When discussing space and planets, it is difficult not to include NASA.NASA is well-known for its space exploration programs. NASA is famous for being a place where many highly brilliant individuals work, but what does NASA stand for and what exactly do they do?NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. It is a United States federal agency in charge of air and space research and technology. They undertake massive amounts of scientific studies with people in space and host satellites in the sky to assist scientists in understanding more about planets and their origins, as well as the development of the cosmos, the solar system, and Earth.They also develop space technology for the advancement of space science and exploration technologies, human exploration, and operations for the management of space missions. These include crew missions, missions to the International Space Station, and all operations related to space communications, launching services, and space transportation for both robotic exploration programs and the ones with a crew.NASA’s HistoryThe National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is the government agency in charge of establishing and administering civilian programs of the United States government concerned with aeronautical research and the production of launch vehicles and spacecraft.With the outstanding launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik in 1957, the Space Age began. NASA began operations on October 1, 1958. NASA acquired NACA and its 8,000 personnel when it began operations on October 1, 1958. It was also allocated a $100 million yearly budget, three major research laboratories, and two modest test facilities. The space agency was established to manage space exploration and aeronautics research in the United States. The president appoints the NASA administrator, who is then approved by a vote in the Senate. Bill Nelson is the current administrator in 2021.In 1957, the United States Congress began investigating the possibility of establishing NASA. This sparked the ‘space race’, in which Cold War enemies competed to be the first to launch a human mission to the Moon. By the end of the ’60s, the United States had landed a man on the Moon. NASA then embarked on a human spaceflight program. Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo missions assisted NASA in learning about space, culminating in the incredible event of the first-ever human landing on the Moon in 1969.During the first human moonwalk, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin placed the US flag on the lunar surface. The Moon landing of Armstrong marked the end of the space competition, but Armstrong hailed it as a win for humanity, not just the United States. Five subsequent Apollo missions, the most recent in December 1972, also landed humans on the Moon. A total of 12 men have walked on the Moon throughout the six Apollo spaceflights. These missions also returned a plethora of scientific data to Earth and 842 lb (381.7 kg) of lunar samples.Later, projects like Viking, Voyager, Mariner, and Galileo investigated additional bodies in the solar system. NASA was also in charge of the creation and deployment of several satellites. On April 12, 1981, the first American space shuttle took off from Cape Canaveral, Florida’s John F. Kennedy Space Center.Previous projects include NASA’s Space Station Freedom project with the Soviet/Russian Mir-2 station, the European Columbus station, the Japanese Kibo laboratory module, the Russian-American Shuttle-Mir flights, and the ISS.After the Space Shuttle Program retired in 2011, crew members are now transported solely by Soyuz spacecraft. The Soyuz docks with the station while astronauts complete their six-month deployments, then it returns them to Earth.NASA’s Subsidiaries And Their LocationsNASA inherited its Man in Space Soonest program from the US Air Force. The program considered many crewed spacecraft designs ranging from rocket planes like the X-15 to small ballistic space capsules.The NASA logo is portrayed on the outside of the Vehicle Assembly Building at Florida’s Kennedy Space Center, where spacecraft are prepped for flight. It is one of NASA’s most well-known facilities. On July 1, 1962, it was titled the Launch Operations Center, but on November 29, 1963, it was renamed. The first seven astronauts were chosen from test pilot programs and they were people from the Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. Alan Shepard was the man who became the first American in space aboard a capsule he dubbed Freedom 7 on May 5, 1961, which was launched on a Redstone launcher for a 15-minute suborbital trip.On February 20, 1962, onboard Friendship 7, John Glenn became the first American to be sent into space using an Atlas launch vehicle. Glenn completed three whole orbits, and then three more orbital flights followed, culminating in L. Gordon Cooper’s 22-orbit voyage aboard Faith 7 on May 5 and 6, 1963.NASA’s Work And RoleNational Aeronautics and Space Administration is the name for the autonomous federal government agency of the United States that is in charge of famous civilian space programs, aeronautics, and space research.NASA’s mission has evolved significantly throughout the many decades since its beginnings. NASA has also deployed communication satellites in addition to exploration satellites. Spacecrafts have been launched straight from Earth or from orbiting space shuttles, deploying a satellite or carrying it further with a rocket stage.In space, astronauts undertake scientific research. Space probes research the solar system and beyond. NASA provides training to teachers to assist them in discovering innovative approaches to teach science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Students are also involved in NASA missions to assist them in becoming more interested in studying.NASA assists instructors in preparing kids to become engineers, scientists, astronauts, and other NASA team members by investing in programs and activities that excite students and educators alike. Their headquarters are in Washington, DC, but they have nine locations spread throughout multiple states that house around 17,000 working people.Video Games By NASAHere are a few NASA-released video games that you should try to experience what it is like to be an astronaut!Artemis includes ‘Spaceship Bridge Simulator’, ‘Kinetic Void’, ‘Liftoff’, ‘Microsoft Space Simulator’, ‘Eagle Lander 3D’, and ‘Hellion’.‘Buzz Aldrin’s Race Into Space’ is more a turn-based strategy sim than a space flight simulator.‘Iron Sky: Invasion’ is what the official video game expansion to the 2012 science fiction film ‘Iron Sky’ is called. It combines space warfare simulation with strategic and role-playing game aspects.‘Noctis’ occurs in a fictitious environment with futuristic/fictional elements like planetary landings and intelligent aliens. There are no weapons or fighting.

When discussing space and planets, it is difficult not to include NASA.