While wisdom means being sensible, there is no reason to go through pain while your wisdom teeth are coming in.Wisdom teeth are the last to come in and give the most pain imaginable. Several symptoms can help people to identify the growth of a wisdom tooth.The fun part about the dental structure is that the wisdom tooth might grow in or not, and mostly it does not come in as human dental design has evolved a lot, and there is no specific function of a wisdom tooth anymore. It is quite unfortunate that people usually experience some pain when their wisdom teeth come in and if they decide to have them taken out.You might want to learn more about other fun facts about the common things all around us. So go ahead and look at some other articles like why do fingers prune and why do blind people wear sunglasses.What are wisdom teeth?The human dental structure comes out once they are toddlers, and then they fall out so that a permanent set of adult teeth can come in.Wisdom teeth are the last of the adult teeth to come in or erupt into the back of your mouth. It is common to have four wisdom teeth grow in at the back of your mouth when new teeth come in. Wisdom tooth comes out at the very last and therefore don’t have enough room to come in correctly. This impacted wisdom tooth can lead to immense jaw pain, damage to other teeth, and also other dental problems.How are wisdom teeth different from regular teeth?Impacted wisdom teeth are the third molars that come in at the back of the mouth, and as the teeth have no space to grow correctly, there can be several complications.Wisdom teeth are molars, and they help to grind food. It is pretty common for adults to have no wisdom teeth, as these teeth might come in or might not. There are theories that as the human diet has changed over the years, wisdom teeth have no such important function anymore and therefore depend if it might come in or not.When wisdom teeth or tooth comes in, they mostly have to be extracted because of the serious symptoms of wisdom teeth. People can have severely swollen gum, painful headaches, swelling of the mouth, redness of the gum, discomfort to chew or even open their mouth. In this case, tooth extraction from the roots helps eliminate the swelling and other complications. Regular teeth don’t give much trouble to people when they grow in.In any such case of infection, the dentist tends to remove the teeth, but this happens rarely. While in the case of wisdom teeth, 80 percent of people have to get them extracted as they are discomfort when the teeth are coming, but also after they are grown out, it is pretty challenging to clean them. Due to this, food can get stuck in between the teeth and cause problems like bad breath due to oral bacteria, risk of tooth decay, and other tooth and health problems.What are signs of wisdom teeth coming in?It is pretty easy to understand when wisdom teeth are coming in as there will be several symptoms that indicate wisdom teeth coming in.Some of the signs to look out for are: swelling of the gums, jaw bone pain, bleeding of the gums, difficulty opening the jaw, a bad taste in the mouth, and bad breath. Pain is the leading indicator to know if your wisdom teeth are coming in. If the tooth gets trapped in the gum and cannot grow in correctly, it can cause pain. Sometimes, the wisdom tooth can also grow in sideways and can cause harm to the other teeth or the inner tissue of the mouth.How can you prevent pain from your wisdom teeth?People often decide to get the wisdom teeth extraction done due to the impacted wisdom teeth giving them immense pain or even causing cysts inside the mouth by damaging the gums.Wisdom teeth can give a lot of pain if they become trapped in the gums, and there can be mild pain in some cases where people don’t feel any pain. It entirely depends from person to person, and the pain can be prevented a little bit until extraction is done or it fully grows out. Some of the home remedies that can be done are:Taking Ibuprofen which can help to control the swelling and also help to lessen the pain in the molars,The numbing gel also helps to prevent the pain and redness of the jaw,Ice pack helps to reduce inflammation and prevent any infection in the oral region.Saltwater rinse helps to prevent the infection and, therefore, partially lessen the pain.Chewing on cloves puts pressure on the molars and helps to soothe the nerves and roots of the teeth.Chewing onions can also help to reduce oral pain.All these remedies can be tried to control the pain until the teeth come in naturally, but if it doesn’t help the symptoms, removing the wisdom teeth is the best option as they might cause serious dental and health damage.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! 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While wisdom means being sensible, there is no reason to go through pain while your wisdom teeth are coming in.