Getting a pet dog is an entire package of entertainment as well as security.There is one part which annoys every owner, the poop. At times, dogs tend to poop inside the house due to an array of reasons; it’s a headache for the owners to clean it and freshen their entire home.Well, let’s be honest, you didn’t get a dog to deal with its poop all around your house. We cannot blame the dogs though; even a well trained adult dog can at times be unable to regulate its usual bowel movements and will poop in an undesignated area. There are a bundle of reasons leading up to this. You could probably think about consulting a vet if the issue continues for a longer than usual period even after your dog is potty trained. Immediately contact a veterinarian if you notice that the problem at hand is continuing. A dog or a puppy which isn’t trained yet to go potty in a particular place can’t be helped. It doesn’t know that it needs to search for the exit door and go outside for littering. Even its timings can be unusual if it has never received any training about when to go to the bathroom. You need to teach your puppy or dog to go to the bathroom outside right from the start for it to adopt a disciplined routine. Moreover, praise your dog’s good deeds and offer it a treat to encourage it. Providing treats for your dog’s mannerly behavior is a proven technique of bonding with your pet.If you enjoy this article, why not also read about how to massage dogs and how to make a dog toothpaste here on Kidadl?Why do dogs poop in the house?In order to stop your dog from pooping in the house, you can adopt a number of measures starting from the very basic ones. Usually, all a pup needs is a good trainer to properly train it to go potty outside or where designated. This includes fixing a particular schedule and a location for your dog to pee and poop at. Always praise your dogs by offering them a treat. At the same time, you too need to be consistent in taking your dog outside so that it can poop.What are some reasons behind your dog pooping in the house? Reasons are either medical or behavioral. Medical issues faced by your dog are difficult to comprehend as your dog cannot express what’s wrong. Dogs of any breed can go through these issues. Behavioral issues, on the other hand, largely take place due to stress your dog might be facing. If it’s a newly adopted dog, you need not be too worried as it is taking its time to settle in the new place and adopt to the new lifestyle and routine. Let us get some more clarity on these reasons and several others too.Old age: This is perhaps one of the most straightforward and easy to understand reasons behind your pet’s annoying activities of pooping and peeing in the house. As dogs age and reach the end of their life span, their muscles get weaker and they cannot control the timing of their bowel movements, especially older adult dogs. In worse cases, dogs suffering from Alzheimer’s disease might forget their crate training routine or their surroundings, which makes them anxious and worried. This eventually leads to your canine friend pooping anywhere in the house.Stress: Stress leading to a undisciplined poop routine is commonly found in a lot of pets. Dogs tend to become stressed when they move to a new place or due to a change in owners which is mainly applicable to adopted dogs. Their anxiety levels also shoot up during these conditions, often leading to some smelly accidents which ultimately make their owners suffer. Some dogs tend to be pretty emotional and sensitive; even the smallest of changes can mess up their mental balance and they get stressed. Introduction of a new family member or a shift in their pooping place are some such examples. Taking your pet on walks happens to be a good solution to this.Medical issues: Dogs of any breed, size or shape can suffer from medical ailments at any stage of their life. You need to be extra careful and observant as dogs are unable to convey what they feel, unlike humans. You need to notice any issues, and, if serious, contact a veterinarian immediately. Some of the common ailments which often lead to messing up your pet’s potty schedule are kidney disease, arthritis, diabetes and hip dysplasia. Issues like arthritis and hip dysplasia discourage dogs from walking long distances as they feel a lot of pain, so they prefer to poop anywhere rather than having to walk long distances.Is it normal for dogs to poop in the house after being walked?This is a pretty common issue faced by a number of pet owners. It perhaps is one of the most irritating issues as well, as you have just spent 10-15 minutes outside and your dog didn’t even pee, and as soon as you come back in the house, you encounter accidents. A dog is a smart animal; it wouldn’t do something of this sort purposefully. Hence, the dog is probably quite ashamed of what it just did. Rather than vent out your anger by yelling at your dog, find out what could be the reason behind such repeated accidents.Medication issues is one of the easiest points to consider and eliminate in this regard. If your dog is on medication prescribed by a vet, and ever since it began the medication it has been pooping inside after a walk, it is probable the medicine prescribed by the vet has messed up your dog’s bowel movement schedule and it can no longer poop at the taught time. You could rule out this reason if your dog is not on any sort of medication given by a vet. Medical conditions like urinary tract infections or kidney disease could easily mess with your dog’s poop schedule. The next and supposedly the most common underlying factor is that your adult dog is now well crate trained. People often tend to believe that their pet is capable to do its business outside, but in reality, it still isn’t completely capable, and thus, there are occasional accidents. The ideal duration to completely potty train your pup is around five to six months. The third reason can be the inability to focus on the job at hand. This is usually the case with a dog who stays inside the entire day and goes outside only for its bowel routine. When you take your dog outside, it feels like freedom. Your dog gets to walk around and see new people, sniff around, perhaps meet a fellow canine, play with it and forget about the main purpose of coming out. Under these conditions, a dog has a fickle-minded behavior, and it gets distracted by smell of food, some other animal and even random noises. Owners think that their dog may not be ready to go to the bathroom yet, whereas, in reality, it has just lost its focus and will realize that it needs to poop once it goes back into the house.How do you stop a dog from pooping in the house?A pooch is easy to train if the process is carried out with dedication. To stop your pet from pooping in your house, follow some of the below mentioned ways and next time you won’t have to clean the potty of your pooch.The first and the most basic way is to assign a particular place where your dog poops regularly. You could set up these areas near the exit door of your house or in the garden backyard or where ever you want your puppy to do its business. You could also choose puppy pads which is a great idea to start your dog’s crate training. The scent in those pads attract your pup to potty at that very place, building a rule to follow. The next solution is to keep them happy and reduce their stress and anxiety levels. A dog pooping inside the house is an unusual event usually due to excessive stress. The solution is pretty simple: dogs love outdoor movement and they need activities to not only exercise their body, but also their brain. Engage them in outdoor activities, keep them active, play with them and show them all the love. Reward them with treats at times to keep them happy. This will greatly reduce their stress and anxiety levels and you will find them going to their allotted area for pooping at a fixed schedule. Taking your pet on walks happens to also be a solution. Never punish your dogs for pooping in the house as they already are ashamed of their deeds. Rather, clean up their mess and retrain them to go outside and use the bathroom as they have been trained to do.Why does your dog poop in the same spot in the house?It is not natural for dogs to poop in the house, but if they are doing so, it may be due to some medical issues or behavioral reasons. If your dog seems troubled due to stress or separation anxiety, then these kinds of accidents are expected. Do not be harsh on your dog. Retrain it to go out to deal with its business and clean the area so that your dog doesn’t get the smell again from that spot.The probable reason why your dog poops at that very exact spot in your house is because it has started to believe that spot to be its bathroom due to the smell it gets from its previous pooping encounter. Dogs have a great nose and can smell and recognize their territory. A dog usually marks its territory by the smell of its poop. Additionally, it is said that when pooping outdoors, dogs often let fellow companions know about their presence by the smell of their poop. Well, that’s one unique way of communication.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for how to stop a dog from pooping in the house, then take a look at how to make dog throw up or Great Dane facts.

Getting a pet dog is an entire package of entertainment as well as security.