Nerium is an extensively grown perennial plant.This small tree is an evergreen ornamental shrub that belongs to the dogbane family. It is a unique species that belongs to the genus Nerium.Hardy pink has salmon-pink flowers, similar to hardy red. Dwarf cultivars such as petite pink and petite salmon are very noteworthy. Many dwarf hybrids were also produced, which have more control and size that is better suited for tiny settings. These varieties include little red, petite white, petite pink, and petite salmon, which reach a mature height of around 8 ft (2.4 m).Classification Of Nerium As A PlantNerium oleander belongs to the family Apocynaceae. This plant is indigenous to Morocco, Portugal, China, Arabian Peninsula, and the Mediterranean region. Oleander is among the world’s poisonous plants, in fact, it is the most poisonous plant or flower in the world. The plant got its name from its likeness to the olive tree.There are wide varieties of Nerium that are classified according to the form and colors of these flowers. Oleander flowers come in a variety of colors, like yellow oleander, dark green oleander, white oleander, pink oleander, light orange oleander, red oleander, and yellow oleander, which are commonly in groups at the ends of these tree branches.Algiers, calypso, hardy red, petite salmon, and sister Agnes seem to be the most common oleander varieties. There is also a special dwarf type called petite pink. Other varieties include hardy pink and red flowers. Five-lobed white flowers, pink flowers, and red flowers bloom in clusters all year, peaking in the summer.Oleander spreads swiftly, growing 1-2 ft (0.3-0.9 m) each year on average. The stem is thick and covered in a layer of gray bark. Sometimes Armillaria, leaf spots, and sooty mold are all things that may attack these trees. The leaves are leathery and thick. They are normally 4-6 in (0.1-0.15 m) long and thin.Did you know Hiroshima’s official flower is the oleander? This was the first plant to bloom following the horrific consequences of the atomic bomb in 1945.Habitat And Distribution Of NeriumOleander is a simple plant that can grow in all conditions and it can live for several decades. The origin of Nerium oleander is not known for certain. But it is commonly connected with the Mediterranean Basin.This tree is drought tolerant, but it prefers to live near river banks in damp soil. It also requires a lot of sunlight and dislikes living in locations where temperatures are below freezing. It can thrive in a wide range of environments when other plants would perish.This plant thrives in regions with adequate sunlight and well-drained soil. It prefers warm, tropical areas to live in. Oleander can tolerate drought and temperatures as low as 0 F (-17.7 C) over a short duration. It has smooth, dark green, thick, and leathery leaves.Nerium is most typically planted as a shrub, but it can also be trained to grow into a tiny tree along a single stem. Although it is adaptable to several soil conditions, it tends to prefer full sun to partial shade and has well-drained and productive soil. The stems are glaucous during the first year, then become grayish as they grow.The Mediterranean region, where it originated, is where Nerium oleander is most usually seen, but it can be found worldwide. Drought and pollution are not a problem for this tree. It also has lovely blossoms, making it an ideal plant for a garden or for planting in road medians.Leaves And Root Features Of NeriumDid you know oleander is a favorite suicide agent in Sri Lanka because of its lethal properties?Oleander poisoning is a common phenomenon. Every part of the Nerium oleander is toxic. This plant contains several lethal toxins like neroside and oleandroside. It also contains a chemical called glycoside, which can influence the heart rate. Studies have proved that these chemicals can slow down the heart rate.Consuming even a small amount of this plant can lead to poisoning. Direct ingestion of this plant can result in shutting down of cardiovascular and nervous systems. There can be many symptoms and side effects of even touching Nerium flowers. Some of the most common symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, eye diseases, and seizures.Despite these dangerous side effects, oleander seeds and leaves have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Bitter, acrid, stomachic, febrifuge, diuretic, expectorant, cardiac tonic, and anticancer are some of the therapeutic qualities of Nerium indicum. It is used to treat cardiac asthma, renal and vesicle calculi, chronic stomach and skin issues, snake bites, joint pains, leprosy, cancer, and ulcers, among other things.The decoction of oleander leaves was employed inside the therapy of scabies to minimize swellings by locals. Malaria is treated with leaves and blossoms of oleander, and traditional medicine uses them to cause embryo termination. Externally, the root powder is used to treat hemorrhoids and vaginal ulcers. Insecticide, rat poison, and parasite treatments are used on the leaves and bark. Kaner is often used as a decorative shrub.Nerium oleander can be utilized in the pharmaceutical business to make a variety of treatments.Bloom Time, Season, And Pruning Of NeriumNerium flowers can typically bloom at any time of the year. However, a sudden fall of leaves can happen on hot days. This is natural in most circumstances, as an oleander leaf only lasts around two years and the plant does not have to lose its leaves over the winter.Pruning oleanders is a breeze. Pruning will result in a plant that is robust, healthy, and produces a lot of flowers. The technique is as follows. Above the leaf nodes, oleanders should be pruned. This is the portion of the branch where three blades will emerge.You can enable new budding for each of the leaf nodes by cutting the joints. As a result, three new branches will emerge from the part that previously had three leaves. Allowing these new branches to grow for a short time and then trimming them (at the leaf nodes) will force fresh branching at these locations.If the leaves get brown and dry on the outside, it could be a sign of sunburn and too much fertilizer. These damages are not repairable, yet they will not harm your oleander. That is why, especially in the summer, you should remember to protect your oleander from the sun.

Nerium is an extensively grown perennial plant.