Cats have always had a special appeal owing to their beautiful eyes.The deep blue eyes of some cats are mesmerizing to many people. Did you ever wonder about the secret behind these pretty baby blues eyes?The blue-eyed cat breed is famous amongst the pet clan, but their sparkling blue eyes are another star show! These long, silky, shorthair creatures are regarded for their fascinating eye colors, and cat-lovers worldwide seek to catch a glimpse of such captivating cats.Although if you are not yet familiar with cats or their enticing eyes but are interested in learning more about them, we have got you covered! Keep reading this article to find out about different cat breeds having blue eyes, the reason behind their color, and some more fun facts!Do you love the cat breed and can’t get enough of these playful creatures? Then we have some more cat content for you to read! You must read about cats with big eyes and cats with short legs after this article.Cat Breeds With Blue EyesMany blue-eyed cats are fascinating to many pet keepers, and if you are looking for seal-point-colored breeds, many such cats are present. Cat breeds such as Balinese, Ragdoll, Siamese, Persian, Himalayan, and Javanese are recognized for their sparkling blue eyes. The Ojos Azules breed is another cat breed with blue eyes and dark coats. Let’s discuss some of these cats.Siamese cats are the most popular breeds, and they are adored for their talkative, playful, intelligent, and lovely nature. This makes the Siamese cat ideal for keeping as family pets. The Siamese cat originated in Thailand, where it was known as an aristocratic cat. Their sleek and tall nature gives them the image of a model! You’d find most Siamese cats to be pointed, and this breed will always be blue eyes. A pointed cat with blue eyes is what a Siamese cat can be defined as. So, are all blue-eyed cats Siamese? Well, that is still unknown, but all Siamese cats are definitely blue-eyed!Next is the Persian cat, which is one of the oldest cat breeds that, like its name, hails from Persia. Not every Persian cat is blue-eyed, although some white cats do have them. Their eyes are large, which makes for a beautiful feline. Their laid-back personality and affectionate nature make them sociable cats.The Birman cats tend to have darker shades and are usually white cats. The Birman cats have bushy paws and tails, along with darker ears. Along with this, the Birman cats have gorgeous blue eyes that complement their dark shade.Next is the Ojos Azules, which, when translated into Spanish, literally means blue eyes! The breed is found mostly in New Mexico and got its name because of its vivid blue eyes. Did you know that the Ojos Azules breed is very rare, and so its blue eyes are all the more admirable!The Himalayan cat is known for its long coat and boasts deep blue eyes. This breed has a very similar appearance to the Persian cat and is of medium size. The color of their coat is usually cream-colored or white, along with other colors similar to those of the Siamese cat. The Himalayan cat is mostly white, has white paws, and is a bundle of energy.The Balinese cat is your typical curious, inquisitive, and eager cat that is very smart. The Balinese cats are meant for those with experience, as they can be quite troublesome at times! They started appearing in the early 20th century and had long hair and fur similar to the Siamese cats.Javanese cats are almost similar to the Balinese, their only difference being the color of their coat. The Javanese are slender and elegant and have muscular bodies too. If you are a person that loves to keep your house neat, then consider the Javanese to be your apt breed as their long silky coat relatively sheds less and is easy to groom! These cats are affectionate and form great bonds with family members.From Turkey comes the popular Turkish Angora, which is famous amongst royal families. The blue eyes, along with the white silky coats, make them a stunner! They have other colored coats, too, and are affectionate and intelligent, which makes them a great pet choice.Is it rare for cats to have blue eyes?A kitten is always born with blue eyes, but what happens after it grows? Does it become rare later for other cat breeds? Well, the eye color of cat breeds starts to change as the production of melanin pigment starts when the kitten begins to mature. Whether the cat turns out to be blue-eyed cat or not, will be completely defined by its genetics. Let’s look at the genetics of cat breeds with blue eyes.The universal fact remains that a blue-eyed cat means having a lack of melanin levels that it has inherited from its parents. The skin and fur of the cat breed also depend on the amount of melanin pigment present in it.Blue eyes are more commonly related to white cats because they have a dominant epistatic white gene. This gene blocks the code for any other color. In fact, did you know that white cats with blue eyes are more prone to being deaf than other green or yellow-eyed cats? The reason is the gene code for blue eyes, and a white coat, which causes the cochlea of a cat’s inner side of the ear just weeks after it is born.Well, it’s not really rare for a cat breed to have blue eyes, as there are several cat breeds known to have green or yellow colored eyes too. But the most commonly known cats are cats with blue eyes, which particularly include the Ragdoll, Tonkinese, Balinese, Turkish Angora, and Siamese breeds.Facts About Cats With Blue EyesSeeing any blue-eyed cat would be a treat for your eyes. There always seems to be a special mesmerizing power in the beautiful blue eyes that captures anyone who sees them, but what is the reason behind this nature’s wonder? Let’s learn some fun facts about this eye color!The absence of pigment is the real cause of having blue eyes, and this is evident in newly born kittens. The production of pigment-containing melanin does not take place until the kitten is about six weeks old.Sometimes the cat changes its eye color when it enters adulthood. Pure breeds, especially the pointed ones, with blue eyes experience this, which is caused by a recessive albinism gene. An extra gene also comes into the picture that blocks the coat color for other cats that are not pointed, which means a cat breed with blue eyes would not just have blue eyes but sometimes white too!Did you know that at some point, a cat can have two different colors for each of her eyes? In fact, sometimes, a cat breed tends to have two different colors in the same eye! This condition is known as heterochromia, and it occurs when the melanin, which is responsible for creating the color, reaches just one eye or certain parts of an eye. Don’t worry; this is not a cause for worry for your cat at all.Cats have no correlation between the color of their fur and the color of their eyes, so a dark-furred cat has an equally likely chance of having dark-colored eyes like a cat with a lighter shade of fur. This is because the genes controlling the color of eyes and fur are different. However, there may be cases where white cats with blue eyes have bluer eyes than black cats with blue eyes, and that’s because the white fur gene is a dominant gene that masks all other color genes. So white cats would always have more sparkling blue eyes than any other colored cat.Do cat eyes change color?If you have had any cat breed with you as a pet, you may have noticed the color of their eyes changing once or multiple times. Be it any cat breed like the Turkish Angora, Persian cat, Tonkinese, Ragdoll, or any related blue-eyed cat, it is essential to understand this change of color and its effect on their health.The aging effect can make cats change their eye color, and this color change can point to several health issues. Kittens of any breed will always have blue eyes, and eventually, as their sight develops, their eyes change and take on various eye colors like yellow, orange, green, and even amber. Such changes post-kittenhood could be a minor cause of worry. Keep a watch for drastic eye color changes over a short period of time, as it could mean eye infection for your pet cat.If your cat is old enough and now has her eyes returned to their original blue color, it indicates eye damage or that your cat could be turning blind soon, although blue eyes generally do not define blindness.So, to conclude, as gorgeous and enticing as the kitten and cat’s eyes are, keep a constant watch on their eye color as it changes to be sure of any impending health issues. Remember to always contact a veterinarian if you have any doubts about your cat’s health or well-being.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for cats with blue eyes then why not take a look at cats that shed the most, or sphynx facts.

Cats have always had a special appeal owing to their beautiful eyes.