light” or “gold”.119.Osa (Edo Origin) meaning “Godlike”.120.Rie (Japanese Origin) meaning “blessed with logic”.121.Rin (Japanese Origin) meaning “dignified”.122.Sai (Hindi Origin) meaning “flower”, “God”, “everywhere” and “natural”.123.Tea (Greek/Spanish Origin) meaning “gift from God” or “Goddess”.124.Xia (Chinese/Greek Origin) meaning “glow of sunrise” or “welcoming”.125.Yen (Chinese/Vietnamese Origin) meaning “calm”.126.Yui (Japanese Origin) meaning “beautiful garment”.Three Letter Names For Girls Inspired By Famous PeopleThese short girls names, as seen on your favourite celebrities, are wonderful picks for your baby girl. Whether it’s your very favourite actress or a chart-topping singer, these baby names for girls are both stunning and iconic.127.Mae (Greek/English Origin) meaning “month of May” or “pearl”, after Mae West, an iconic old Hollywood actress.128.Mel (Greek Origin) meaning “dark”, shortened form of Melanie, after singer Melanie Brown or singer Melanie Chisholm, both from the Spice Girls.129.Sia (Old Norse Origin) meaning “victory”, after Australian musician and popular singer Sia Furler.Three Letter Girl Names From LiteratureThese cute girl names from literature will bring to mind the admirable heroines from the world of books - the perfect 3 letter baby name options for your little girl!130.Cam (Vietnamese/Gaelic Origin) meaning “orange fruit” or “crooked nose”, from Tracy Beaker.131.Meg (English Origin) meaning “pearl”, the oldest sister in Louisa May Alcott’s beloved Little Women.132.Rue (Greek/English Origin) meaning “regret” or “herb”, from Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games book series.Mythological Three Letter Names For Your Baby GirlThe fascinating and exciting world of ancient myths provides a great range of girl names, including three letter girl names, so take a look at this list of short girl names inspired by the ancient world, ideal for any parent seeking a classical name for their daughter.133.Eos (Greek Origin) meaning " dawn”, the Greek Goddess of dawn.134.Ino (Greek Origin) a Greek Goddess of the sea who helped sailors in trouble, including Odysseus in Homer’s The Odyssey.135.Lua (Latin Origin) meaning “moon”, the Greek Goddess of the moon.136.Nyx (Greek Origin) meaning “night”, the Greek Goddess of night.137.Siv (Old Norse Origin), meaning “wife, bride”, the Norse Goddess of the harvest.

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