Pigeons are domestic birds that belong to the family of Columbidae.Pigeons have evolved from the rock dove and are believed to be one of the world’s oldest domestic birds. Rock dove is more commonly known as rock pigeon or Columba Livia.The pigeon is a bird that you may have come across in many movies and books, if not in real life. These birds were mostly used to send messages. During times of war, letters were tied to the legs of messenger pigeons who were trained to deliver messages. However, nowadays pigeons are widely regarded as pests in cities because of their droppings. These birds serve as a source of food for many predators, larger birds, and other animals. They were also an important part of sacrifices conducted by the ancient Egyptians in many rituals.Baby pigeons called squeakers or squabs usually hatch from eggs laid by their mothers who would go to any extent to protect their eggs. Pigeons come in various colors due to breeding by humans including gray, light gray, or dark gray. After reading about the nesting and feeding habits of this bird species, also check out how long pigeons live and facts on pigeon eggs.What Months Do Pigeons Nest?Pigeons are domestic birds that were used in ancient times to deliver messages. They usually fly in flocks. They can cause havoc on farms by eating grains. The birds’ meat is known for its taste and is cooked widely.Pigeons can breed all year round given that the climate is favorable. However, during winter, pigeons do not generally breed. Female pigeons lay eggs in the nest. The materials used for building nests are brought by a male pigeon. These birds usually build their nests in isolated buildings, on roofs, inside barns, or under bridges. The nest of a pigeon is made up of leaves and stems. Generally, the nests are saucer-shaped. The female pigeon sits in her nest for two days before laying the first egg. A pigeon can lay eggs once it turns six months old. Pigeons usually mate in the fall or spring. They lay two eggs at a time.Where Do Pigeons Build Their Nests?A pigeon usually breeds in all seasons except when it is extremely cold. Their best mating seasons are fall and spring. A pigeon is very easy to spot. These birds belonging to the family of Aves can be found almost everywhere. Likewise, a pigeon’s nest is very easy to spot.A pigeon will nest at any feasible nest site such as isolated buildings, barns, under bridges, window ledges of city buildings, gutters around urban city parks, and sometimes even on the top of an unused fan. You are likely to find these birds and spot their nests once you visit an old building.They need a place undisturbed by humans for several weeks so that they can mate, lay eggs and wait for them to hatch. Once this cycle is complete, they migrate. Throughout the history of the world, the description of a pigeon’s nest has been the same. The description of a nest around the world is a structure or place made or chosen by the parents for laying eggs and sheltering their young. They leave the nest alone, go around, and collect nesting material like sticks since sticks are easily accessible, along with some food.Why Do You Never See Baby Pigeons?This is a question asked by many people. While you can easily spot young ones of other birds chirping in their respective nests, you will never get to see the young ones of a pigeon. Let’s find out why.Usually, in the case of Aves species like pigeons, the birds will stay in their nest for a long period of time after laying their eggs. They wait for their babies to hatch and then the mother pigeons stay with their young until they are fully grown. The baby pigeons are called squabs and are born covered in a yellow, patchy covering.Usually, male pigeons collect food and build nests while female pigeons look after the babies. The females will sit in their nests till the baby pigeons grow up into full adults, like their parents. They don’t leave their offspring till their first flight. This is why we don’t get to see baby pigeons.Do Pigeons Reuse The Same Nest?Unlike other birds, a male pigeon builds a nest. He collects the materials like leaves and twigs to build the nest and then places them slowly under the female pigeon.About the nesting habits of pigeons, here is a unique fact. A rock pigeon will build its nest just above the first nest. It will use the same location multiple times. Thus, nests that are years old measure about 19 in (47.5 cm) in width and 7 in (17.5 cm) in height. Thus, it can be said that a pigeon reuses the location and builds one nest above another.How Do Pigeons Construct Their Nests?A male pigeon collects materials for building the nest.Usually, they choose a site and the male pigeon will bring leaves and other materials and place it under the female pigeon. They reuse a location and build one nest above another. The nest is saucer-shaped. The female pigeon sits inside the nest and lays eggs and looks after her young.Why Do Pigeons Nest On Buildings?Scientists claim that pigeons have a natural affinity toward hard substances.Pigeons like concrete structures and places of warmth and shelter so buildings make the perfect nesting location for them. Concrete structures are found in urban cities and therefore pigeons are abundant there. You will also find flocks of pigeons nesting on building ledges and in gutters.How To Repel Nesting Pigeons?Pigeons are often a source of nuisance for people. They dirty the place with their droppings.You can get rid of pigeons by scaring them away with an ultrasonic pigeon repeller, or by using reflective surfaces. Even chemicals like pigeon gel are available, that have proved worthy and effective. The most efficient way of getting rid of nesting pigeons is to remove any source of food near them. Other methods include installing motion-activated sprinklers and using weatherproof strings. Pigeons are a source of food for various predators and larger birds like hawks. So building a dummy of a hawk can drive away a pigeon and prevent them from building their nests.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for pigeon nests then why not take a look at what pigeons eat or pigeon facts?

Pigeons are domestic birds that belong to the family of Columbidae.