John Samuel Waters Jr. known mostly for his contributions in the American film industry, is a man of many talents, being a filmmaker, an actor, an artist, and a writer.Waters was born in 1946 in Baltimore and was one of a kind among all the children there. He gained fame as a director in 1970 and became a famous actor as an actor and a visual artist, writing many books which even earned Grammy nominations.In this article, you will find the best quotes by the American actor come director, John Samuel Waters, that you need to make your future motto.If you people find this article on actor and filmmaker John Samuel Waters Jr. quotes interesting, then get reading on [Film Making] and Steven Spielberg quotes.John Waters Quotes From His Books And FilmsYou should really read these John Waters book quotes and John Waters movie quotes given below.1. “True success is figuring out your life and career so you never have to be around jerks.”- John Waters, ‘Role Models’.2. “Once I climb in, will they believe it’s me …or think I’m just a John Waters impersonator? Which I am in a way every day … only older.”- John Waters, ‘Carsick: John Waters Hitchhikes Across America’.3. “Nothing is more impotent than an unread library.”- John Waters, ‘Role Models’.4. “I never rewatch the great films of my favorite directors because I’m afraid they won’t hold up.”- John Waters, ‘Crackpot: The Obsessions of John Waters’.5. “I’m so lucky to be having a happy childhood as an adult.”- John Waters, ‘Crackpot: The Obsessions of John Waters’.6. “Get on the fashion nerves of your peers, not your parents - that is the key to fashion leadership.”- John Waters, ‘Role Models’.7. “There is right and there is wrong, I have never been wrong.”- John Waters, ‘Pink Flamingos and Other Filth: Three Screenplays’.8. “I feel like being negative all day.”- John Waters, ‘Crackpot: The Obsessions of John Waters’.9. “Do we secretly idolize our imagined opposites, yearning to become the role models for others we know we could never be for ourselves?”- John Waters, ‘Role Models’.10. “Nobody likes a bore on a soapbox. Humor is always the best defense and weapon. If you can make an idiot laugh, they’ll at least pause and listen before they do something stupid . . . to you.”- John Waters, ‘Make Trouble’.11.  “But feeling down can make you feel up if you’re the creative type.”- John Waters, ‘Role Models’.12. “Librarians are always smart, a little nuts, and know how to party.”- John Waters, ‘Mr. Know-It-All: The Tarnished Wisdom of a Filth Elder’.13. “Remember: you must participate in the creative world you want to become part of.”- John Waters, ‘Make Trouble’.14. “Just because something ‘happens’…does not ensure that it is the truth.”- John Waters, ‘Jiving At The Crossroads’.15. “Being rich is not about how much money you have…buy any book you want without looking at the price and wondering if you can afford it.”- John Waters, ‘Role Models’.John Waters Art QuotesJohn Samuel Waters is an American film director and actor but he is really interested in art too. Here are some John Waters quotes about art.16. “To me, beauty is looks you can never forget. A face should jolt, not soothe.”- John Waters.17. “Contemporary art hates you.”- John Waters.18. “I don’t think ‘artist’ is a job description. It’s a critique, a favorable critique, that someone else might apply to your work.”- John Waters.19. “All ideology can be embraced if the leader dresses well.”- John Waters.20. “I like art. It’s another way to rebel.”- John Waters.21. “I like the elitism of the art world. I think art for the people is a terrible idea.”- John Waters.Best Quotes John WatersWaters was cool and anyone can use and look at these quotes any time. Take a look at this list of the best John Waters quotes.22. “I’d love to sell out completely. It’s just that nobody has been willing to buy.”- John Waters.23. “I look out through the eyeholes and feel exactly the way Michael Jackson’s son Blanket must have felt.”- John Waters.24. “It’s as if every eccentric in the South decided to move north, ran out of gas in Baltimore, and decided to stay.”- John Waters.25. “Fantasies are like extra cash. They need to be banked for later use.”- John Waters.26. “I don’t like rules of any kind. And I seek people who break rules with happiness - and not bringing pain to themselves.”- John Waters.27. “True success is figuring out your life and career so you never have to be around jerks.”- John Waters.28. “If you can make someone laugh who’s dead set against you, that’s the first step to winning them over to your side.”- John Waters.29. “Life is nothing if you’re not obsessed.”- John Waters.30. “I learned that people like my work because I praise things that others don’t like.”- John Waters.31. “I respect everything I make fun of.”- John Waters.32. “My father was horrified by my movies, yet he lent me the money to make the early ones. And I paid him back with interest.”- John Waters.33. “I’ve always been close to my family. I’ve got a lot of nieces and nephews, but I’m a good uncle.”- John Waters.34. “As far as socially redeeming value, I hope I don’t have any.”- John Waters.35.“My idea of an interesting person is…turns their disadvantage into a career.”- John Waters.36. “To understand bad taste one must have very good taste.”- John Waters.37. “I don’t mind snobs, if they have a reason to be a snob.”- John Waters.38. “Good actors, actually, in real life, are shy and very quiet people a lot of the time.”- John Waters.John Waters Reading QuotesAlong with being a great director and actor, Waters loved to read a new book. Here you will find a few quotes about books related to his admiration for reading that you can say to your friends for their use.39. “It wasn’t until I started reading and found books…have a good life without being like everybody else.”- John Waters.40.” Is anything better than waking up after a late-night read and diving right back into the plot…?”- John Waters.41. “Collect books, even if you don’t plan on reading them right away.”- John Waters.42. “You should never read just for ’enjoyment’.”- John Waters.43. “If a book is good I can’t go to sleep, and stay up past my bedtime, hooked on the writing.”- John Waters.44. “My perfect day in Baltimore begins with getting my five newspapers. Then I would write.”- John Waters.45. “I like to cook for myself or others, so I cook. I always read at night.”- John Waters.Divine John Waters QuotesWaters came from a Roman Catholic background. Here are a few John Waters quotes on his ideologies.46. “I’m alive, I think, and so many of my friends are not.”- John Waters.47. “Life is a rotten lottery.”- John Waters.48. “My hobby is extreme Catholic behavior – before the Reformation.”- John Waters.49. “Being a traditionalist, I’m a rabid sucker for  Christmas. In July, I’m already worried that there are only 146 shopping days left.”- John Waters.50. “Keep up with what’s causing chaos in your own field.”- John Waters.51. “When they throw the water on the witch, she says, ‘Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness’. That line inspired my life. I sometimes say it to myself before I go to sleep, like a prayer.”- John Waters.52. “I like my life. Even if I have to stand here for the rest of it.”- John Waters.53. “I always wanted to be a juvenile delinquent but my parents wouldn’t let me.”- John Waters.54. “Every form of education failed me. I was trouble.”- John Waters.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for John Waters quotes then why not take a look at Wes Anderson quotes or Acting Quotes.‍

John Samuel Waters Jr. known mostly for his contributions in the American film industry, is a man of many talents, being a filmmaker, an actor, an artist, and a writer.