Trees are the umbrella to different creatures that are scattered all around the world in different forms.Trees are divided into a trunk, roots, branches, and leaves. One of the interesting facts about trees is that they are capable of cooling the temperature and absorbing noises in their surroundings. Trees are known to play an important role in stimulating the environment including climate change as well as for all living organisms. They are present all across the world scattered through the cities, the mountains, and the forests. The species provide life support to mankind, oxygen, and absorb harmful carbon dioxide. Trees help the living species with not only fresh air and but helps in controlling the rising pollution. Along with providing a home to the different species of animals, the trees provide water for their survival. They help in holding the soil together increasing the water quality. They help in checking global warming as well as create positive energy in society. Since the trees absorb the carbon dioxide from the air, it creates a safe environment and hence is found all across the playgrounds, the cities, the parks, and in the forests. They are known to enhance the soil and water quality and hence enhancing the quality of the food we take in. In order to increase the number of trees and plants a lot of places are used to conserve and preserve the old and tall trees and every day multiples of seeds are planted to make the earth a better place.If you like reading this, you might want to read about are trees plants, and animals that live in trees.Importance Of TreesA single tree is capable of providing oxygen to six people. Trees provide shelter to animals and they also provide a clean atmosphere for life to thrive on earth. Trees and plants are capable of cleansing the air, controlling the climate as well as enhance the wildlife and create homes for the different creatures residing on the planet.Trees have a huge trunk that provides wood, shade, and shelter to humans. They are known to reduce evaporation and make the ground suitable for staying. Since the trees reduce pollution by creating a shield against harmful radiation and reduces noise, they provide medicinal benefits as well. Trees help in reducing blood pressure and stress. They help in reducing the temperature and controls the soil from being eroded. They are known to control climate change and provide suitable habitats to birds, animals, and microorganisms. The trees are home and give shade to species like bats, the woodpecker, the squirrels, beetles, and many other creatures.The mature trees can provide shelter to around 500 creatures at once. The Richmond National Park has a lot of tall trees which are home to these species. The trees protect the wildlife and the soil by the strong roots and redirecting rainfall to enhance the quality of crops. They help in building the economy as people invest in nature parks and in researches to lead a healthier life. Trees are seen to be building a secure future by safeguarding the Earth from harmful radiations and checking the increase of global warming. They provide a peaceful environment to the residential areas by absorbing most of the noises created on a day-to-day basis. The nature parks in the locality are a good place for a playground for the kids. It can provide contact with nature as well as can take the minds away from the boasting technological world. Since they are home to a lot of creatures, the trees help in building stronger biodiversity. The trees are known to provide wood for sustaining in the rural areas to a lot of people. It can be used as an alternative source of fuel if we find suitable ways handy.Function Of TreesIf we list out the function of the trees then we are more likely to be ending up with an innumerable number of uses that we receive knowingly as well as unknowingly. Starting from the roots, the individual parts of a tree benefit mankind in various ways but most importantly it provides life support.The major function of the trees is to provide the Earth with oxygen. They release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. They are in charge of controlling the unnecessary changes in the climate by reducing the pollution and the temperature of the surrounding. The trees are known to increase the value of the properties and eventually increasing the value of the adjacent areas by providing a cleaner area for living. The roots of the tall trees prevent soil erosion and thus protect the lands as well from getting washed away. They can absorb noises and hence provide a safer and more peaceful habitat to humans as well as create shade for the wildlife. Trees provide cool air to the cities and protect the world the harmful radiation. They provide medicines as well as necessary nutrients to mankind. Along with medicinal nutrients, they provide nutrients through food and provide economic benefits to the countries as well. Fuel like woods and paper can be extracted from the trunk of a mature tree. Since trees regulate the climate, they cause a good amount of rainfall as well and control unwanted pollution of the air.Plantation Of Trees On A Regular BasisIn order to save the world from the sudden climatic changes and unnecessary deforestation plans a large number need to be planted with a fixed plan. To overcome this situation, some nations have been replanting as well as calculating the number of trees being chopped down to match the number of trees that are planted. Hence a million trees are planted on a daily basis.A lot of trees are cut down every year in order to create space for housing. On the other hand in recent years, to maintain a balance in the number of trees, either the same or more than the number of felled trees are planted. The United States has been one of the leading nations in maintaining this balance, planting a huge number of trees and maintaining a proper balance with the number of trees that are planted in place of those cut down.Most developed countries have shown positive results in terms of creating healthier air to breathe. Recent research revealed that around 800,000 sq ft (0.07 sq km) areas of trees were planted in the last four decades. It was calculated by the United Nations Environmental program that almost 1.9 billion trees are planted every year. The same article revealed that around 158 million trees are recorded to the seeded in a single month and almost 5 million trees are planted in a day. One of the funny facts about trees is that around 7,000 trees are planted every minute.Trees Of Different Heights And AgesMature trees occurring in a particular season or climate are known to have growth rings which help in determining the approximate ages of the trees. In some cases, the age can be determined by the growth and the diameter of the stem of the tree. Several old trees were located around the world and are preserved at the moment.When a tree species is cut into parts or is dissected from the center the growth rings can be seen and be used to identify the age of the particular tree. Sometimes, the edge of the center part has growth rings within them. Trees that are known to occur in a specific season or climate have growth rings. Trees that grow throughout the year and do not have a specific season might not have growth rings. Few old trees which become hollow over a period of time are known to lose these rings. For some tree species, the age is calculated based on the recent rate of growth and the results have been satisfactory. Recently, a new method of calculating the age of the tree by the diameter of the stem was introduced to make the process easier.One of the trees is the Pine from Great Basin (4852 years) and a European yew from Wales is approximately 4000-5000 years old. The oldest Angiosperm tree was recorded to be 2305 years old in Sri Lanka which is the oldest plant that was planted by a man with a specific date. The oldest trace of trees is almost around 386 million years old, found in a fossil in a forest of New York during the Devonian age. This forest expands up to Pennsylvania and is recorded to be even older than the forest in Gilboa.Importance Of Conservation And Protection Of TreesProper conservation and protection of the trees are of utmost importance in today’s time. A single tree’s conservation can provide hundreds of benefits to a single family. From the absorption of carbon dioxide from the air to release natural fresh energy, the trees play the most important role to detox the world from pollutants and man-created toxins.There are various ways of reducing deforestation and increasing the conservation of the plant and the tree. If the population can shift to digital books then the need to chop down trees to provide paper would decrease automatically. Substituting newspapers with online news would also reduce the chopping of trees to a great extent. Apart from facing threats due to human needs, the trees are also attacked by unwanted microbes like fungi, rusts, or parasites which can destroy them. Applying chemicals would be required then. Since a lot of trees are cut off to either supply fuel or to create space for civilization replantation of trees is extremely important. If the ground is rough, aerial seeds can be an option as well. Along with the reforestation of the trees, planting new trees in open areas is required urgently. Necessary acts are needed to conserve the trees. More national parks need to be built and agricultural development should be increased as well.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for facts about trees then why not take a look at facts about coral reefs, or facts about energy.

Trees are the umbrella to different creatures that are scattered all around the world in different forms.