Mice and rats both belong to the rodent category, hence there are several resemblances that both these pests carry.Although they may seem to resemble each other, there are various ways in which these animals can be differentiated. Most of the differences are based on their physical appearance and size.Mice are generally a lot smaller compared to rats. While full-grown adult rats such as a Norway rat can reach the size of 7-9 in (17.8-22.9 cm), whereas a mouse reaches the average size of 2-4 in (5.1-10.2 cm) in the adult age. Mice generally come in shades of light to dark brown or gray colors, while the most common colors found in rats are the brown rat, black rat, and gray rat.Behavior-wise, mice are very curious creatures and tend to explore places to find food, and are generally not scared so easily. Hence, it is easier to trap mice in trap snaps where they might try and explore it as well and get caught. On the other hand, rats are extremely cautious creatures and operate on fear, hence they are difficult to trap due to their fearful nature.After reading more about these rodents, also check facts about mouse symbolism and how long do mice live?How do you tell if you have a mouse or a rat?You can identify a rodent infestation in your home if you constantly find different droppings in various places in your home. There are several differences which you can observe to know whether the rodent living in your attic is a mouse or a roof rat.One of the easiest ways to identify a mouse or a rat is to look at its size and color. Rats appear a lot bigger compared to mice and are very meek and scared. Mice have long and slender tails, with some short hair growing on them. Rats have thicker tails, which are bald and short. Further, rats and mice have different droppings. It is very possible that you may not come across or get to observe the rodent living in your home because of its cautious nature and its tendency to avoid humans or any kind of threat. So what you can do is take a look at the feces which you find.Mouse poop looks like small grains of rice and can measure from 0.07-0.1 in (1.2-0.3 cm). It generally appears to be in black color and can be found in clusters in one place. Rat poop appears thicker and bigger compared to that of mice and can measure up to half an inch, or more. Rat droppings can be found in many places scattered around the house. Even though the size of mice droppings is a lot smaller compared to rat droppings, mice poop more times than rats during a day and both of them make a whole lot of mess which causes a rodent problem in the house.Rats And Mice Eating HabitsBoth rats and mice belong to the rodent category and are omnivorous animals. They are termed as opportunistic feeders, i.e. they can eat almost anything remotely edible in order to survive, even their own feces at times.Rats can eat hard grains and nuts, and any type of food waste, vegetables, plants, fruits, trash, compost, and even pet food. As these rodents are omnivores, rats and mice also feed on small insects like butterflies, moths, roaches, even snails and slugs. Compared to rats, mice are more attracted to soft, sweet sugary foods a lot more because they have weaker teeth than rats. Due to their curious nature, these rodents do not hesitate to try anything which they can chew with their teeth. Sometimes, rats and mice can also eat materials like paper and cardboard, although it is mainly used for making nests rather than eating.Are rat droppings bigger than mouse droppings?Yes, rat poop or rat droppings appear to be bigger compared to mouse droppings. Mouse droppings look small, similar to the size of grains of rice.They appear to be tapered at the ends and measure up to 0.07-0.1 in (1.2-0.3 cm). Mouse droppings tend to be a lot in quantity compared to rat droppings and are clustered together in one place, which is generally secluded or closed on all sides, like a cupboard or below the kitchen sink.The possible reason for this is the difference in the size of these two rodents. As mice are smaller, they excrete smaller rodent droppings. Rat poop appears bigger than mice droppings and appears to be lighter than mice droppings in color. Although that may not be a sure-shot way of identifying rat poop because it may change color according to the food which the rodent eats. Rat poop can be generally found scattered all around in various places, as rats have the tendency to just leave their feces while running without stopping to do the deed, especially if they sense danger or feel threatened.Squirrel Poop vs rat poop vs mouse poop: How do you tell the difference?As we have established the basic difference between rat poop and mouse poop, it will be easier to understand how to differentiate it from the feces of squirrels.It often happens that many people tend to confuse the poop of squirrels with that of rats because of its similar appearance.But there is a little difference there as well. A squirrel’s poop appears like small pellets just like rats, but its ends are a lot more rounded than that of rats which appear to be more pointy or tapered.Further, squirrel poop can change color over time and lose its darkness to appear lighter than the original dark brown color. The same is the case with rat and mice poop where fresh droppings are black but they will turn brown in the next few days, and eventually change to gray over time. The color of poop of mice and rats may also change with a change in their diet.Steps For Rodent ControlMany people might suddenly start to come across rodent feces in many parts of their house and it can be annoying naturally, to have an unwanted rodent in the house who spreads poop everywhere.Hence, in order to prevent such an occurrence, there are a few measures you can take to ensure that these rodents and pests stay away from your home.Rats and mice are attracted to the waste food source which a garbage can or trash can offers. Many times, rats and mice can enter your garbage cans lying outside your door and wreak havoc by spreading the waste around. Hence, be careful to dispose of your waste in tightly lidded cans so that the mice or rats cannot enter it. Likewise, do not let any stale vegetables, fruits, bread, or any other edible stuff lying around in your house which the rats can come after. Do not leave trash cans open, or leave the waste dishes to stink in your sink as it is one of the top attractors of mice and the most possible reason for the spread of various diseases.If your house has already seen several mouse infestations over the years, keep a look at any possible entry points for rats and mice and seal them immediately when found. Carry out the process of rodent control or pest control from time to time to curb the rat problem before it can escalate. Also, setting up mouse traps can help if there is a single rat or mouse who has suddenly turned up in your house, chances are you may catch the rodent culprit and get rid of it.Rat poop vs mouse poop: harmful to humans or animals?Rats and mice are both a menace if they get infected and enter the homes of humans. Rats and mice are carriers of several bacteria and viruses, some of which are even deadly if a human gets infected with them.Rats are the biggest carriers of Hantavirus, which spreads from inhaling or coming into contact with the poop, urine, or saliva of rats and mice. Hantavirus can be deadly if failed to be treated in time.Rats are notoriously known for being the main reason for the spread of the bubonic plague or commonly referred to as the black death. This deadly disease is spread when an infected flea on a rat’s body bites a human.Another and the most common disease which is spread because of rats and mice is salmonella. Salmonella is a type of food poisoning, which is spread by the feces, urine, or saliva of the mice and rats. If any of these come in contact with the food we consume, we can surely get infected with the disease as well. Symptoms of this disease include fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.One of the most fatal diseases which mice and rats spread is rat fever, which can be fatal in the most severe cases. Rats can also bite your pets if they feel attacked or threatened. Also, some people may develop allergic reactions to the bodily fluids of these rodent pests.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for rat poop vs mouse poop then why not take a look at are rats good pets, or Norway rat facts.

Mice and rats both belong to the rodent category, hence there are several resemblances that both these pests carry.