Louisa May Alcott was a great thinker and famous for writing children’s books.Alcott lived from 29 November 1832 to 6 March 1888. She became famous for her novel ‘Little Women’. She also loved writing short stories and poetry.The novel ‘Little Women’ is a story about the March sisters, from childhood to womanhood. It’s about their life challenges and the difficulties they face as they grow up.If you loved reading our quotes from Louisa May Alcott, why not check out ‘Little Women’ quotes and ‘Anne Of Green Gables’ quotes.‍Louisa May Alcott Famous QuotesShe is one of the greatest authors and has many works to her name. Check out the best goals and aspirations quotes by Louisa May Alcott.1. “I like good strong words that mean something…”- Louisa May Alcott, ‘Little Women’.2. “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.”- Louisa May Alcott, ‘Little Women’.3. “Life is my college. May I graduate well, and earn some honors.”- Louisa May Alcott.4. “He who believes is strong; he who doubts is weak. Strong convictions precede great actions.”- Louisa May Alcott.5. “The love, respect, and confidence of my children was the sweetest reward I could receive for my efforts to be the woman I would have them copy.”- Louisa May Alcott.6. “It’s amazing how lovely common things become, if one only knows how to look at them.”- Louisa May Alcott.7. “The power of finding beauty in the humblest things makes home happy and life lovely.”- Louisa May Alcott.8. “I’d rather take coffee than compliments just now.”- Louisa May Alcott.9. “I’ve got the key to my castle in the air, but whether I can unlock the door remains to be seen.”- Louisa May Alcott.10. “Love is a great beautifier.”- Louisa May Alcott.11. “Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them and try to follow where they lead.”- Louisa May Alcott.12. “Because they are mean is no reason why I should be. I hate such things, and though I think I’ve a right to be hurt, I don’t intend to show it.”- Louisa May Alcott.13. “A little kingdom I possess, where thoughts and feelings dwell; And very hard the task I find of governing it well.”- Louisa May Alcott.14. “A faithful friend is a strong defense; And he that hath found him hath found a treasure.”- Louisa May Alcott.15. “Watch and pray, dear, never get tired of trying, and never think it is impossible to conquer your fault.”- Louisa May Alcott.Louisa May Alcott Quotes About WritingLouisa’s voice is heard in her writings. Read out the best Louisa May Alcott quotes her dreams about writing and getting rich and famous.16. “I think I shall write books, and get rich and famous, that would suit me, so that is my favorite dream.”- Louisa May Alcott.17. “I want to do something splendid…Something heroic or wonderful that won’t be forgotten after I’m dead…I think I shall write books.”- Louisa May Alcott.18. “Good books, like good friends, are few and chosen; the more select, the more enjoyable.”- Louisa May Alcott.19. “Keep good company, read good books, love good things and cultivate soul and body as faithfully as you can.”- Louisa May Alcott.20. “I shall keep my book on the table here, and read a little every morning as soon as I wake, for I know it will do me good, and help me through the day.”- Louisa May Alcott.21. “That is a good book it seems to me, which is opened with expectation and closed with profit.”- Louisa May Alcott.22. “Some books are so familiar that reading them is like being home again.”- Louisa May Alcott.Louisa May Alcott Feminist QuotesLouisa wrote sensational stories and captured the hearts of readers of many generations. Here have a look at her awesome women quotes to get inspired.23. “I like to help women help themselves, as that is, in my opinion, the best way to settle the woman question. Whatever we can do and do well we have a right to, and I don’t think anyone will deny us.”- Louisa May Alcott.24. “Don’t try to make me grow up before my time…”- Louisa May.25. “You don’t need scores of suitors. You need only one…if he’s the right one.”- Louisa May Alcott.26. “A real gentleman is as polite to a little girl as to a woman.”- Louisa May Alcott.27. “The emerging woman…will be strong-minded, strong-hearted, strong-souled, and strong-bodied… strength and beauty must go together.”- Louisa May Alcott.28. “It takes people a long time to learn the difference between talent and genius, especially ambitious young men and women.”- Louisa.29. “When we make little sacrifices we like to have them appreciated, at least…”- Louisa.30. “Be worthy love, and love will come…The more you love and trust Him, the nearer you will feel to Him, and the less you will depend on human power and wisdom.”- Louisa May Alcott.31. “Nothing is impossible to a determined woman.”- Louisa.Louisa May Alcott Important QuotesLouisa had experience from years of reading novels. Her love for her work can be seen in her writing style, full of charm and innocence. Here read some of her famous aspiration quotes and Louisa May Alcott quotes about writing.32. “Love is the only thing that we can carry with us when we go, and it makes the end so easy.”- Louisa May Alcott.33. “Life and love are very precious when both are in full bloom.”- Louisa.34. “Love is a flower that grows in any soil, works its sweet miracles undaunted by autumn frost or winter snow, blooming fair and fragrant all the year.”- Louisa May Alcott.35. “Cheerfulness can change misfortune into love and friends.”- Louisa May Alcott.36. “How can I tune my little heart To sweetly sing all day?”- Louisa May Alcott.37. “Love covers a multitude of sins, and of whom could you ask more freely than of him?”- Louisa May Alcott.38. “I’ve learned to check the hasty words that rise to my lips, and when I feel that they mean to break out against my will, I just go away for a minute, and give myself a little shake for being so weak and wicked.”- Louisa May Alcott.39. “Father asked us what was God’s noblest work. Anna said men but I said babies. Men are often bad; babies never are.”- Louisa May Alcott.40. “You have a good many little gifts and virtues, but there is no need of parading them, for conceit spoils the finest genius.”- Louisa May Alcott.41. “Happy is the son whose faith in his mother remains unchallenged.”- Louisa May Alcott.42. “… For it is the small temptations which undermine integrity unless we watch and pray and never think them too trivial to be resisted.”- Louisa May Alcott.43. “It takes so little to make a child happy, that it is a pity in a world full of sunshine and pleasant things, that there should be any wistful faces, empty hands, or lonely little hearts.”- Louisa May Alcott.44. “Go and make yourself useful, since you are too big to be ornamental.”- Louisa May Alcott.45. “To make democracy work, we must be a nation of participants, not simply observers. One who does not vote has no right to complain.”- Louisa May Alcott.46. “The humblest tasks get beautified if loving hands do them.”- Louisa May Alcott.47. “Love Jo all your days, if you choose, but don’t let it spoil you, for it’s wicked to throw away so many good gifts because you can’t have the one you want.”- Louisa May Alcott.48. “Now I am beginning to live a little and feel less like a sick oyster at low tide.”- Louisa May Alcott.49. “Into each life some rain must fall, Somedays must be dark and sad and dreary.”- Louisa May Alcott.50. “Be comforted, dear soul! There is always light behind the clouds.”- Louisa May Alcott.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for the 50 ultimate Louisa May Alcott quotes from the author of ‘Little Women’, then why not take a look at Henry David Thoreau quotes and Walden quotes.‍

Louisa May Alcott was a great thinker and famous for writing children’s books.