Multiple elements are attracted to magnets.The property of an element to attract a magnet is called a magnetic property. Let’s learn some interesting facts about these magnets.The characteristics in the science of several types of components in an electrical machine are very much dependent on the magnet used inside. The north pole and south pole of a magnet play an essential role in magnetic fields in electrical objects and electric current or electricity. These elements are classified into soft and hard materials magnetically.Some materials are easily magnetized; they are known as soft magnetic materials. However, these materials can induce magnetism temporarily only. Rubbing a nail over a magnet will make the nail magnetized. The weak magnetic field of the nail is temporary. Magnetically strong materials can produce a strong magnetic field when magnetized. These help in the making of electromagnets. They need to be demagnetized in an opposite electric field; otherwise, they remain magnetized indefinitely. These materials can be used to make a permanent magnet too. Magnets are usually alloys of aluminum, cobalt, nickel, and a few other elements such as samarium, neodymium, and dysprosium.After reading about different magnet types, also check out three magnetic metals and three types of metamorphic rock here on Kidadl.Fun Facts About MagnetsThe strongest magnets are obtained from the material called neodymium. They are made of neodymium, iron, and boron.These materials are hard to magnetize, which is the opposite of soft materials. But once they are magnetized, they can maintain their ability for a more extended period of time. Due to the different atomic structures, magnets react differently when they come in contact with an electric field. The magnetic material can be grouped into Ferromagnetic, Diamagnetic, and Paramagnetic materials.Distinguishing Facts About The 3 Types Of MagnetsFerromagnetic: These materials have electrons that are unpaired in their atoms. This can generate a net magnetic field. Though they can be weak, they form a magnetic ability. The atoms have magnetic domains made of groups of atoms.They are aligned in such a way that they cancel out each other. When there is an external field of magnetic power, these ferromagnets have their individual domains forced to align. This alignment is continued in the material even after they are removed from the external field. Ferromagnetic materials are Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel.Diamagnetic materials: Repelling in any external applied magnetic field is the primary property of this diamagnetic material. This is because the alignment of the domains takes place in the opposite manner, which causes the repelling property. All materials are said to have some diamagnetic properties due to this alignment property of the material. Within the material, all the electrons are paired, which can resist the generation of a net magnetic field. The periodic table has most elements that are diamagnetic.Paramagnetic: The susceptibility of the magnetic field in this material is minimal. They are attracted very little by the magnetic field. They do not behave like ferromagnetic materials. These materials lose their magnetic ability once they are removed from the electric field that is applied. Many elements are said to have this property of paramagnetism. The attractive force of these elements is much smaller than ferromagnetic material; hence they are called nonmagnetic.Industrial Usage Facts About MagnetsThere are many different magnetic raw materials too. Five materials have different properties but are permanent magnets. They are Alnico, flexible rubber, ferrite, samarium cobalt and neodymium.Ferrite is the purest form of iron. It is known for its easily identifiable ferromagnetic property. It is a compound of strontium carbonate or barium and iron oxide. They give a low production cost; however, they are weaker than other raw materials such as rare earth metals. They are incredibly inexpensive, but they are used in all commercial applications. They come in handy in processes that include demagnetization and corrosion.Neodymium is mainly known to be a rare earth material. It is usually available as a mixture of Iron and Boron. Other elements are also present as traces, such as Dysprosium and Praseodymium. This alloy is said to produce the world’s strongest magnetic material. Their power to weight ratio is very high. They have considerable resistance to demagnetization. However, if their coating is damaged, they are prone to corrosion.Alnico is the name of the material that can be split as Al-Ni-Co. The name gives away the composition of the alloy itself. Aluminum, Nickel, and Cobalt are the three elements that have a primary part in this alloy. They are one of the strongest permanent magnets that are available. They have a great application in generators, loudspeakers, and motors due to their permanent magnetic ability.Samarium Cobalt is a rare earth element that is made of magnetic material. It is an alloy made of cobalt and samarium; however, they have small amounts of iron, copper, zirconium, hafnium, and praseodymium. The US Air Force Materials Lab was the first to obtain this material. They were revolutionary and tripled the power of a magnet. They are found in two different grades. Though it isn’t strong as neodymium, it helps with corrosion resistance even during the absence of the coating.Facts About Different Shapes Of MagnetsMagnets come in various types of shapes. They come in shapes like discs, spheres, horseshoes, bars, and many more. Bar magnets have their poles on the ends. They are said to be the weakest shape of magnets available.Horseshoe magnets are bent, but they are similar to bar magnets in many ways. The shape of the magnet gives it an advantage as the poles are facing the same direction. Small industrial horseshoe magnets pick up large pieces of heavy metals after construction and engineering. They are used in pendulums as bottoms too. Some other lesser-used varieties are rings, discs, spheres, and cylinders. They all have their own uses, though. Disc magnets are sewn into clothes; spherical magnets can be seen in small places as small as fashion jewelry. Cylinder magnets are used in the healthcare field to insert into the spines. Magnets are indeed revolutionary in their own way.There are other magnets or other types of magnets that have different magnetic properties. There are alnico magnets, ferrite magnets, strong magnets, and temporary magnets to choose from. Alnico magnets have permanent magnetic properties. Alnico magnets are created by mixing different elements like nickel, copper, aluminum, iron, and cobalt. An electromagnet has the property of getting magnetized whenever electricity is passed. Such property of getting magnetized gets beneficial in many departments. An electromagnet is a soft metal core made into a magnet by passing an electric current through a coil surrounding it. It is a type of temporary magnet. The magnetism of a temporary magnet stays only for the duration of the current passing through it. The primary conflicts amongst temporary and permanent magnets highlight that no external magnetic field is required for a permanent magnet to remain magnetized. In the case of temporary magnets, the magnet will remain magnetized only when there is a potent external magnetic field.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created many interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Three Types Of Magnets: Learn More About The Magical Object, then why not take a look at three states of matter for kids or two examples of kinetic energy.

Multiple elements are attracted to magnets.