A Muscovy duck is a duck breed that is endemic to the Americas.This duck breed, like other duck breeds, belongs to the class of birds. Like other birds, Muscovy ducks also lay eggs.There are two types of subspecies of Muscovies, and these are wild Muscovies and domestic Muscovies. The scientific name of this duck breed is Carina moschata. Muscovy ducks are considered to be one of the largest breeds of ducks. Their breeding populations have increased in the United States. They can generally be found in Florida, Massachusetts, Louisiana, Hawaii’s Big Island, and other parts of North America, including southern Canada. Feral breeds of Muscovy ducks can also be found in parts of Europe, New Zealand, and Australia.While the male Muscovy duck is called a Muscovy drake, the female is called a Muscovy hen. The male Muscovy duck is about 30 in (76 cm) in size and weighs around 15 lb (7 kg). Females of this duck breed are considerably smaller than the males, with their weight being around 6.6 lb (3 kg), which is just half of their male counterparts. Muscovy ducks are generally white and black in color, with their beaks or bills being yellow, black, pink, or red. The black feathers of male ducks are more glossy, while those of female ducks are slightly drab. The wings of these birds may have white bars or patches which can be seen during flight. While wild Muscovies have black-colored bodies, domestic Muscovies come in slight variations of black, which is mixed with white and brown, especially in the head region.Muscovy ducks are domesticated and raised for various reasons. People have been raising Muscovies for centuries. Muscovies, like chickens, are raised as poultry birds. They are kept in a duck house. One of the purposes of raising Muscovies is for meat. Unlike the meat from the other breeds of ducks which are considered to be descendants of Mallard ducks, the meat of a Muscovy duck is much better. Muscovy duck eggs are also considered to be very yummy and are popular and duck eggs are said to be healthier than chicken eggs.What month do Muscovy ducks lay eggs?Muscovies do not mate for life. Similar to Mallard duck pairs, Muscovy ducks have unstable pairs. The males show off in front of the females in order to gain their attention. However, a male does not stay with the female for long after the mating process. The breeding of these ducks takes place twice or thrice per year. The breeding season typically occurs from August to May.The mating of these ducks can take place on land as well as in water. Usually, most duck species lay eggs during the spring season. Muscovy ducks are the same. Once the breeding period starts, the females will begin laying eggs. The Muscovy female, which is known as a hen, will lay a clutch of 8-16 Muscovy eggs at one time.In a year, these ducks can lay around 160-180 eggs. Domestic ducks being raised as poultry animals lay their eggs inside a duck house created for them or natural tree hallows. On the other hand, feral Muscovy ducks breed in urban areas near a lake or a pond. They nest in the cavities in trees, on the ground, under the balconies of an apartment, under a roof overhang, or shrubs planted in backyards.During the night, feral ducks sleep near a water body such as a pond so that they can quickly escape any approaching predator. Since feral Muscovy ducks are considered an invasive variety of ducks, they are often considered pests. Their breeding is often disturbed to curb their numbers. This is done by not giving these ducks anything to eat or shooing them away with noise or any other method.Although pairs of Muscovies are not stable, there is somewhat of a family structure present. This can be seen in how the male remains close to the newly hatched ducklings in the first few weeks. This is to provide them with protection as the young ducklings are still weak. It is also seen that other adult Muscovies also participate in protecting and looking after the young ducklings until they grow to survive on their own.How long does a Muscovy duck sit on her eggs?Eggs of any species, be it chickens or ducks, need proper warmth for hatching. Usually, the female animal or bird provides the required incubation to her eggs so that they hatch on time.However, there are times when the animal or bird is unable to provide natural incubation for its eggs. In such situations, artificial incubation can be provided to the laid eggs. After laying eggs, female Muscovy ducks incubate their eggs for about 35 days. When a hen is ready to incubate, it is called a broody hen. There are various signs a broody hen will showcase that people who raise these ducks can pay attention to. This will inform the caretakers that the duck is about to lay eggs and so they can prepare the necessary environment and other things required by these ducks in advance.Broody ducks will build a nest if one isn’t already provided to them. The nest might be situated in tree cavities for wild ducks, while for domesticated Muscovies, the nest would be situated in their duck house. The eggs are then laid in the nest, and the broody duck proceeds to then sit on them. Each day intil the hatching of the eggs begins, the broody hen goes away from her nest for around 20-90 minutes, but it’s usually only once a day. This break from sitting on the eggs is use by broody ducks to drink water, feed themselves, poop, and even bathe or clean themselves.After the incubation of Muscovy eggs is complete, the hatching process begins. The ducklings take around 24 hours to properly hatch from their eggs. While hatched ducklings that are domesticated can be protected and fed by their owners, wild and feral Muscovy ducklings, after they hatch from the eggs, remain with their mothers for a few weeks to stay warm and protected. Female ducks teach their ducklings to feed independently from a very young age.How to hatch Muscovy duck eggs without an incubator?Hatching doesn’t start until the incubation period of about 35 days is complete. The natural incubator is the body heat of a female duck. However, an artificial incubator can also be used to incubate Muscovy eggs. Yet, then you might wonder if there are other ways to incubate Muscovy eggs which do not involve an incubator at all?An artificial incubator is used by poultry owners who breed Muscovy ducks for meat and egg production. It is necessary for situations when the female duck is unable to sit on all the eggs which are laid at a single time. Artificial incubation ensures that the embryo in the eggs develops properly and the ducklings that hatch from these eggs are healthy. However, there are some specific conditions that need to be maintained during the process of artificial incubation. Professional breeders only incubate eggs which they are sure will hatch.Eggs are incubated and hatch, and ducklings will be born, which will be raised to lay more eggs. Yet, eggs which are too small or moldy are not incubated. These eggs are instead consumed by humans.Without an artificial incubator, ducks eggs would require the same amount of humidity, warm air, and cozy space required to develop. Even the hatchlings need warmth for the first few days or weeks. Since artificial incubators are pretty expensive, some people just try to create the right environment by using other things that can be easily found around them.Eggs need proper heat of about 194° F (90° C) while incubating. The space should also have moisture and humidity. The heat should not just be trapped inside the space being used for incubation. Instead, there should be a proper flow in and out. This heat can be provided in many ways, such as boiling water kept under or on the side, through vents, or even through lights.Yet, the most natural way is to use a brooding bird to incubate the eggs. Interestingly, many experts say that Muscovy ducks are great sitters. They can incubate about 12-15 eggs at a time because of their large bodies. There are only a few things that need to be paid attention to while a duck is incubating. There should be a nesting area for the broody duck. The nest should be big enough and kept in a dark, clean place that does not have any parasites or pests around.If you are getting a separate brooding duck to incubate the eggs, make sure to move the eggs under the duck during the night. Also, make sure you put just enough eggs that the feathers and body of the duck can accommodate.What color are Muscovy duck eggs?Different birds and animals have different sizes, shapes, and colors of eggs. Just for chicken eggs, there are so many varieties. This is similar for duck eggs. The eggs of each different kind vary and change.A Muscovy egg is white in color. There are many reasons for changes in the color of an egg. It could be because of what the hen is being fed, the surrounding environment, or the species. These color changes can be a sign of an unhealthy egg and should be noted. A seemingly faulty egg should then be removed from the rest of the clutch.Apart from the color, if the shell of the egg is molted or soft, then also the egg is not good for hatching. However, it can be used to feed humans. People who are involved in egg production must be careful while choosing the eggs for incubation. The eggs which are not suitable for hatching should be kept aside for other purposes.How can you tell if a Muscovy duck is laying eggs?Muscovies are quiet ducks. They do not quack as often as other species. While the females have a soft vocalization, a drake has a low husky tone. In addition to being quiet, Muscovies are also known for being secretive.If they are given free rein, they will most definitely hide their eggs in places you might find difficult to search. It might be slightly difficult to know when exactly a duck is going to lay its eggs. However, since the breeding period of these ducks is known, it is easy to make preparations for the laying of these eggs in advance. Most of the time, Muscovies start laying eggs in the morning.You can check the pelvis of ducks to understand when they are going to lay their eggs. If the females start brooding, sitting over a spot for long hours to incubate, that means that they have stopped laying eggs. They will continue to sit on their eggs until they are ready to hatch. It is advised not to approach them during this period as they can be quite possessive. Instead, you can just provide them with fresh water and food from time to time.Identifying when hens are going to lay their eggs becomes easy when you know the time of the year they generally start laying and their behavior just before and during the laying process.Caring For Your Muscovy Duck EggsEggs, in general, are fragile objects that have to be handled with extreme care. Muscovy eggs are the same and have to be cared for until they hatch. Muscovy eggs have to be kept safely and in a proper environment.In the wild, these eggs might be protected both by drakes and hens. A drake might also accompany the female while she is laying or incubating. These eggs have to be protected from predators who like to feed on them, such as snakes and rats.Meanwhile, in the domesticated situation for commercial use, there are hundreds of eggs laid at a single time. The job of caring for so many eggs can become quite difficult. Since the eggs are fragile, they are in danger of being broken easily. It can happen while transferring the egg from one place to another. An egg can also get crushed when it is being put under broody hens. Therefore, only aa certain number of eggs should be put under broody hens at a time.Ducks need need a proper and clean environment to incubate their eggs and develop the embryos. They need the right temperature and heat, along with humidity and light. A nest containing the eggs should also be kept in an area that is not only clean and hygienic but also free of pests or parasites that might damage the egg. If an artificial incubator is being used, then the settings of the incubator have to be updated carefully while keeping the required amount of heat and humidity in mind.Even if only a few eggs are being cared for by an individual, then everything that has been mentioned such as temperature, humidity and light should be carefully managed. If there are any issues with the eggs while they are still in the process of incubating or hatching, then professional help might be needed.Did You Know…Although Muscovy ducks are mainly raised for food, their heavy skeletons can also be used to make certain objects. In addition to being poultry birds, Muscovy ducks have another useful purpose. Muscovies eat a large share of pests, which is very helpful for people having pest problems.These ducks were given the name ‘Muscovy’ because these birds eat a lot of mosquitoes. However, although they feed on pests, they can also eat through gardens which can be a problem for people who want to look after their gardens.The meat of this duck is tastier than the other breeds and is also sometimes compared to roast beef. The meat of Muscovies is lean, while the meat of Mallard descendant ducks is fatty.Muscovy ducks are tropical birds, which means they like warm and humid climates. However, they also have the ability to adapt to colder climates. They can thrive as well as survive in colder conditions.

A Muscovy duck is a duck breed that is endemic to the Americas.