Famous Romantic Poet William Wordsworth once said that ‘Poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, recollected in tranquillity.‘The greatness of poetry is a gateway to other creative art forms. It can give life to your unique thoughts and emotions and is suitable for your poetic baby.The idea of associating romanticism with poetry dates way back to the 19th century. The style of Romantic poetry writing is related to themes like nature, physical and emotional passion, mystical and supernatural elements, and reverence for the natural world. Poems give us a life-changing perspective and inspire us never to give up and follow our dreams.Selecting the perfect baby name can be difficult. Fortunately, if you are looking for pretty baby names for your newborn to showcase your love for poems, we’re here to help. Poems first delight us and then give us wisdom. Poetic names are names inspired by poetry, poetic elements, or poets. Here is a list of baby names that will surely inspire and influence you.Poetic Boy Names Based On PoetsHere’s a list of baby names for your baby: names of famous poets.Alfred (English origin) means ‘a wise counselor.’ Associated with Alfred Tennyson, a British poet.Anatoly (Greek origin) means ‘sunrise.’ Anatoly Kudryavitsky is a Russian poet.Angelou (Greek origin) means ‘angel.’ It was the last name of the popular poet, Maya Angelou. Auden (English origin) means ‘half Danish.’ Associated with the popular poet W.H Auden.Audre (English origin) means ’noble strength,’ the name of an American poet and writer, Audre Lorde. Austen/Austin (Latin origin ) means ‘great, magnificent.’ Alfred Austin was a famous English poet. Baird (Scottish origin) means ‘poet’. Blythe Baird is a famous slam poet. Blake (Old English origin) means ‘someone with dark/pale hair.’ It is the last name of the famous romantic poet, William Blake. Byron (English origin) means ‘from the barns.’  Associated with the famous poet Lord Byron. Carroll (Irish origin) means ‘fierce in battle.’ Linked with author and poet Lewis Carroll, who started the nonsense verse format. Chaucer (English origin) means ‘making of breeches.’ ‘The Book of the Duchess’ is one of the major works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Crane (English origin) means ’long-necked.’ Famous poet Hart Crane bears this name. Cullen (Irish origin) means ‘holy tree.’ Countee Cullen is an American poet. Dante (Latin origin) means ’enduring.’ and Can be linked to the Italian poet, Dante Alighieri. Devin (Irish name) means ‘poet.’ Associated with poet, Devin Johnston. Dickinson (English Origin) means ‘son of Richard’. Emily Dickinson was an American poet of the 19th century. Dylan (Welsh origin) means ‘son of the sea.’  The name is linked to Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas. Eliot (English origin) means ’the Lord is my God.’ The renowned modernist poet, T.S. Eliot bore this name. Emerson (English origin)  means ‘powerful.’ The popular poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson, carried this name. Etheridge (English origin) means ’noble ruler.’ Etheridge Knight was a famous African-American poet. Ezra (Hebrew origin) means ‘help.’ Associated with American poet, Ezra Pound. Frost (German Origin) means ‘ice.’ Poet Robert Frost won the Pulitzer Prize four times in his lifetime. Giovanni (Hebrew/Italian origin) means ‘gift of God.’ Nikki Giovanni is an American poet. Homer (Greek origin) means ‘a pledge.’ The famous Greek poet and composer of epic poems, the ‘Iliad’ and the ‘Odyssey’. Hugo (Spanish/Portuguese origin) means ‘intellect.’ Hugo Williams is a famous English poet. Jarell (English origin) means ‘brave.’ Randall Jarrell was a famous American poet. Keats (English origin) means ‘a shed worker.’ Inspired by popular English poet John Keats. Langston (English origin) means ’the town of a tall man.’ ‘Dreams’, and ‘Weary Blues’ are some of the works of Langston Hughes. Larkin (Gaelic origin) means ‘fierce.’ Philip Larkin is associated with this name. Lowell (Latin origin) means ’little wolf.’ Robert Lowell was a major poet in the Confessional Poetry movement. Marlo (English origin) means ‘rebelliousness.’ Associated with poet and playwright, Christopher Marlow. Millay (Norman origin) means ’noble or soft.’  Inspired by Edna St. Vincent a famous lyrical poet. Moore (English origin) means ‘open land.’ Related to popular poet Thomas Moore. Nash (English origin) means ‘one who lived by the ash tree.’ Associated with poet, Ogden Nash. Ogden (English origin) means ’the oak valley.’ First name of Ogden Nash. Ovid (Latin origin ) means ‘sheepherder.’ A famous Roman poet. Pablo (Spanish origin) means ‘small or humble.’ Famous poet, Pablo Neruda, carried this name. Poe (English Origin) means ‘peacock.’ Associated with Edgar Allan Poe. Tadhg (Irish origin) means ‘poet.’ Linked with the poet, Tadhg Dall Ó Huiginn. Virgil (Roman Origin) means ‘flourishing.’ Virgil was a great poet of Rome. Whitman (English Origin) means ‘White Man.’ Walt Whitman was a famous American poet. Wilde (English origin) means ‘untamed.’ Oscar Wilde was a famous Irish poet. Yeats (English origin) means ‘great.’ William Butler Yeats, was a great poet of the 20th century.Poetic Girl Names Based On PoetsHere’s a list of poetic baby names for your baby girl:Anais (French origin) means ‘gracious.’ Associated with the author, Anais Nin. Dove (American origin) means ‘a bird associated with peace and purity.’  Rita Dove is a famous American poet. Edda (Polish origin) means ‘poetry.] Emily (Latin origin) means ‘one who is hardworking.’ Associated with the American poet, Emily Dickinson. Erinna (Irish origin) means ‘Ireland.’  It was the name of an ancient Greek poet. Gertrude (German origin) means ‘strength of a spear.’ Associated with the famous editor and poet, Gertrude Stein. Gwendolyn (Welsh origin) means ‘someone who is blessed.’ Gwendolyn Brooks was a renowned American poet. Jia (Chinese origin) means ‘good, auspicious, beautiful.’ Name of an ancient Chinese poet Jia Dao. Lorca (Spanish origin) means ’town with fine water.’ Inspired from poet, Federico García Lorca. Meera (Indian origin) means ‘amazing, prosperous.’ Inspired by mystical Hindu poet, Meera Bai. Olivia (Biblical origin) means ‘olive tree.’  Olivia Gatwood is a popular contemporary poet. Sappho (Greek origin) means ‘sapphire.’ Sappho is admired for her Greek poems. Sylvia (Latin origin) means ‘spirits of the woods.’ Associated with famous American poet Sylvia Path. Tallulah (American origin) means ‘running water.’ Tallulah Flores is a modern poet.Names Inspired By Famous PoemsHere is a list of names in poems for your little one taken from poem titles. Ariel (F) (Biblical origin) means ’lion of God.’ A famous poem by Sylvia Plath. Dandelion (F) (English origin) means ‘Lion’s tooth.’ Associated with Morgan Mercury’s poem, ‘Dandelion’. Deor (M) (French origin) means ‘beloved and precious baby.’ Associated with the tenth century-old English poem, ‘Deor’. Dorie (F) (American origin) means ’the sea.’ Inspired by the poem, ‘Dorie off to Atlanta’ by Mark Halliday. Evangeline (F) (Greek origin) means ‘bearer of good news.’  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote the famous poem ‘Evangeline’ in 1 Gretel (F) (German origin) means ‘a pearl.’ The name is taken from the poem ‘Gretel’ by Andrea Hollander. Kyrie (F) (Greek origin) means ’the lord.’ Associated with Thomas Transtomer’s ‘Kyrie’. Lenora (F) (Spanish origin) means ’light.’ The similar-sounding ‘Lenore’ is a famous poem by Edgar Allan Poe. Mariana (F) (Spanish origin) means ‘of the sea.’ Taken from the poem ‘Mariana’ by Alfred Tennyson. Ode (F) (English origin) means a type of poem praising/glorifying an event or individual.’  John Keats wrote the famous poem, ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’. Remora (F) (Latin origin) means ‘delay.’ Thomas Lux wrote a poem named ‘Remora’. Tabaré (M) (Guarani origin) means ‘village man.’ Associated with the poem ‘Tabaré’ by Juan Zorrilla de San Martín. Uriel (F) (Hebrew origin) means ‘God is my light.’ ‘Uriel’ is a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson.Romantic Poetry Names Inspired By Poetic Elements Or AssociationsBaby-names taken from romantic poems might be the perfect baby name for your newborn.Bard (M) (Scottish origin) means ‘poet.’ William Shakespeare is known as the Bard.  Bolan (M) (Irish origin) means ’little poet.’ Cadence (F) (English origin) means ‘a rhythmic way of communicating.’ Calliope (F) (Greek/Latin origin) means ’the Muse who looks over poetic art.’  Ceridwen (M) (Welsh origin), means ‘beautiful as a poem.’ The Celtic goddess of poetic verse. Derabhla (F) (Irish origin) means ‘poet’s daughter.’ Dorothy (F) (Greek origin) means ‘gift of God.’ Sister of William Wordsworth and his poetic inspiration. Felicitas (F) (Roman origin) means ‘happy.’ Goddess Felicitas, the Roman goddess of good luck, an inspiration for many poets.  Haiku (M) (Japanese origin) refers to ‘a three-lined poem.’ Jhankar (F) (Indian origin) means ‘rhythm of a soft low voice.’ Kavi (M) (Indian origin) means ‘poet.’ Kavya (F) (Indian origin) means ‘poetry.’ Kunjal (M) (Indian origin) means ‘melodious voice of a nightingale.’ Limerick (M) (English origin) means ‘poetry.’ Lucasta (M) means ‘pure light.’ Coined by poet, British poet Richard Lovelace, for his poetry series ‘Lucasta’. Metro (M) (French origin) refers to the ’transport vehicles.’ The name can be a clipped form of metonymy, a poetic device. Miranda (F) (Latin origin) means ‘worthy of admiration.’ Inspired by William Shakespeare’s character, Miranda. Moon  (M/F) (Norman origin) refers to Earth’s natural satellite. Moon is used as a poetic inspiration for many poems. Muse (F) (Old French origin) refers to the ‘gods and goddesses of the poetic inspiration of Greek mythology.’ Paz (F) (Spanish origin) means ‘peace.’ Phillida (F) (Latin origin) means ’loving.’ Phryne (F) (Greek origin) means ’toad.’ A poetic figure used by 17th-century poets like John Donne. Poesy (F) (English origin) means ‘poetry.’ Sanjh (F) (Indian Origin) means ‘beautiful evening.’ Sashi (M/F) (Indian origin) means ’like the moon.’ Sestina (F) (Latin origin) means ’the sixth one.’ Sestina is a French form of writing verse. Sonnet (F) (English-Italian origin)  means ‘short lyrical poem.’ Syne (F) (Scottish origin) means ‘since then.’ Derived from synecdoche, a poetic device. Teagan (F) (Irish origin) means ‘fair poet.’ Valentino (M) (Latin origin) means ‘strength.’ Saint Valentino is the saint behind Valentine’s Day.Some unique poetic girl namesIf you have a passion for poetry and are seeking names that reflect your passion for poetry, take a look at these unique girl names. Annabel (French origin) means ‘favored grace,’ from Edgar Allen Poe’s last poem named ‘Annabel Lee.’ Bedelia (Irish Origin) means the ‘Celtic goddess of poetry.’ Bridget (Gaelic Origin) means ‘strength’, the goddess of poetry from an Irish myth. Corinna (Greek Origin) means ‘girl’ in Old English poetry. Dearbhla (Gaelic Origin) means ‘poet’s daughter.’ Dervia (Gaelic Origin) means ‘poet’s daughter.’ Edith (English Origin) means ‘happy,’ after the famous British poet Dame Edith. Erato (Greek Origin) means ‘desired,’ is a name from Greek mythology. Jane (English Origin) means ‘strength of God,’ after the author and poet ‘Jane Wild.’ Kavita (Indian Origin) means ‘poetry.’ Kavyanjali (Indian Origin) means ‘offering of poetry.’ Leighanna (British Origin) means ‘poetry.’ Lirita (Hebrew origin) means ‘poetry.‘Marilis (Greek Origin) means ‘shining sea.’ It is a poetic reference to a simple country girl.Naazima (Irish Origin) means ‘poetess.‘Sanelma (Finnish Origin) means ‘poem.‘Shaai’ra (Arabic Origin) means ‘poetess.‘Slyvia (Latin Origin) means ‘spirit of wood,’ after Sylvia Plath.Thi (Thai Origin) means ‘poem.‘Virelai (French Origin) means an Old French type of short poem.Williamina (German Origin) means ‘resolute protection,’ after the poet William Wordsworth.Some Unique Poetic Boy NamesIf you have a passion for poetry and are seeking names that reflect your passion for poetry, take a look at these unique boy names.Accius (Latin Origin) means ‘a roman poet.’ Aeschylus (Greek Origin) means ‘shame,’ after a 5th-century Athenian poet. Albion (Celtic and Latin Origin) means ‘white.’ An Ancient poetic name for Britain. Alcaeus (Greek Origin) means ‘strength,’ after a Greek poet. Arion (Greek Origin) means ‘a Greek poet and musician.’ Bardon (Celtic Origin) means ‘minstrel or singer-poet.’ Bragi (Old Norse Origin) means ‘poetry.’ Caedmon (Anglo Saxon Origin) means ‘poet.’ Donne (Welsh Origin) after the famous 16th-century poet, John Donne.Edgard (Old English Origin) means ‘wealthy man holding a spear.’ This name is after Edgar Allen Poe.Eknath (Hindi Origin) means ‘poet.‘Erasmus (Greek Origin) means ‘famous bearer,’ after the poet Eras. Ghazal (Arabic Origin) means ’lyrical poetry.’ Horeau (French Origin) after Henry David Thoreau. Kariraj (Hindi Origin) means ‘king of poetry.’ Kavindra (Indian Origin) means ‘mighty poet.’ Kavyansh (Hindi Origin) means ‘intelligent and born with poetry.’ Marlowe (French origin) means ‘driftwood,’ after the poet Christopher Marlowe. Midhah (Arabic Origin) means ‘poetry of praise.’ Paamannan (Hindi Origin) means ‘king of poetry.’ Paavendan (Hindi Origin) means ‘king of poetry.’ Rainer (German Origin) means ‘wise army,’ after Rainer Maria Rilke. Riordan (Celtic Origin) means ‘royal poet.’ Rudyard (English Origin) means ‘red enclosure,’ after Rudyard Kipling. Runo (Finnish Origin) means ‘poem.’ Sasithorn (Thai Origin) means ‘moon.’ It is one of the poetic names for the moon. Taliesin (Welsh Origin) means ‘radiant brow,’ is the name of the famous sixth century poet. Teague (Gaelic and Irish Origin) means ‘poet.’ Wallace (Scottish and Irish Origin) means ‘foreigner.’ After the American modernist poet, Wallace Stevens. Wyatt (English Origin) means ‘brave at war,’ after the 16th-century poet and politician, Sir Thomas Wyatt.

Famous Romantic Poet William Wordsworth once said that ‘Poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, recollected in tranquillity.’