Since time immemorial, reading and writing poetry have enriched the human soul.While many styles of poetry exist, one of the most popular forms of poetry is known as shape poem or shape poetry. In a shape poem, the poet uses the words of the poetry itself to create the image or picture of the object that is being described in the poem.The history of shape poetry can be traced back to ancient Greece. In the early second century BCE, scribes used shape poems to express the meaning of their poetry. Further down the line, in the early 20th century, poets like E.E. Cummings and Guillaume Apollinaire also created shape poetry to enhance their artistic expression through words and shapes. However, shape poems did not make it into the mainstream world till the middle of the 20th century. Years later, in 1968, a comprehensive collection of the shape poetry movement was recorded and released by Mary Ellen Solt.To learn more about shape poetry, keep reading! You can also check out children’s books from the 90s and moral values.  How do you write a shape poem for kids?Writing a shape poem can be pretty easy if done correctly. To write meaningful shape poetry, you have to keep certain aspects in mind, and then you can surely hope to come up with a fantastic shape poem for yourself!Before creating your own shape poem, make sure to read and understand other shape poems. Not only will other poems act as your inspiration, but you will also be able to understand what kind of a poem you want to create yourself.Once you have gone through a sufficient number of examples, it is time for you to write your very own poetry hands-on! First, you need to pick the subject of your poem. This is the most essential step, as your poem’s subject will inspire its outline. Next, draw a rough outline of the subject on a piece of paper, preferably with a pencil. You can also try line drawing of a square or circle instead of creating outlines of real objects.Now, for your poem, first, make a list of the keywords related to your poem’s central ideas or theme. You can make your poem more meaningful by using words that make the poem livelier for the reader. Additionally, literary devices like rhyme or metaphor can also help tie your whole poem together. Remember not to make the lines of your poem too long or have too many characters. Finally, make sure to experiment with different words and details before you start writing your final draft.Once the writing is over, add your lines within the boundaries of the outline you have created. If you are satisfied with your creation, erase the picture’s outline, and you will have your very own shape poem. You can also make your creation colorful by adding shades related to the context of your poetry.What is a good shape poem?Various factors transform a regular shape poem into a good shape poem. With the proper use of ideas, you can easily create the perfect shape poetry yourself!An important lesson when it comes to shape poetry is before you start to write the poem itself, you must be clear about its primary objective and theme. This ensures that you can maintain the essence of your artistic idea while you are writing.Next, analyze as many shape poems as possible. These examples act as lessons and provide ideas on how to use the various shapes to one’s advantage and create a more aesthetically pleasing poem.A good shape poem should surely be descriptive and convey the details of what the poet is trying to say. So, while writing this style of poetry, it is important to focus on the sensory details, which can make reading your poem a much more realistic experience for your readers.The use of metaphors, rhymes or even repetitions creates a rhythm for poetry and makes it more engaging for others. So, a good shape poem should undoubtedly play around with any one of these ideas.Lastly, once you have added the lines of your poetry within the outline, it is mandatory to read and edit any word that makes the poem look too long or does not fit in with the shape you have created. It is also a good idea for teachers to make the shape poem colorful and vivid since they can make these vibrant poems a part of their lessons for the young students.With these tips in mind, both parents and teachers can make amazing shape poems for kids.What are shape poems called?Interestingly, shape poems are also known as concrete poems or concrete poetry. The history behind this naming is undoubtedly quite interesting!The name ‘shape’ poem literally describes the chief feature of this style of poetry. However, you must be wondering how did the term ‘concrete’ poetry come about. Well, the use of the word ‘concrete’ in context to this style of poetry happened pretty recently. During the early phase of 1950, poets of the São Paulo magazine joined artists who created abstract and visual poems that included shapes. This development was a fine example of the creation of a bridge between the world of poetry and the world of art. Their exceptional works were eventually showcased in the National Exhibition of Concrete Art in 1956-1957. The birth of the term ‘concrete’ poem took place after this.What is an example of a concrete poem?The world of shape poetry or concrete poetry is enriched with beautiful examples to get inspired from. One such fine example is the poem called Easter Wings by George Herbert. This piece of poetry was published in 1633 in a collection known as ‘The Temple.’ The publication came out after George Herbert’s death. The poem is as follows:“Lord, who createdst man in wealth and store,      Though foolishly he lost the same,            Decaying more and more,                  Till he became                        Most poore:                        With thee                  O let me rise            As larks, harmoniously,      And sing this day thy victories:Then shall the fall further the flight in me. My tender age in sorrow did beginne      And still with sicknesses and shame.            Thou didst so punish sinne,                  That I became                        Most thinne.                        With thee                  Let me combine,            And feel thy victorie:         For, if I imp my wing on thine,Affliction shall advance the flight in me.“This poem is a brilliant lesson on using a shape to underline the essence of what the poet is trying to elucidate. If you look closely in a horizontal manner, the shape of the poem looks like two wings of an angel. Since the poem is religious and talks about spiritual themes, the image created by George Herbert goes perfectly with the theme. Additionally, reading such a piece of writing is sure to help one play out its meanings in their head. Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for shape poems for kids: poetry lesson facts for little learners!, then why not take a look at 15 must-know facts on Danyang–Kunshan grand bridge that will amaze you, or looking for low maintenance easiest pets? here is the easy pet guide.

Since time immemorial, reading and writing poetry have enriched the human soul.