Phobos is the name of the larger of the two natural satellites of Mars that was discovered in 1877 by Asaph Hall while observing Mars in the US Naval Observatory.This satellite, along with Deimos, forms the two moons of Mars. Phobos is one of the smallest moons of the solar system.You might have guessed by now that Mars has two moons: the larger one is Phobos, and the smaller one is Deimos. Phobos is characterized by large craters on the moon’s surface. The most well-known crater, Stickney Crater, named after the maiden name of the wife of Asaph Hall, has a diameter of 5.6 mi (9 km), and it takes up most of the space of the moon. The impact that created Stickney was a significant event that almost destroyed Phobos.This satellite in space also has many grooves and streaks. The grooves are up to 12 mi (19.3 km) in length, 330-660 ft (100-201 m) wide, and 98 ft (30 m) deep. The presence of the surface fractures on Phobos makes it very interesting. The Mars Global Surveyor has collected samples and images that show that the surface of the moon is covered by a 3 ft (1 m) thick layer of dark gray regolith probably caused by meteor bombardment. Since Phobos orbits Mars at such a closer distance, the decelerating tidal bulges make the moon spiral closer to Mars.If you are interested in more such content, then you can check out the articles on the big bang and 2003 facts too.Phobos Moon SizePhobos is one of the moons that was discovered in 1877 by Asaph hall. Out of the two Mars moons, Phobos appears bigger than Deimos in the Martian sky. It is also remarkably closer to Mars, so it naturally appears larger from the surface of Mars. Overall, it is still a tiny moon, much smaller than the Moon we see in the earth’s orbit. The shape of the moon Phobos is not really spherical.The diameter of the Phobos moon is 17 x 14 x 11 mi (27 x 22 x 18 km), and its radius is 7 mi (11.26 km). The little mass does not let Phobos retain its spherical structure under its gravitational pull. Phobos orbits mars around three times a day; it is so close to the Martian surface that it cannot always be seen beyond the horizon of Mars. It also does not have any atmosphere due to its low gravity and low mass. The moon has some structural similarities to the planet.Phobos Moon Facts Phobos is the innermost natural satellite of the planet Mars. It is larger than the other satellite Deimos. The name Phobos has its origin in Greek Mythology. Phobos, meaning phobia, was a Roman God that personified panic and fear. In Greek mythology, Phobos was the son of Ares or Mars and the twin brother of Deimos.The shape of the moon Phobos is not really spherical. The planetary scientists believe that the Phobos and Deimos have originated either from dust and rock particles or from a greater impact on Mars. They are not convinced with the theory that the Phobos came from an asteroid belt, although it has some similarities with asteroids. Phobos is made up of the same substances of which asteroids are made. The similarities in the two bodies of space indicate that Phobos might be a captured asteroid of the asteroid belt composed mainly of carbonaceous chondrites. Interestingly, this satellite is also one of the least reflective objects of the solar system. They are much less dense than other objects in the belt, and the circular orbit is very unusual for an object under the gravitational pull of a planet.Some scientists believe that the Mars moon Phobos is made from the rock particles and dust piled together by gravity or from giant impacts in the solar system that broke away pieces from Mars and formed the Martian moons. Current images and observations suggest that Phobos is perhaps a rubble pile held by a thin crust and deformed by tidal forces.The surface of Phobos is heavily cratered; a Soviet spacecraft image shows the presence of a hall crater on the right side of the moon. The temperature in Phobos ranges between -4 - -112 ℃ (24.8- -180.4℉). NASA is hoping to send a human mission to the Martian moons by the end of 2030.Phobos Distance From MarsThe natural satellite of Mars, Phobos, is the closest satellite of any planet in the solar system. The distance between Mars and Phobos is currently 3,700 mi (5954.57 km), but their distance is slowly decreasing, with Phobos becoming closer and closer towards Mars. This slow movement will cause the destruction of Phobos after millions of years.The close proximity of the moon to Mars is causing the satellite to come closer to Mars because of the gravitational pull. At present, it lies around 3,700 mi (5954.57 km) away from Mars, but Phobos is gradually moving towards it by more than 6 ft (1.3 m) every 100 years. Space scientists believe that in the next 30-50 million years, Phobos will spiral much closer to Mars, and eventually, the moon will eventually collide with the planet. It will cause a much greater impact and destroy Phobos completely. Some of the researchers agree that Phobos has already begun to disintegrate, and stretch marks on its body are the first signs of disintegration.Phobos Moon PhasesThe close orbit of the Phobos to the planet Mars results in some unusual satellite behaviors. The orbit of the Phobos moon lies within 3,721 mi (5,989 km) from the surface of Mars. This close orbit results in a faster movement of the moon around Mars. The moon orbits Mars faster than the rotation speed of Mars itself. Phobos revolves around Mars below the synchronous orbit radius.Like our Moon, Phobos also undergoes all the phases of a moon within a very short time. Phobos takes a short time to go around Mars because of its low circular orbit. For anyone who is standing on the surface of Mars, the Phobos rises in the west, moves across the sky rapidly in four hours and fifteen minutes, and sets in the east.The faster orbital period makes Phobos move around Mars twice every Martian day, and its phases can be observed much frequently. The entire course of the moon’s phases can be observed from the planet’s surface within 0.32 days. For example, if the Phobos moon were rising at the same time when the sun was setting, then it would be at a new phase. After four hours, when the moon would cross the overhead position and reach halfway in the east, it would be in its full moon phase. The satellite would go to its last quarter state about an hour later when it sets in the east. It shines the brightest during the full moon and appears 20 times bigger than the other moon.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Phobos moon, then why not take a look at wind facts or Dominica facts?

Phobos is the name of the larger of the two natural satellites of Mars that was discovered in 1877 by Asaph Hall while observing Mars in the US Naval Observatory.